I've just got around to trying out Surprise Throw and Fan of Blades.

Those are two hard abilities to get into since you need the knives to try them out. I've done some blacksmithing now and carpentry plus toolcraft and make the low level knives, but realize this is going to be an expensive hobby.

5 X Simple Metal Slab
20% of a peening hammer
1 Sharpening stone


10 Simple throwing Knifes (38 piercing)

Given you can use the skill every 45 seconds, and you might want to that. It is 80 times an hour or 40 slabs an hour. Of course you may only use 10 in an hour say.

The problem is that for Surprise throw 7 you need 5 masterwork slabs. The damage is less than that of backstab 7, but it is a ranged attack. So I am not overly excited about the throwing knives at the moment. Even if materials were cheap I am not sure there would be a good reason to use it, but I've not investigated the mods yet.

The story of fan of blades might be different, but still it will require those slabs.

I've seen exactly 1 person use throwing knifes so far in game, and that person was me, so I dare say there may be a bit of a problem here, unless someone can tell me where I've gone wrong in my thinking - and of course having not yet been able to try out the top end throwing skills. I think at the moment you're better off with psychology for ranged attacks, or some such other ranged skill that you happen to have that doesn't have the 45 second cooldown plus the must be not focused on you constraint.