Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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    Member Jester's Avatar
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    Gorgon Shop Horse Lord Package

    Alrighty. Now before I lay down $500, I just need to know a couple things. Is this the only way to get player housing? Will there ever be different but comparable packages, i.e.with guild housing? Are there plans to offer a package between $75 and $500? Than you in advance.

  2. #2
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jester View Post
    Alrighty. Now before I lay down $500, I just need to know a couple things. Is this the only way to get player housing? Will there ever be different but comparable packages, i.e.with guild housing? Are there plans to offer a package between $75 and $500? Than you in advance.
    Housing will be available to everyone when it is released. You just get it right away without in-game expense. Packages are always subject to change/rotate without notice. It is very possible more options may become available in the future. Hope that covers it!
    -ADMIN- Jackencola
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  3. #3
    Member Jester's Avatar
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    It answers my question beautifully. Thank you very much. I'll just get the middle one for now, then. Super pumped the shop is up. You guys are awesome!!!

  4. #4
    Junior Member Feyth's Avatar
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    What will the VIP offer us? I know you probably dont have all of it worked out but what are you expecting at this point? More storage more xp?

  5. #5
    Senior Member Vish's Avatar
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    faster re-spawn after death

  6. #6
    Junior Member Feyth's Avatar
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    Taken from the Kickstarter page

    VIP Subscription

    The VIP Subscription is optional and will allow players to support the continued development of Project Gorgon while also rewarding players for their generosity.

    The VIP Subscription* will cost $9.99 a month and will feature the following benefits:

    • Eight (8) Character Slots instead of only four (4).

    • Additional Inventory slots, approximately 24 additional slots.

    • Exclusive in-game title.

    • A monthly allotment of special in-game currency that can be used at a unique in-game vendor. The special vendor will have exclusive minor cosmetic items, experience boost potions, and other neat items! (Note: The vendor will be accessible by non-subscribing players, but they will not receive a monthly allotment of currency.)

    • Exclusive access to the “Autodidactism” skill which will allow players to slowly level up skills while they are offline. (Note: You will be required to learn the skill and collect all required materials prior to using this skill.)

    *The benefits associated with the VIP Subscription are subject to change as benefits may be added, removed, or tweaked prior to launch.

  7. #7
    Junior Member Hayashi's Avatar
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    I bought the Horse Lord package (probably a bit before it was even announced - oops.)

    However, I am questioning which character to "claim" it on.

    Hayashi is a full time, 100% animal. Kyrindia is always an elf, but she's definitely an alt and secondary to Hayashi.

    From what I understand, if I claim the package on Hayashi, I will still get the horse benefits.. somehow. So, that's pretty good. (I would be perfectly happy with having the horse follow him around, even if critters riding horseback would be pretty hilarious.)

    Do you need to decide your custom title before you claim the package? (I would assume so.. oh, indecision... we meet again.)


  8. #8
    Junior Member Cirsee's Avatar
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    Curious if the packages are per character or per account? Would hate to claim on one and decide I don't like the look or the race of my character down the road and loose those benefits.

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    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    The packages are applied per-account. The VIP features (which are still very TBD) are shared for all characters on the account. Other features, such as items, will need to be claimed on a particular character via an in-game button when they're available. (It will work similarly to how the /redeem command lets you redeem gift items... in fact it might literally just use the /redeem command behind the scenes.) We plan to break the features up granularly so you can claim different parts on different characters, though -- the horse(s) and tigers don't have to be claimed on the same character!

    You don't have to (and can't!) pick which character receives each reward yet. However, for other info (such as what title you want), the little golem will ask you questions and record your answers. You can come back later to change those answers, up until we actually implement your feature.

    Custom titles are per-account, not per-character. (But if they were per-character, you could just give your title scrolls to your alts, anyway.) I think that titles are the only part of these particular packages that are actually implemented yet -- but it will still take time for you to receive the title, because we need to add the title to the permanent game data. (It has to go into a "string table" so we can eventually get your title translated into multiple languages.) So after you've given your answers to the golem, it sends us a little notification, and we'll add it into data for the next game update.

    Our game's housing is probably going to be per-account, just because I don't think it'll be reasonable to have every alt pay for their own house. But it might be per-character with a more complex roommate system... that's still up in the air. Anyway, if you get a house with the pack, you're getting one instanced house... which may or may not automatically apply to all your characters, but if it doesn't, I expect you'd at least be able to let them crash at your place.

    Oh, and yes, everyone will be able to buy a house in-game, although they will be quite expensive (many millions of Councils). We will also have a rented apartment system, or something like it, for people who can't afford a house yet.

    Similarly, everyone will be able to buy a horse in-game (and horses are per-character), but the horses included in these packs are on the high end, in terms of stats and genetics. Ditto tigers.

  10. #10
    Junior Member Cirsee's Avatar
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    Citan, I am assuming that there will be ways to change character looks and possibly names after full release? Maybe that would negate my earlier question?

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