Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member kabbutto's Avatar
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    Banned ingame for submitting a bug

    It seems that i have been banned also for raising an issue in global chat, i have all of the chat screenshotted so that everyone can see there was no offensive comments, also no insulting comments. Only issues and thoughts that are being brought to light

    On that note, I will say again that I belive that the devs are not communicating their intentions effectively. I am trying to understand the mindset here. And I have reservations about the community interactions when the Steam launch occurs. This is due to the fact that I feel players are getting slammed for raising concerns, the fact these concerns are not in accordence with the devs wishes could easily be aliviated if the devs would reply, put a throttle in place, give a warning or a myriad of other practicle applications. I also undertand that the team is very small and very busy. Again these are my thoughts on an issue that has occured in game over the past 24 hours which has now has had the effect of 2 temporary bans, all because of a bug in the game.

    Here is the original thread Rintao tried to post on the forums and was instantly deleted.


    It seems I've been banned in game for sending in too many tickets. I would say I sent in about 10-15 tickets total, but only because I have not been getting any responses at all.

    I was in a Gazluk Keep run with a few members last night and things were going smoothly until we came across a boss named Zukelmux The Intrasigent. To those of you who have not yet experienced this boss' curse, the effects of this curse are summarized as "You have a 50% chance to be stunned upon taking melee damage." I engaged in this boss fight with my party members, and to no one's surprise, my client crashed right in the middle of the fight. I promptly relogged right back on to try and loot the corpse to remove the curse, but to no avail, the curse still remains. I sent in a ticket to have this checked out but I received no responses.

    I tried to contact PG personnel via their Facebook page, and to my dismay, my message was read but no response was given and was ignored.

    I sent a few extra reports via the bug report system in game ever so often, probably once every 20-30 mins. I waited until today to see if any kind of response was to be made on any of the reports or messages I sent in order for this bug to be addressed and my curse to be cleared.

    My messages were still being read and ignored via Facebook, and no responses in game at all were sent to me.
    I decided to take it upon myself and try to run the dungeon again to get the curse removed. I cannot thank the people enough who helped me out in the Gazluk Keep run today to remove the curse off my character. But alas, that victory was short lived, since about 10 minutes after I had the curse removed, PG decided to ban me for sending too many bug reports.

    Getting banned for sending in too many reports seems a little bit excessive. If you are concerned with being "spammed" with bug reports, you should have implemented a timer throttle on how many bug reports a single account can send.

    Your actions taken in response to my minor actions on bug reporting really has me questioning your methodology towards customer support. What will you do when you decide to launch this game via Steam? As far as I know, my messages have been profanity free and respectful. I cannot imagine what you will do to those in the Steam Community who decide to play this game and don't get a swift response to their bug reports.

    Once again, I thank everyone in my guild and those who participated in the Gazluk Keep run earlier today for aiding me in removing my curse.

    I just feel that the response taken for my actions were unjust for a ban. Not even a warning was given.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. #2
    Member Yaksnot's Avatar
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    hmm this is interesting, where was the original post?


  3. #3
    Junior Member kabbutto's Avatar
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    general as well

  4. #4
    Junior Member Ramacide's Avatar
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    Hmmm. delete happy but not response happy....

  5. #5
    Junior Member Ramacide's Avatar
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    .... god I fear for when (if rather) they go to steam....

  6.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #6
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    Yes, I see you were banned briefly for spamming the ticket system with literally DOZENS of the same ticket, within 24 hours, and it wasn't even a bug. You got disconnected and didn't get credit for a kill... that's unfortunate, but not a bug. There's not even anything we could do for that.

    We're a tiny team, just a couple of people. We try to read over bug tickets daily, but we can't possibly respond to a ticket within minutes or hours or sometimes even days. And frankly, dealing with tickets like yours, that don't actually have a bug, are very low priority. This is alpha, the game is very far from being finished, and the top priority is finishing the game. So alpha testers must have patience -- that's a requirement of playing at this time.

    We've never banned anyone due to the contents of a single bug report, regardless of what it says (so far, at least), but sending in DOZENS of back-to-back tickets is intentionally clogging up our ticket system, and that wastes our precious development time. So stop it.

    Then you broke the code of conduct by trying to raise shit about a ban on the forums and in chat. Milking bans for drama always makes things worse, not better, so we don't allow it. This isn't some crazy new idea -- "don't bitch about bans on the game's forums" is hardly some weird new rule you've never seen before. So stop it. If you disagree with a ban you should contact support@projectgorgon.com so we can review it.

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