Hello, I'm interested in joining your guild. My ign is arakiel.
I'm new to PG but I've been playing mmo since '01 and I'm usually very active on discord.
I should be on most evenings (PST) and weekends.
edit: Invite accepted, thanks!
Hello, I'm interested in joining your guild. My ign is arakiel.
I'm new to PG but I've been playing mmo since '01 and I'm usually very active on discord.
I should be on most evenings (PST) and weekends.
edit: Invite accepted, thanks!
Last edited by arakiel; 01-16-2018 at 09:20 PM.
Would also like an invite to the guild, I have played PG in the past, but that was when it was a starting cave and not an island so it has been awhile. Long time MMO player starting with EQ looking for a good group of people to start a new game with.
In game name is polthewarrior, will be on around 8est, can also try to get hold of an officer then as well!
I’m also interested in joining up. In game name is same as forum name. Long-time EQ Player here and looking forward to hanging with some other old school gamers. Thanks!
Hey if there's still room I'd love to join. IGN same as forum name, just started playing a few days ago but have put a lot of time into it already and am really into it.
Bailiwick is one of the guild leaders of Asheron's Legacy and a great person to contact ingame to get recruited and he likes showing people around.
My in game name is Bannen for now. I messed up and didn't realize I could permanently save my usual name Prognek as is my Forums name. Hopefully I will be able to regain my legacy name some day. I played A/C in Thistledown, as Prognek the Og, for years until RL made it impossible for quite some time. Much to my dismay, as I have read others comments, I found it was shut down. I deeply regret not having been there for the final days and moments. I am and will forever be jealous of those who were.
Anyways, I would love to join a guild of gamers from the old days and games if you'll have me. I try to play most evenings, some days during daytime as time allows.
Edit: In Game Name is now Prognek
Last edited by Prognek; 02-11-2018 at 11:59 PM. Reason: Grammar - I'm tired and can't think clear
My ingame Name is Thrawn aswell. Id like to join an active group of players.
I have longtime MMO experience and so far quite like this one. Hope it will continue to develop in an enjoyable way. Ill try to get one of the officers, so far no luck.
best regards, Thrawn (the bat)
I'd really love to join!
I've made a post in the introduction forum area,
and 2 of your members from this guild told me they were from here!
So, I'd really love to be a part of Asherons Legacy =D
In-game name is the same as this one!
Howdy fellow “Gorgonites”
I too am an old school MMORPG player. I’ve only been exploring P:G for a couple of days now.
For my history; I Started out in EQ up through Velious (and a bit after with PoP) and played AC from time to time with a best friend of mine. I’ve played more MMOs than I care to mention at the moment, but the crucial ones - forgoing the aformentioned - were AO, DAoC, and SWG. Rarely did I make it to the end game, instead I kept enjoying alts and the social aspects of the community while helping others out on quests.
I’ve returned to college and do not have an endless amount of time to play but I’d really like to enjoy my time playing by building a relationship with kindred souls of the old mmo days and explore all the game has to offer with a new network of friends! I’m really looking forward to getting necromancy.
My ingame name is Morfiend and I would appreciate it if I may interview with Asheron’s Legacy and see if I would be welcomed in learning and exploring PG with AL.
Thanks for your time!
Last edited by Faeothin; 03-19-2018 at 03:02 PM.
Also looking to join - in game name is Fiyo.
Played TD to start and moved to DT back in the day. Been here a couple weeks, and enjoying the depth so far. Ready to do stuff we other people now though.