I really like the new map. It just has a few bugs, clearly. The resizing, the pins getting stuck in the zoom controls, clearly that's not intended behavior ^-^

I used to leave the map open as a mini-map, but zoomed all the way out. Now it seems superfluous, but I can't zoom out far enough on the new mini-map. Something I'd like on the mini-map: An arrow pointing to some map pins. Or maybe towns that are in visible range. Nearest town or selected map-pin? I really don't use the mini-map because things don't show up on it yet ^-^

I mostly drop a bunch of pins for surveying, but I usually have one or two NPCs marked with pins, too. (I wish I could keep temporary and long-term pins separate.) When I'm surveying, I leave the map out and big covering the right side of my screen. I'm basically running around with it in my hand.