
For anyone who doesn’t know how to unlock phrenology and wants to discover it on their own stop reading now…

I stumbled on this myself and since I was already fluent in goblinese, I was able to talk with Glajur. After doing his favors and becoming friends with him he offered to teach me phrenology for a small fee of 0 councils! The problem is that clicking the button to train does not do anything.

This was after the last big update that the problem started. I logged out and in multiple times to see if that might correct it but no luck. I even returned to Glajur’s location on a separate visit days later to see if he changed his mind but still the issue persists.

I was hopeful the last patch might have fixed this. So anyone who wishes to train phrenology having achieved the necessary prerequisites at this point will be on standby until a fix is created. Hopefully soon!