I main Fire/Ice, and it fits very well into my solo play style; I would like to create my first "swap" class combo to be used in dungeons. Now as more people join PG, the opportunity to run dungeons is growing substantially. After running Labs/GK I have noticed that the 2 main scenarios that get groups killed are:

1.) Bad pulling (or team attacks before pulled mob is fully brought back to group) - This leads to mobs screaming and pulling entire rooms of elites.
2.) Lack of power/healing/cc

This build is primarily for option # 2, I am looking for a build that focuses on mp5 > healing > cc.
- I already have 70 Mentalism and I feel that this is a must have for mp5 (please correct me if I am wrong).
- What do i chose for a 2nd skill?

Please share your ideas and successes you've had in creating a group support build.