Devout worship of Ormorek (despite the fact that he doesn't want your worship) could grant powers in line with his Bitterness, vestiges of Dwarven nature, and his gradual, unwilling transition into the God of Stubborn Respawning. (Brought about by the generational efforts of the Dwarves, and the suicidally persistent "worship" of the Unwanted Children of Ormorek Prodigies.)

Here's a suggested sidebar ability:

"Just One More..."

Side Bar Ability: Return to life with 10% health. Can only be used when dead and suffering from Alcohol Withdrawal.

Description: Death comes to us all, but not like this? No! Not .... sober! Ormorek's bitter power fills you and refuses to let you escape the pounding headache and shaking hands of sobriety. You return to this world, if only long enough for one more drink.