We have a new sunrise shot here.
For now, that's the only new UI stuff.
We have a new sunrise shot here.
For now, that's the only new UI stuff.
Hello everyone
Here are some new short, environment videos without a UI. I started puting these in playlist's no make it easier to know what you have maybe already seen or just navigate in general.
Learned a few new things that help keep things a bit cleaner.
Please leave a like, subscribe and set notifications. Leave a comment let me know what you think about the channel and what you would like to see?
I try to stream 2-3 times a week as well, please come by, hang out. Talk about the world that is Project Gorgon.
We will be annoucing a give away soon as well.!
ima try to see if i can snag some cool footage when the server comes back.
btw any chance we could turn this into a contest too? or get some goody bags for the best videos like the screenshot thread? i came a bit too late and didnt know about that contest and its over XD
but yea ima see what footage i can get
*edited* heres some footage i made real quick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xazsUwoYRHE
not the best but did a short timelapse of serbule and a nice sunrise <3
Last edited by pandakiller; 06-09-2018 at 04:00 PM.
I will try and get some gameplay Vid's up soon... Just started playing so getting a bit used to it! ;-)
I got into streaming and recording this game a few months ago and haven't really looked back. Started a modest YouTube channel to aggregate my finished videos:
I certainly would not mind taking requests for videos, as I am usually short on ideas as to what to record. Best way to reach me is in-game on SausageJavelins or Mangs, but I try and peek at forum messages as often as I remember.
If anyone has interest in helping out, I'd love to see HD video of areas of nature that you find interesting or beautiful. Don't forget to turn off the UI while recording (see the keybind in the settings)! You can upload to YouTube as unlisted (or otherwise) and share the links here.
I posted a link but I think it's broken. UGH!
Last edited by Zeiss; 08-18-2020 at 09:12 AM.
Had a nice Zen run where I just ran forward in a straight line with UI turned off in 1st person perspective in several zones.