Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Junior Member Gardum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fifth View Post
    Sry if I came across as overly negative. It doesn't mean I don't like the game as a whole. I do, I actually like it a lot. It's just the new direction I can't really dig... But that's prolly just me.

    It's just one persons subjective opinion, nothing more. If everyone else is super excited about it then everything's fine.
    I do believe, by the way, that the best thing to do if you really care about the future of the game is to give honest feedback.

    Besides, we haven't even seen the end product yet. Let's wait and see... and hope for the best.
    I agree with you mate, not sure why people think putting gambling into games is a great idea ?
    I have been disappointed in the way the game has been going in the last few updates and this one is not giving me much hope for the final product.

    We are allowed to give our opinion as we have paid to play and those morons that only want to hear their opinion repeated as they like to fan boy for some unknown reason.
    The idea of these threads is to give feed back as I donated and then bought two copies as the game started as i hoped it would and therefore I was happy to put money towards it, now though I have barely logged in for the last month as it's just getting stagnant now and the last thing that would interest me is a casino.
    Hopefully they wake up and go back to the game rather than waste of time fluff.

  2. #12
    Banned spider91301's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gardum View Post
    I agree with you mate, not sure why people think putting gambling into games is a great idea ?
    I have been disappointed in the way the game has been going in the last few updates and this one is not giving me much hope for the final product.

    We are allowed to give our opinion as we have paid to play and those morons that only want to hear their opinion repeated as they like to fan boy for some unknown reason.
    The idea of these threads is to give feed back as I donated and then bought two copies as the game started as i hoped it would and therefore I was happy to put money towards it, now though I have barely logged in for the last month as it's just getting stagnant now and the last thing that would interest me is a casino.
    Hopefully they wake up and go back to the game rather than waste of time fluff.
    Dude I know im one to talk considering ingame im probably the one that complains the most ingame about random crap but if the game dies it dies if it lives it lives all this negative sht is really uneeded do you even know how hard it is to code I do agree in terms of developing a casino might not be the best idea but its better then nothing also I would rather they take their time on what they work on in every detail so later we dont have issues with coding or its becomes a half baked product that sucks

  3. #13
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gardum View Post
    I agree with you mate, not sure why people think putting gambling into games is a great idea ?
    I have been disappointed in the way the game has been going in the last few updates and this one is not giving me much hope for the final product.

    We are allowed to give our opinion as we have paid to play and those morons that only want to hear their opinion repeated as they like to fan boy for some unknown reason.
    The idea of these threads is to give feed back as I donated and then bought two copies as the game started as i hoped it would and therefore I was happy to put money towards it, now though I have barely logged in for the last month as it's just getting stagnant now and the last thing that would interest me is a casino.
    Hopefully they wake up and go back to the game rather than waste of time fluff.
    Constructive criticism is welcome. People try to show their support be being positive isn't frowned upon. Being negative and using words like morons is frowned upon.
    The start of the game has had the most man-hours of work put into it, and has been reworked the most. The later content hasn't been polished and reworked yet, but of course, it will be. That isn't complex work (like creating new in-game systems), it is just very time consuming. I don't think the main idea is for the game to introduce gambling, I think the casino is more likely a testing ground for UI and puzzles. Think how cool it be if you had to solve some visual puzzle or game to unlock an area of a dungeon. Or if NPC had little mini-games you could play against them to gain favor or gifts. The concepts in the casino should be seen as an opportunity to imagine and suggest new content in other areas of the game. It is a building block in the overall game, a new set of tools to introduce fun content and express the lore of the game.

    To your point about things getting stagnant. There is a finite set of content to the game at any given moment. But the amount of content is increased on an ongoing basis. So if you have done the content that interests you at this point you will get bored. But more content you personally like, hopefully will be added in the future. You could provide feedback on what you liked by submitting a suggestion using the in-game form for suggestions. Now it probably won't make the devs completely rewrite the order of their todo lists but it might influence them when decided areas to focus on.

  4.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #14
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    What a thread to wake up to. I'm not sure how "we are delaying the casino so we can make it a hub city worth using", turned into the idea that we're adding hundreds of minigames. So to set expectations right: there are only two actual minigames in the casino and you've seen them in screenshots. There are no others. I cut the other games because they weren't fun enough... and I did that a month ago.

    On the one hand I'm definitely still working on minigames: I spend about an hour at "breakfast" each day testing these two games, banging on them, tweaking them. And there are some other gambling diversions in the hub city that I'm trying to make worthwhile. But the majority of every day is spent making regular old MMO content.

    First, the visuals of the casino didn't pan out. In a nutshell, we tried a new idea and it didn't work: it was slow, ugly, and would be hard to improve in the future. So we had to return to our traditional approach, which is working fine, but means we we basically have to remake the whole casino layout.

    But the visuals are just visuals. Think about all the other work needed to make a good hub city: new interesting NPCs to raise favor with, new player vendors, new storage, new recipes, new abilities, new favors, new hangouts, new work orders, on and on it goes. It's a LONG list and it takes time. None of the remaining work can be outsourced, so it's being done by just srand and I. And we're crunching. We literally cannot go any faster than this, so please bear with us.

    I really hope you'll like the two minigames we're adding, but if not, there will still be stuff for you to do in the casino. If you're bored right now, I seriously suggest trying WoW for a while, the new expansion is out and it's a fun game with a ton of content. And no, I'm not back-handedly disparaging WoW -- I like WoW as a second game. I think it's great for MMO players to play several MMOs. That's because no single MMO can stay fresh forever. You need to rotate between a couple of games. Don't burn yourself out on this game. (Please!) Just take a break.

    Thanks for your support, and I'll be back soon when we have more news to share.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    Citan is a mad man telling people to try WoW! I also like the idea of one day him looking back and saying, of everything the Casino development made people the most crazy. So far we've seen: in-game-housing speculation with the deer in headlights, people not being able to see past Serbule and to talk of Mini-game city.

  6. #16
    Banned spider91301's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    What a thread to wake up to. I'm not sure how "we are delaying the casino so we can make it a hub city worth using", turned into the idea that we're adding hundreds of minigames. So to set expectations right: there are only two actual minigames in the casino and you've seen them in screenshots. There are no others. I cut the other games because they weren't fun enough... and I did that a month ago.

    On the one hand I'm definitely still working on minigames: I spend about an hour at "breakfast" each day testing these two games, banging on them, tweaking them. And there are some other gambling diversions in the hub city that I'm trying to make worthwhile. But the majority of every day is spent making regular old MMO content.

    First, the visuals of the casino didn't pan out. In a nutshell, we tried a new idea and it didn't work: it was slow, ugly, and would be hard to improve in the future. So we had to return to our traditional approach, which is working fine, but means we we basically have to remake the whole casino layout.

    But the visuals are just visuals. Think about all the other work needed to make a good hub city: new interesting NPCs to raise favor with, new player vendors, new storage, new recipes, new abilities, new favors, new hangouts, new work orders, on and on it goes. It's a LONG list and it takes time. None of the remaining work can be outsourced, so it's being done by just srand and I. And we're crunching. We literally cannot go any faster than this, so please bear with us.

    I really hope you'll like the two minigames we're adding, but if not, there will still be stuff for you to do in the casino. If you're bored right now, I seriously suggest trying WoW for a while, the new expansion is out and it's a fun game with a ton of content. And no, I'm not back-handedly disparaging WoW -- I like WoW as a second game. I think it's great for MMO players to play several MMOs. That's because no single MMO can stay fresh forever. You need to rotate between a couple of games. Don't burn yourself out on this game. (Please!) Just take a break.

    Thanks for your support, and I'll be back soon when we have more news to share.
    Pretty sure alot of veteran players know your doing your best take your time it turns out better that way in the long run and also I agree with rotating with mmos I'm not trying to suck up because I b*** alot ingame and not going to be two faced about it pretty sure everyone knows your doing your best my words probably don't seem alot because humans tend to remember the negative more then the positive me especially but keep up the good work and don't get discouraged life goes on in more ways then one rather we like it or not it will sort its way out it just takes time and effort to deal with daily bs and stress

  7. #17
    Member Grobyddonot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShieldBreaker View Post
    Think how cool it be if you had to solve some visual puzzle or game to unlock an area of a dungeon.
    This particular in-game "wall" is not cool, it never was, it never will be. Because it disrupts fun, active, action gameplay in almost every genre. Puzzles are great for puzzle and quest-genre games only. But that's just my opinion. Every single action shooter game I've played would have only been much better, if it had no puzzles in it, because playing a shooter I want to shoot stuff. And the ultimate fact is, that the players, who just want to play, will wiki or google how to solve the puzzle in order to get there faster. No offense and not to undermine current puzzles in PG, but I just read on the internet how to solve all of them, puzzles are just not my cup of tea.

    As for the casino and built-in minigames in general, they're fine, because they are just an additional feauture in any big game. People who love it will enjoy it. People who don't, just won't play them.
    Last edited by Grobyddonot; 08-30-2018 at 09:13 AM.

  8. #18
    Junior Member Fifth's Avatar
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    Thanx for the update, Citan. This is music to my ears.
    Looking forward for all the good stuff!

  9. #19
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    Can I get a quick confirm on whether or not the developer intent is to have vampires the "correct" way in game: forced glittering sparkle effect on their skin. And also for them to have a racial enemy of all werewolves, lycans, and wolves (They gain +4 damage to any hit against their racial enemy). I don't want to invest my time into a game that doesn't have a feature like this which is straight from ALL lore on vampires. Which is of course: They have pale skin that glitters brightly in a very awkwardly fairy like way - making their victims succumb to their seductive awful creepy romantic lines. Upvote me if you know that I am right because you have watched a movie lately that your family MADE you go see and guilted you for not liking it by calling you a "hater".

    In fact, I offer a challenge to anyone in the community: name me a good reason that vampires should NOT sparkle that I can't refute and I will be forced to play only Animal Handling/Druid like the hippy tree hugger I am for suggesting this.

  10. #20
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    how do i delete someone elses post

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