I agree that the new zone is 'brutal', but if you prepare and adapt for it, then it becomes much easier.

(Please note: I use a max geared and level 70+ toon, so my experiences may not match yours)

There are 3 main things I have had to address:

Damage type
Use Fire (with a healing secondary skill) - I have used Fire /Druid, Fire /BC and Archery /Druid mostly so far.
e.g. Use Fire Arrow if you use Archery
With Fire /Druid, I have soloed up to 5 non-elite mobs at once and can easily kill single non-elite mobs
Without fire in my build (e.g. Archery without Fire Arrow), I usually die to a single troll
Note: A Priest /Mentalism (fire build) worked, but was marginal whilst UA /Psychology (with fire Headbutt mods) got me killed in most fights

By using top level food, snacks and flower buffs + mana regeneration spells, I have very few mana issues even when fighting multiple mobs at once

Flight makes the zone so much easier as you get to pick when and where you fight

Note on elite mobs:
Currently these are too tough for me to solo and require a group - which is good as it indicates that the difficulty is about right.