Quote Originally Posted by Spiritfingers View Post
Even with the business that I run, I've noticed that a lot of websites aren't compatible with IE. Is that ever going to change? Was it an easy fix for you to get IE users to see Gorgon Explorer?
The thing about websites is that while they are mostly all written using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, each browser has its own implementation of those things. Each browser implementation of a particular feature differs not only from other browsers (e.g. Chrome is different from Internet Explorer) but also differ within different versions of themselves (e.g. the build planner does not show up correctly on IE10 but does show up correctly on IE11)

As an example, the css for the gradient background Gorgon Explorer uses actually contains 3 separate properties:

background: -webkit-radial-gradient(#4f4f4f, #1c1c1c ); <- for webkit browsers such as Safari and Opera, and previously Chrome which now uses its own variation
background: radial-gradient(#4f4f4f, #1c1c1c ); <- for non-webkit browsers that support gradients such as Firefox
background: #2a2a2a ; <- a fallback to a solid color just in case someone is using a weird browser that does not support gradients at all

In the case of CSS, things will just look weird. The bug Julcat was experiencing was Javascript related, and an oversight on my part - I was using Object.values(), a function which converts a Javascript object containing a bunch of other Javascript objects (the format that Project Gorgon's data is in) to an array of objects instead, which is the format it needs to be in in order to display it in the table. When I realized that the built-in Object.values function was not supported by IE11, I just wrote one myself (it's not all that hard to iterate over an object and add all the objects within to an array then return that array)

So the short answer, as with anything is: yes, it was easy, but only because it's a problem I've tackled before and could easily track down the solution to. A bug caused by lack of browser support can ultimately range in difficulty from "easy" to "impossible" depending on what exactly the cause is, and how much time one is willing to spend filling in those gaps.