Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Reikiko's Avatar
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    Support-type abilities (and their lack of a concentrated skill)

    Crowd control. Buffs. Debuffs. The primary elements of "support" classes in MMOs, something that's more or less died out, but also something I've personally always wanted to play. The idea of having a skill setup whose main purpose is to enhance the performance of my party and debilitate the enemy has always strongly appealed, so I've long wished that Project: Gorgon would have a skill that's primarily oriented toward that playstyle. I think that it does have the abilities in place, but they're spread among a large variety of skills, making it effectively impossible to come up with a build that's targeted toward those things, with only *slight* deviations into healing or damage.

    In my attempts to find a suitable build - or better yet, encourage the developers to consider a support-focused skill (I still think "illusion magic" has a lot of potential~), I've gone through the wiki and Gorgon Explorer to try to note down every ability - whether it needs a mod to function this way or not - that fits into what I think of as 'support.'

    This list does not include specific damage type vulnerability debuffs, or most buffs that only affect specific damage types (other than mitigation), since those would need very targeted parties to work with. I'm also not including mere *chance* to CC unless it's continuous or AoE (see Song of Discord) - a support's CC should be certain, not this "50% chance of stunning" nonsense! I've also put in bold the abilities that I think are worth focusing on in particular as the possible core of a support build... if the skill had enough support abilities to make one.

    Archery - Snare Arrow - Mez
    Archery - Mangling Shot - Stun
    Archery - Hook Shot - Pull
    Archery - Modded Poison Arrow - Damage Debuff (extremely minor)
    Archery - Modded Snare Arrow - Rage Debuff
    Archery - Modded Bow Bash - Knockback
    Archery - Modded Mangling Shot - Slow (Minor)
    Archery - Modded Mangling Shot - Damage Debuff (extremely minor)
    Archery - Modded Restorative Arrow - Specific Mitigation Shield

    Bard - Entrancing Lullaby - Mez
    Bard - Virtuoso's Ballad - Damage Buff
    Bard - Moment of Resolve - Mitigation Buff
    Bard - Anthem of Avoidance - Evasion Buff
    Bard - Modded Song of Discord - Stun Chance
    Bard - Modded Song of Bravery - Damage Buff Chance
    Bard - Modded Blast of Fury - Knockback
    Bard - Modded Anthem of Avoidance - Evasion Buff, Evasion Buff, Knockback Immunity
    Bard - Modded Moment of Resolve - Anti-Stun, Anti-Slow, Anti-Root, Speed Buff
    Bard - Modded Disharmony - Damage Debuff (extremely minor)

    BC - Mutations - Buffs
    BC - Modded Extra Skin - Mitigation Buffs

    Druid - Heart Thorn - Damage Debuff (worthwhile)
    Druid - Rotskin - Mitigation Debuff
    Druid - Cloud Sight - Accuracy Debuff
    Druid - Modded Pulse of Life - Mitigation Buff (elemental)
    Druid - Modded Rotskin - AoE Mitigation Debuff
    Druid - Modded Cloud Sight - Accuracy Debuff
    Druid - Modded Fill with Bile - Max Health Buff
    Druid - Modded Regrowth - Mitigation Shield
    Druid - Modded Energize - Mitigation Shield
    Druid - Modded Healing Sanctuary - Accuracy Buff

    Fae - Fairy Fire - Evasion Debuff
    Fae - Modded Fairy Fire - Situational Stun
    Fae - Modded Astral Strike - Stun
    Fae - Modded Fae Conduit - Elemental Damage Buff

    Fire - Defensive Burst - Knockback
    Fire - Modded RT Ball - Damage Debuff (extremely minor)
    Fire - Modded Defensive Burst - Damage Debuff (extremely minor)

    Hammer - Seismic Impact - Slow (Major)
    Hammer - Leaping Smash - Knockdown, Universal Vuln
    Hammer - Rib Shatter - Concussion
    Hammer - Modded Way of the Hammer - Mitigation Buff

    Ice - Tundra Spikes - Root
    Ice - Frostbite - Concussion
    Ice - Freeze Solid - Mez
    Ice - Blizzard - Slow (Minor)
    Ice - Modded Frostbite - Damage Debuff (Minor)
    Ice - Modded Frostbite - Rage Debuff
    Ice - Modded Frostbite - Accuracy Debuff
    Ice - Modded Tundra Spikes - Delayed Stun
    Ice - Modded Tundra Spikes - Evasion Debuff

    Knife - Hamstring Throw - Slow (Major)
    Knife - Marking Cut - Evasion Debuff
    Knife - Modded Fan of Blades - Knockback

    Mentalism - Adrenaline Wave - Damage Buff
    Mentalism - Pain Bubble - Damage Amp
    Mentalism - Modded Electrify - Stun
    Mentalism - Modded Reconstruct - Mitigation Buff
    Mentalism - Modded Reconstruct - Speed Boost
    Mentalism - Modded Health Wave - Mitigation Buff (Weird Typing)
    Mentalism - Modded Panic Charge - Knockback

    Necromancy - Deathgaze - Fear
    Necromancy - Death's Hold - Root

    Priest - Corrupt Hate - Delayed Stun
    Priest - Tether Soul - Auto-Rez
    Priest - Unfetter - Anti-Stun, Anti-Root, Anti-Slow
    Priest - Modded Mend Flesh - Mitigation Buff (minor)
    Priest - Modded Triage - Evasion Buff
    Priest - Modded Unfetter - Anti-Knockback

    Psych - Cause Terror - Fear
    Psych - Love You - Damage Debuff (worthwhile)
    Psych - Psychoanalyze - Rage Debuff
    Psych - Mother - Mez
    Psych - Modded Mother - Damage Debuff (minor)
    Psych - Modded Confidence - Accuracy Buff, Damage Buff
    Psych - Modded Love You - Stun
    Psych - Modded Ridicule - Accuracy Debuff (one attack)

    Shield - Fight Me - Knockback
    Shield - Emergency Bash - Knockback
    Shield - Stunning Bash - Stun

    Staff - Redirect - Knockback
    Staff - Headcracker - Situational Stun
    Staff - Pin - Slow (Major)

    Sword - Parry - Damage Debuff (one attack)
    Sword - Modded Many Cuts - Situational Stun, Situational Knockback

    Unarmed - Barrage - Stun
    Unarmed - Cobra Strike - Situational Stun
    Unarmed - Hip Throw - Knockback
    Unarmed - Front Kick - Knockback
    Unarmed - Modded Kicks - Slow (Moderate)

    WW - Calm Skies - Anti-Knockback
    WW - Hailstorm - Slow (???)
    WW - Please Let Us Target Allies With Wind Ward Instead Of Only Self ;-;
    WW - Modded Deluge - Melee Accuracy Debuff
    WW - Modded Deluge - Situational Delayed Stun (Ranged Attackers)

    Cow - Bash - Stun
    Cow - Modded Clobbering Hoof - Situational Damage Debuff (Minor, Elites Only)
    Cow - Modded Deadly Emission - Knockback, Damage Debuff (one attack)

    Deer - Deer Bash - Stun
    Deer - Modded Cuteness Overload - Knockback

    Bat - Virulent Bite - Concussion
    Bat - Modded Wing Vortex - Damage Debuff (one attack)

    Lycanthropy - Pouncing Rend - Situational Stun

    Pig - Porcine Alertness - Evasion Buff
    Pig - Frenzy - Melee Damage Buff
    Pig - Pig Punt - Knockback
    Pig - Modded Grunt of Abeyance - Mitigation Shield
    Pig - Modded Mudbath - Mitigation Buff
    Pig - Modded Frenzy - Mitigation Buff (extremely minor)
    Pig - Modded Porcine Alertness - Accuracy Buff, Stun Ignore Chance

    Rabbit - Rabbit's Foot - Evasion Buff
    Rabbit - Thump - Slow (Minor)
    Rabbit - Bun-Fu Strike - Delayed Stun
    Rabbit - Love Tap - Rage Debuff
    Rabbit - Modded Rabbit's Foot - Evasion Buff

    Spider - Grappling Web - Pull
    Spider - Gripjaw - Stun
    Spider - Web Trap - Root Trap

    Fox - Dimensional Snare - Root
    Fox - Modded Nip - Damage Debuff (one attack, extremely minor)
    Fox - Modded Soul Bite - Damage Debuff (one attack, extremely minor)
    Fox - Modded Spirit Pounce - Knockback

    Warden - Apprehend - Pull
    Warden - Stun Trap - Stun Trap
    Warden - Coordinated Assault - Melee Damage Buff (one attack)
    Warden - Modded Privacy Field - Situational Delayed Knockback
    Warden - Modded Coordinated Assault - Max Health/Armor Buffs, Damage Buff, Miniscule Mitigation Buff

    Bard seems promising, but the long cooldowns on the relevant abilities hurt quite a bit.
    Druid has some decent debuffs, but not really enough to build around completely. Sadly, Cloud Sight is melee range, which really hurts its usability.
    Hammer's Leaping Smash seems amazing - but I hear the knockdown duration is very short, and gets shorter just like stuns.
    Ice Magic has some of the best abilities around for a support build in fully modified Tundra Spikes and Frostbite - but nothing really beyond that and the mez, so you'd still only be working with half of a skill oriented toward support.
    Priest's Unfetter and modded Triage are great boons, but the skill is overall a lot more healing and fire damage focused, not support outside of that.
    Psychology has a pretty good variety of support abilities - but it doesn't really feel good to use, somehow? I've tried.
    Weather Witching is new, of course - and Wind Ward would be amazing if we could target others with it instead of only ourselves! But then outside of Deluge, it doesn't offer much.
    Pig is full of good abilities, it looks like. I wouldn't be surprised if Pig/Psychology turned out to be one of the better support options, as things stand right now. Downside, it requires being a pig.
    Rabbit's Foot is wonderful, and carries Rabbit on its own toward being support-viable - but it's just that, on it's own. Yes there's also a delayed stun and a rage debuff, but that's still only half a skill even with those, and again, melee range can be hard to get into if there's many melee among a party crowding in.

    I suppose that sums up my thoughts, but I'd love to have a discussion about how we could make support a useful, viable, but not strictly necessary role in a party, and how a truly support-oriented skill could look.

  2. #2
    Junior Member johnnaranjo's Avatar
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    Wow! This is what I am looking for. Thanks for sharing it

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