New Brazilian player here. I tried to play this game some months ago, but I was going through a rough time at work, but now I'm back. Started a couple of days ago and am enjoying it a lot. Currently playing as a classic shield guy (surprisingly the shield has attacks), also trying to unlock the maces and other live skills to see how it goes.

What I'm liking about this game is all this RPg feeling to it. Most "RPGs" these days forgot the RP part, I like to read the story, NPCs, books, etc. And so far it's very nice.

What I didn't like a little was the clunky Target UI, resource gathering, looting, etc. I think that could be improved, but well, after I discovered the select next non-combatant and the use hotkeys it became a little better.

I'm also a little worried about the business model after launch, I already saw a lot of games go down because of that in these 15 or so years of online gaming, but I think there's no way to tell until we get more details haha.