Hello! Thought I'd go ahead and do something I rarely if ever do - post on the forums. Spooky.

I came across this game while aimlessly haunting youtube, I can't remember if it was TheLazyPeon or someone else that did a review of it that peaked my interest, but needless to say I really wanted to check it out. I'm a lover of older RPGs from Ultima to Might and Magic, and didn't really get my start in MMOs until Vanilla WoW. I sadly never got to try one of those sandbox MMOs with skills you level up, as I didn't have any friends who played Runescape and the like. Although I thought 40 was a steep price for a game like this at first, I've quickly poured 20 hours into the game and can't put it down.

I'm a freelance artist, so most of the time if you see me in game I'm sitting in Serbule afk while I work. I'll probably be poking my head into the guild recruitment section after I'm done here. Hope to see yall around!