I played this game back in 2017 before the steam release and official beta, i did not donate to the kick starter at the time and am wondering if i am able to buy in at this point and then still play my old character or will i need to start fresh?
I played this game back in 2017 before the steam release and official beta, i did not donate to the kick starter at the time and am wondering if i am able to buy in at this point and then still play my old character or will i need to start fresh?
You can still reclaim your alpha account if you remember the login info. If not, then you'll need to contact support@projectgorgon.com for help.
-ADMIN- Jackencola
-GUIDE- Rummencola
The game provides a way to recover or access older accounts. If you can't find clear information, consider reaching out to the game's customer support.