RE: Wanted to post some feedback on the changes and also on the event as a whole.

The Fairy death anchor is a big win and a huge help.

The change from 4 hrs to 6 was actually amazing - with less runs to go it seems people finished/burned out later. I did 9 of the 12 runs and they all ran pretty smoothly. I would love to see this changed from an x hrs after the boss died to a set schedule of every 6 hours. A lot of time is spent waiting for bosses to respawn from previous runs depending on how that boss went for the previous group.

I would also like to see the "tag" criteria go away on the bosses. Perhaps something like looting is all thats required or a combination of being in the map when the boss died and then looting can get you credit, but this event comes with a lot of tension. There was a lot of complaining about people engaging the boss too quickly while people were zoning. I don't think its reasonable to expect everyone to know to wait, how long they should wait, etc. and I don't approve of the shaming people were engaging in (I think you can assume engaging the boss wasn't mal-intended), but I think the fix here isn't to get everyone on the same page, but to remove the situations where people are actively attempting to participate and not getting credit b/c the boss goes down too quickly. I assume a lot of "obvious" solutions are also abuseable (if just looting is required you could quick cycle through alts), but right now I think the worst part of this experience is the negativity/disappointment it brings out in people.

On that note I think the gaz portal could be changed to port people to near the pink world boss portal in the wilds - there's a fair amount of confusion when people get to gaz and you're chaining two loading screens by putting them first into GK.

Another idea that I think could speak to both of these pain points is if killing the previous boss initiated a 5 minute spawn timer on the next boss or something like that. This would guarantee some down time for people to zone while speeding up the big wait times at Claudia.

Overall still a nice event and this iteration definitely had more consistent turn out (at least for the non 6am runs) which was nice.