These guys... sheesh... I like making friends with NPCs as much as the next guy but not only are all three of them kinda jerks they also seem to have little to offer new players when it comes time to portion out favor

I spend a fair amount of time giving directions to new players asking where to find trainers for skills they want to learn, which is fine, but it sometimes feels a bit like over-helping, and many new players have complained that maybe this type of information should be more available in game

I appreciate the way P:G intelligently presents needed information and trainers organically, but I think it might just add a nice touch to the game if these three malcontents could be induced to play a bit larger of a role in their respective communities: Specifically, maybe they could help noob adventurers find services and notable NPCs in their zones

In the event the adventurer is asking about a skill that can be trained in a different zone, they could be directed to ask the know-it-all busy-body in that zone for help

If this suggestion has merit and gets implemented in some form, someday (or you have other reason to dig into the Serbule code,) could I make another more selfish request?

Please, for the love of all that's good in the world, could you please retrain Nelson Ballard to meander around somewhere else that's not so in the way all the time? The bookshelf in Serbule is possibly the most popular place in the game and Nelson seems to ALWAYS be in the way, either blocking the bookshelf or the door... maybe at least remove or reduce his hitbox?