Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.


Type: Posts; User: Crissa

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  1. Replies

    Practical Summoning being Teleport 12 means I'm...

    Practical Summoning being Teleport 12 means I'm just going to give up on this game ever really being playable.

    I've kinda been waiting for some more inventory help but... This was not it.

  2. Eventually you get the higher books and have...

    Eventually you get the higher books and have something to look forward to...

    ...Which makes me think there needs to be some enemies that always drop the early books, so they can't be missed. ...
  3. The random chance not to get what you want is not...

    The random chance not to get what you want is not a bug.

    It's seriously annoying.
  4. Replies

    Yeah, I missed that clue, too. Mostly because...

    Yeah, I missed that clue, too. Mostly because the mantises weren't in the house when I looked in it originally ^-^;
  5. I think the timer is stupid. But the specific...

    I think the timer is stupid.

    But the specific problem here is that a deer loses their equipment when being turned into another animal.
  6. Replies

    I didn't know you could do that!

    I didn't know you could do that!
  7. Replies

    Some games had a system by which you could force...

    Some games had a system by which you could force an out-of-combat by sitting down. If nothing actually hit you, you would fall out of combat after n number of seconds, nevermind what was going on...
  8. Replies

    Leave it as is? But he adds and changes items...

    Leave it as is? But he adds and changes items all the time, hence, where they go in the sort needs to be added into the game. So he can't 'leave it' unless you want the sort to be 'as things were...
  9. Replies

    It's not that it might destroy a weapon: It's...

    It's not that it might destroy a weapon: It's because random chance on enchantment is is a bad mechanic which penalizes anyone who doesn't have the time to grind. It's a grind at the end of a...
  10. Replies

    I always liked environments that interacted with...

    I always liked environments that interacted with user activity. Paths created by patterns of movement, roads maintained by pattern of support. There's certainly mechanics in the game for skills...
  11. I don't know how to do the first step, despite...

    I don't know how to do the first step, despite having it in my inventory for awhile now and rep with Voo.
  12. Replies

    The problem with a random chance is... ...

    The problem with a random chance is...

    ...Well, one group might have wiped because the RNG just hated them while another skated because the rolls were in the right places for them.

    You need...
  13. Batman has a long history of being adapted into...

    Batman has a long history of being adapted into different media, genre, and artistic styles. The original comic was detective noir, the first tv show was slapstick humor. Even hardcore fans are not...
  14. spider91301 Ahh, yes, that might be. ...


    Ahh, yes, that might be. Generally the body builds a tolerance towards the energizing effects of caffeine. It's part of the addictive cycle. Still, caffeine has many prophylactic...
  15. At that intake does the caffeine even do anything...

    At that intake does the caffeine even do anything positive? O-o
  16. How is posting to something within a couple weeks...

    How is posting to something within a couple weeks 'necro' anyhow? It's not like it was a two-year old argument with no new anything...
  17. Yeah, lighting, but shouldn't two pieces the same...

    Yeah, lighting, but shouldn't two pieces the same color have the same tinging problem?

    Unless they're different material, and even then it shouldn't be so dramatic.
  18. Replies

    There's no particular reason why not. A 'pile'...

    There's no particular reason why not. A 'pile' of loot could just be a container that you can't add things to and can only remove everything from all at once. Or loot could be a stacking object...
  19. Abilities sometimes have a descriptor, like...

    Abilities sometimes have a descriptor, like 'core', and something that boosts 'core attacks' boosts abilities that have the 'core attack' descriptor.
  20. Actually, Citan has said that manufactured items...

    Actually, Citan has said that manufactured items are supposed to have a small profit. But that they haven't covered all items. So... Report it.
  21. Replies

    I would like more things to stack, rather than...

    I would like more things to stack, rather than more spaces. If I have a pile of rings or cloaks or armor from the dungeon, can't it be just a pile? I don't mind sorting through these things. I...
  22. Why can't armor patch kits and first aid kits be...

    Why can't armor patch kits and first aid kits be something made by armor crafting (like leather and cloth for instance). They're consumables that players need constantly...
  23. Replies

    Oh, thanks Taledar!

    Oh, thanks Taledar!
  24. Replies

    The health bars and the tool tip are by default...

    The health bars and the tool tip are by default attached. You need to find the little frame widget and slide it over... It's a pain. I feel your pain, as that's how I deal with the timing issue as...
  25. Replies

    I just want storage I don't have to think about....

    I just want storage I don't have to think about.

    Sure, I'm only trying to collect a few things at a time... But there are always stacks of inconvenient items or leftover food in my bank, and I...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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