Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Discussion in this thread! (But please remember to report any bugs through the in-game reporting system as well. This is a big update with a lot of moving parts, so your help in finding and tracking down problems - so we can get them fixed fast! - is much appreciated.)
Thank you so much for all the hard work we are all very excited to get in and try it all out!
Im really interested to see how the monster critical hits system will work out and am prepared to laugh a lot when some low level boss puts me in the ground unexpectedly. Any chance there will be new death types related to crits?
Thanks for implementing a lot of commonly suggested tweaks this patch! I'm most excited about the new stacking numbers and the storage sorting options, but I'm least excited about getting crit'd and losing Joeh slots.
In my eyes the Casino will never become a true lvl 40 player hub. The teleportation Casino Stone is amazing, finally a great thing for the fast travel. Please, more of those for different locations/dungeons and DO NOT nerf it, ever. But that is pretty much the best thing about the casino, a really quick access to it and Rahu, which makes me happy. Other than that.. Casino has NO council storage, no cotton gin and the guild vault if ofc a new one, which means, and I've said it in the game multiple times before the patch came out.. Serbule is still the winner. The only equal thing between them is that Casino has 4 cows as does Serbule. Other than that.. Casino is not as compact, players have no access to the best storage they have: expanded Serbule Guild Storage (and some Guilds dumped hundreds of thousands of Councils into them, if not millions) and the council storage, that is also great, but not cheap at all. Casino beats Serbule as a place for events, such as the Poetry Jam, because the average fps is higher.. Still, our mules and biggest storages as mentioned above are in the Serbule. Plus, having a Casino Stone makes it a no brainer to stay in Serbule and just tp to Casino at any given time. I'm not sure about this, but the gardening area (garden itself) seems to be a bit too small, 5-10 high level players will have a hard time growing 12-15 items in it at the same time (Serbule wins again). Player Vendors placement is weird IMHO, i'm too lazy to go to the D section in the Serbule Keep, there is just no way that I'll run all the way through the casino, down and up the stairs, etc just to buy a poetry book or whatever. The Overall design is nice, but having a meditation pillar and not having a council storage machine makes me surprised.
Casino Games depend way too much on RNG, they should, but.. If you have a bit of a bad luck you won't advance in both of those games and the other way around.. I've sacrificied a chicken, danced with a tambourine while praying to the RNG God and guess what.. In Monsters and Mantis I got all the way down to the 3rd or 4th floor without even reading or paying too much attention, plus I've found like 4 artifacts, so I just cashed out and got 4 tokens. The next round my luck was so bad, that I was struggling with the first fight on the second floor... Still fun, but not all the time.. My goal is to farm tokens, but when I get down the 3rd floor having no tokens yet.. It just makes me feel like I'm wasting my time in the casino. 3-5-of-a-kind Candy Crush.. It's only good to lvlup the Gaming skill. I'm not and probably never will be good enough to get to good rewards in that game, and that's fine, it's not my cup of tea, but it's really easy to make 300 points in it, if you're paying a bit of attention.
Overall the games feel like the cash sink combined with grind to me. Cash Sink is fine, but I don't like it when the results of my grind depend highly or almost completely on RNG. imho. So, Eliminating that much grind could be a good option. Other players have already made the suggestion to create the versions of those games where you can pay, for just an example, a starting price of 50k councils, but have each artifact be worth 100 Casino tokens (ofc that's too much but 10k to 1 art - 10 tokens seems reasonable! 2 times more cash sink!), otherwise it just takes way too much time to get something really useful. I have no problem with wasting all the councils in the Casino, I'm having a problem when I start to compare Real Time vs Reward ratio of Casino and pretty much any other activity in the game.. Work orders.. Farming mobs.. clearing dungeons.. whatever.
Also, I've just found and reported the bug with the "Great Cloth Gloves" work order.
ps: So, an update, that took so much time to design doesn't even increase the cap of any skill by 10? Not even skills like Compassion? Makes me sad, because I was hoping for some progression or at least some groundwork to help raise the skill cap in the future. Except for the gaming skill and it's not very useful as far as synergy levels go.. yet.. but alright.
ps2: New Icons for some stuff in the game, including bc beakers.
Last edited by Grobyddonot; 09-22-2018 at 01:37 PM.
There's A LOT more added in game than shows up in the Patch Notes, so check into the casino before worrying about the update not being as big as expected.
There are some significant aspects to the game introduced here. I don't want to spoil your explorations, but DO LOG IN before someone else spills all the details!
Last edited by Greyfyn; 09-21-2018 at 02:00 PM.
Reason: added title
I like that you created a new gardening area, but if you want the casino to be a new hub it falls short on the storage.
The NPC is supposed to store gardening supplies and tools but does not store bottles, fertilizer, strange dirt, or cotton. These are pretty common things for gardening and I would consider them part of gardening supplies and tools.
My only note at the Casino gambling feels very underwhelming.
Candy Crush has so few turns you hardly even get to play as consecutive strikes in one turn does nothing but make a lot of ding noises and Mantids and Monsters.. well.. RNG needs to be on your side big time for it to even go.. remotely smooth