Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    FAQ - Suggestions - Questions and Answers

    We are looking to update the FAQ and we would love to see suggestions in the format of Questions and Answers! Specifically, what are the frequent questions that you see in-game (or otherwise) and what are the typical answers?

    This is very helpful as we formulate the official FAQ and we appreciate the input.

  2. #2
    Senior Member poulter's Avatar
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    Questions that I am often asked:

    How do I leave the tutorial island?
    How do I return to the tutorial island?
    How do I get to /from Serbule /Eltibule /South Serbule?
    Where are the Crypts?
    Why is Serbule so laggy?

    What do the different colours on gear mean?
    Where can I sell things to?
    Why can I no longer sell things to an NPC?
    When can I sell things again?
    How do I get the necro skill?

    How can I get more inventory space?
    What is favour?
    Can anyone tell me how I can get <item > needed for favour?
    Why do I need food & snacks?
    What is the difference?

    How do I use first aid kits?
    Can I have more than six abilities on the skill bars?
    Why aren't my abilities working on the vertical bar?
    What happened to my rat from the tutorial island /How do I make it permanent ?

    What do I do next /Where do I go?
    How do I configure my UI?

  3. #3
    Member Corax's Avatar
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    One meta-FAQ that I have frequently dealt with personally is, "Why doesn't the game have X?"

    The answer is often, it does, you just haven't earned/discovered that yet, so ask in-game, keep leveling relevant skills, talk to every NPC to see what they train. (It might help if NPCs offered more hints about what they'll eventually give you as you favor up, but that's a game suggestion not an FAQ.)

    Another FAQ I'd offer that's a little indirect is, "Why would I barter with that NPC for a white item when I am constantly getting better gear as drops?" It's not at all clear from the UI that you'll get random mods added to that gear that are (usually) tailored to your active skills, and I missed out on good stuff for weeks because of that.

  4. #4
    Member Corax's Avatar
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    Some first drafts of answers, without giving away absolutely every detail. I put non-answers in <<double angle brackets>>.

    Quote Originally Posted by poulter View Post
    Questions that I am often asked:

    How do I leave the tutorial island?
    There are two ways to leave the island. Both involve solving puzzles, and one involves much more combat.

    Spoiler Spoiler:

    How do I return to the tutorial island?
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    How do I get to /from Serbule /Eltibule /South Serbule (aka Serbule Hills)?
    You can only cross zones at specific points on the map. Look for glowing blue "donuts" on the north or south edge of these maps (more or less). You might want to put marker pins on the map so you can find them later. Open the map window, click, and enter a name for the pin.

    • Serbule->Eltibule: Go north from Serbule Keep, follow the left fork of the road north to the building with the mantises, and the portal is slightly northeast of that.
    • Eltibule->Serbule: The portal is pretty much smack in the center of the south edge of the map.
    • Serbule->Serbule Hills: Go out the south exit of the keep, follow the road more or less south to the center of the south edge of the map.
    • Serbule Hills->Serbule: From the Tapestry Inn (in the northwest part of the map, due west of the exit from the tutorial island), go north and slightly west, following the road.

    Where are the Crypts?
    The Serbule Crypts are in the southwest corner of the map.

    Why is Serbule so laggy?
    There are often a lot of players in Serbule, and sometimes big events happen that bring a lot of monsters too. All of this puts a strain on your computer and can result in lag.

    What do the different colours on gear mean?
    See the wiki page on items.

    Where can I sell things to?
    Many of the NPCs you meet offer a "Shop" option where you can buy, and often sell things. Usually an NPC will only buy items similar to what they sell: the weapon & armor vendor, for example, only buys weapons and armor. There are a few vendors who will buy anything, but like all vendors, they have limited cash on hand each week to buy your stuff. Choose what you sell, and to who, wisely. It's better to sell to somebody who takes the specific item than to sell it to a vendor who will buy anything.

    Why can I no longer sell things to an NPC? When can I sell things again?
    They are probably out of cash. Look at the bottom left of the sell window to see how much money they have to buy things from you. Hover over that for a tooltip showing when they'll have money again. Note that the more favour you have with an NPC, the more cash they have to buy from you.

    How do I get the necro skill?
    With help from friends. Seriously. Ask in-game; players are often happy to show you and take you through the steps needed.

    If you'd like to figure it out, you'll still need a group. Head to the crypts and start exploring. You will face powerful foes, and tricky puzzles, the clues to which are all in there, but not laid out in an obvious sequence.

    How can I get more inventory space?
    Personal inventory is available via items that offer more slots. These can drop as loot, or be crafted. You can ask other players to make you such items, but they may cost a lot of money. Joining a guild is generally a good way to get help with storage.

    Off-hand inventory, known as storage, is avaiable from various NPCs and some chests in the game. As you increase your favour (see below), some NPCs will offer to stow things for you. Good NPCs to start with for storage are the Baroness Marith Felgard in Serbule Hills, and Marna or Joeh in Serbule Keep.

    What is favour?
    Favour is how much an NPC likes you. The more they like you, the more things they will offer you, such as storage, or training, or crafting recipes. It also affects how much they will buy from you each week.

    Can anyone tell me how I can get <item> needed for favour?
    If this info isn't available on the wiki (in-game, type "/wiki <item>" and it will open the appropriate page your web browser), ask in game. Someone is sure to know!

    Why do I need food & snacks?
    Food and snacks keep your energy up. Just like in real life, your character needs fuel to maintain his health and power (and armor). Better-quality foods and snacks replenish your energy faster.

    What is the difference?
    <<To be honest, I don't know if there is a difference other than you can have one of each. I have also never tested whether eating a lower-quality food after a higher-quality food overwrites the better buff.>>

    How do I use first aid kits?
    Just have them in your inventory, and use the First Aid skill. You need to put that on your side bar: right-click the side bar, choose "Choose Special Abilities..." and in the window that appears, find your First Aid skill icon and drag it onto the side bar. Note: The skill icon is under "Special Abilities" in the list of skills on the left, not "First Aid".

    Can I have more than six abilities on the skill bars?
    Your primary and secondary skill bars can have only six abilities each. There are secret ways to temporarily have more skills on the side bar, which you will eventually discover.

    Why aren't my abilities working on the vertical bar?
    Some abilities that aren't supposed to work in the vertical (side) bar can be put there, but you can't use them and they won't stay there if you cross zones or log out of the game. This is basically a bug. <<Based on my experience.>>

    What happened to my rat from the tutorial island /How do I make it permanent?
    The rat you got from the tutorial island was temporarily charmed, not tamed; eventually it will wander off. To permanently tame a rat, learn the Animal Handling skill from the NPC Gisli in Serbule Keep. He's on the north end of the keep, by the stable with the cows wandering around. He will teach you the basic skill to tame a rat. You need a piece of cheese in your inventory for it to work.

    You can tame any rat wandering around Serbule (Giant Rat), or in the Serbule Sewers (Sewer Rat), or in Serbule Hills or Eltibule (Giant Plains Rat). The Sewer Rats look different and have different special abilities. See the wiki for more info.

    What do I do next /Where do I go?
    Look in your quest log (the crown icon on the right side bar). You have Stuff to Do in every zone, plus Quests and Favors. Talk to every NPC you meet and check out the Do Favor option. Most NPCs have things they would like you to do, and some have more things as you gain favour with them, so recheck every time that goes up. Also check what training they have. You can gain new combat, crafting, and other skills from many NPCs. Training offered can also increase with favour, so check that too each time favour goes up.

    Wander around and see what's out there! You will find enemies to fight, puzzles to solve, and dungeons to explore. Some you can do alone, some you need friends to tackle effectively.

    Learn how to make stuff. You probably left the tutorial island with a crafting skill or two. Open your crafting window (the cauldron icon on the right side bar), and see what you can make. You might need to hunt down the ingredients. Ask other players where you can find them.

    How do I configure my UI?
    Click the gear icon at the bottom of the right side bar. Explore your options and change what you like.

  5. #5
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Don't know if you are focusing exclusively on in-game questions, but here are some of the general questions about the game that get asked.


    Codedog Wrote"
    What Am I Buying?
    I've been searching for a while now and I cannot find any description of what I get for $39.

    For instance the demo is limited to 1 character, how many characters will I be able to create?

    Is the purchase guaranteed for all versions, or will it expire in a month when the game goes subscription?

    Do I get access to all features of the game or will there be in game purchases added? Housing, mounts etc.

    I really think it is to the developers advantage to make this kind of information obvious on the Steam store page if you expect people to plop down the cash!

    Thank you!
    My Answers:
    "...how many characters...?"

    Owning the game gives you access to 4 character slots.

    "Is the purchase guaranteed for all versions, or will it expire in a month when the game goes subscription? "

    The game is never going subscription, the game is Buy 2 Play. Once you buy there is no cost to play, you can play it all you want.

    There will be an optional VIP Subscription, it is optional and you don't need it to play. The Devs are still working on the details. They want to make sure it is free of perks that would give tangible, meaningful gameplay advantages. One perk that is being tested and looks like it is likely part of VIP is being able to save book text in-game to a file on your computer for reading off-line. An additional 4 character slots was mentioned on the kickstarter as being part of VIP, but
    the kickstarter VIP description is out-of-date to some degree and need to wait for fresh details on it.

    In the far future, there will hopefully be Optional Expansions, i.e. Sea Faring and Deep World Mining and other optional side game play. These will be optional in that they don't impact on playing the game in general or completing the main quest line. So not needed to play the game, and will be a separate purchase from the main game.

    "Do I get access to all features of the game or will there be in game purchases added? Housing, mounts etc. "

    When housing and mounts are added to the game they will be attainable by completing in-game activities. The same for unlocking the playable races, Dwarf, Orc and fairies. There will be no pay to win shop in-game or out.

    Why the price?
    Why does it look like that?
    Localization for <insert country here>?
    What is being wiped at launch?
    When is launch?
    Where is the roadmap?
    Why no/limited PVP or is there any? Citan basically answered this already somewhere.
    Will there be Steam Acheviements?
    Is the game Open World? No, zone based.
    Game population size or what are you going to do to increase it?
    Linux Support?
    Non-Steam Version?
    No "Quit" Button? (assume talking about before character selection, and not sure if this is more problematic on a mac or not)
    Where do I find file <x> that the game made?
    Will my demo progress carry over after purchase? Yes.
    Is there a skill point cap?

    Can point to examples in most cases of these questions if more context is needed. Sampling of some questions people have been asking.

  6. #6
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    One i see a lot lately is:
    Q: How do i swim down?
    A: By default both F and PgDown are bound to swim down (and R/PgUp to swim up). These can be rebound in Settings --> Keys if desired.

    Also just a reminder that there was another thread about this a while back:
    Last edited by alleryn; 01-04-2020 at 04:09 AM.

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