Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #21
    Member ShubiMaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HiFiWiFi View Post
    Hi guys, just wondering where the files are downloaded and installed to, having trouble finding them, and the launcher redownloads all the files every time I uses it.
    If you are using ubuntu you can try this

    1. open a terminal with Ctrl + alt + T
    2. type the command to update ur file index: sudo updatedb
    3. type the command to search ur file index: locate project | grep gorgon

    This should give u a list of locations where ur system detected project gorgon files

  2. #22
    Member SausageJavelins's Avatar
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    My current CLI output using Debian Testing 4.9.0 after running the latest Gorgon Linux Launcher listed on this thread::

    User interface "tk" not available
    Getting welcome message
    Getting latest pglauncher version
    • pglauncher version:
    - Current: 1.1.3
    - Latest: 1.1.3
    Getting latest vanilla launcher version
    • Launcher version: 6
    Offical launcher version is version 6; however this launcher is only compatible with version 5

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/home/chris/Downloads/pglauncher/pglauncher/ui/cli/main.py", line 62, in run
    File "/home/chris/Downloads/pglauncher/pglauncher/patcher.py", line 480, in patch
    raise PatcherOutdated(version_latest)
    pglauncher.patcher.PatcherOutdated: Offical launcher version is version 6; however this launcher is only compatible with version 5

    Press enter to exit…
    I suppose this is being worked on, but I did not see any other posts and did not want to assume. Thanks!


  3. #23
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    As a possible quick workaround, I edited the patcher.py file in my pglauncher directory and changed line 78 to:

    (from 5). This at least has my client downloading the patch, although I don't know yet whether it is going to actually run or not. I think it may also be downloading everything from scratch, ugh...

    I'm going to grab breakfast and update this post in a bit, depending on how it goes.

  4.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #24
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    Version 5 and 6 are both compatible, for downloading purposes, so you can just change that number in the config. But there seems like a different minor issue -- I think the launcher software you're using is reading from the wrong version file. It should be reading the file at client.projectgorgon.com/launcherversion_linux.txt , which is still set at 5. I think it's reading launcherversion_win.txt instead.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Thanks, Citan! I can confirm that my client worked just fine after I changed the launcher version to 6, and I was able to log into the game and play.

    I've updated the github page to make sure shardragon will see it (although I think he's subscribed to this thread now anyway).

    Edit: Until we get an official launcher patch, a better interim fix than the one I originally posted would be to change the way the patcher.py file reads the version from the server in line 443. You can search patcher.py for:

    class LinuxPatcher(Patcher):
    URL_LAUNCHER_VERSION = "http://client.projectgorgon.com/launcherversion_win.txt"
    and change that to
    class LinuxPatcher(Patcher):
    URL_LAUNCHER_VERSION = "http://client.projectgorgon.com/launcherversion_linux.txt"
    And the game should work.

    Edit2: Well, that's embarrassing. I've been using the older command line launcher instead of the new self-patching pglauncher. Finding and editing the patcher.py works fine for my version obviously, but the fancy self-patching pglauncher seems to be all one big binary file? I'd been vaguely assuming it was updating my old patcher directory, but that appears to be incorrect. So, for everyone using the new pglauncher, you may just have to wait on the real patch. Sorry!
    Last edited by Tagamogi; 03-25-2017 at 10:57 AM.

  6. #26
    Junior Member Arindor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post
    Edit2: Well, that's embarrassing. I've been using the older command line launcher instead of the new self-patching pglauncher. Finding and editing the patcher.py works fine for my version obviously, but the fancy self-patching pglauncher seems to be all one big binary file? I'd been vaguely assuming it was updating my old patcher directory, but that appears to be incorrect. So, for everyone using the new pglauncher, you may just have to wait on the real patch. Sorry!
    I'm also using the command-line launcher and your suggestion worked great for me. Thanks!

  7. #27
    Member SausageJavelins's Avatar
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    I applied Citan's and Tagamogi's fixes to no avail. It yields the same error message after updating both 'puters to latest Debian Stretch 4.9.0-2-amd64 and despite changing URL_LAUNCHER_VERSION to "..._linux.txt" and PATCHER_LAUNCHER_VERSION to "6" in patcher.py

  8. #28
    Member SausageJavelins's Avatar
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    -=| UPDATE |=-

    So I was looking at the patcher.py file, and noticed a URL
    URL_PATCHER_DOWNLOAD = "https://ipfs.io/ipns/QmZ86ow1byeyhNRJEatWxGPJKcnQKG7s51MtbHdxxUddTH/Software/Python/pglauncher/pglauncher"
    I grabbed the file, executed it, and it began downloading file chunks for the game. After a short while it stopped with this error:

    Downloading file: ProjectGorgon_Data/level17 (6/21)

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/home/chris/Downloads/pglauncher/pglauncher/ui/cli/main.py", line 62, in run
    File "/home/chris/Downloads/pglauncher/pglauncher/patcher.py", line 495, in patch
    self.patch_file(entry_target, entry, force_file_checksums)
    File "/home/chris/Downloads/pglauncher/pglauncher/patcher.py", line 532, in patch_file
    self.download_game_file(file_path, asset_name, entry["Chunks"])
    File "/home/chris/Downloads/pglauncher/pglauncher/patcher.py", line 631, in download_game_file
    compressed_total, compressed_offset
    File "/home/chris/Downloads/pglauncher/pglauncher/patcher.py", line 681, in download_game_file_chunk
    compressed_total, compressed_offset, asset_name)
    File "/home/chris/Downloads/pglauncher/pglauncher/patcher.py", line 316, in _fetch_with_progress
    File "/home/chris/Downloads/pglauncher/pglauncher/patcher.py", line 667, in callback_data
    decompressed = decompressor.decompress(data)
    zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect data check

    Press enter to exit…
    It seems to go away after re-executing the file. Same results with the laptop. Currently downloading game file chunks on both as I type this.


    Oops! Tried making this an edit, apparently I made a quick reply instead. Not trying to farm posts, it's just been a long day!


    In-game and checking out the changes. Thanks for the pointers, folks!
    Last edited by SausageJavelins; 03-25-2017 at 06:22 PM.

  9. #29
    Junior Member Shad's Avatar
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    Launcher still not working. It downloaded the whole game all over again and the CLI ended with a {press enter to exit} and back to desktop.

  10. #30
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SausageJavelins View Post
    I applied Citan's and Tagamogi's fixes to no avail. It yields the same error message after updating both 'puters to latest Debian Stretch 4.9.0-2-amd64 and despite changing URL_LAUNCHER_VERSION to "..._linux.txt" and PATCHER_LAUNCHER_VERSION to "6" in patcher.py
    You don't want to do both at once - if you change the URL_LAUNCHER_VERSION to "..._linux.txt", you want to leave the PATCHER_LAUNCHER_VERSION at 5.

    There's a check in the launcher that compares the URL_LAUNCHER_VERSION to PATCHER_LAUNCHER_VERSION and exits if they aren't equal to each other. If the URL_LAUNCHER_VERSION is set to"..._linux.txt", its version will be 5, and if it's set to to "...win.txt" it will be 6. So, you want to make sure that your PATCHER_LAUNCHER_VERSION number matches the number returned by URL_LAUNCHER_VERSION file.

    Edit: I just realized there was another page in this thread and you already made it into the game hours ago. Congrats! I guess I'll leave my post up anyway in case someone else is tempted to do too much of a good thing.
    Last edited by Tagamogi; 03-25-2017 at 10:13 PM.

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