Yeah I got booted and can't get back in.
Type: Posts; User: urgatorb8
Yeah I got booted and can't get back in.
I agree that having everything stack to at least 99 would be an amazing change - how hard can that be and why would that be game breaking? I'm looking at you fertilizers, waters, empty bottles,...
I agree with your two points noted above but would add the following...
* Allow me to split a stack directly from the bank instead of having to first move it to my inventory, split it, return it...
I hadn't really thought about it that way but what you say makes perfect sense. The part about a specific item versus a more broad category of item that your specific item falls into. Gems versus...
Awesome, thanks for the tips. I was not aware of that ability. I think my First Aid is around level 27 or so, I'm really terrible about using it routinely. Sames with Armor Patch. I need to get on...
Yeah I have been making some of those, too, and gifting them but not to Yagreet. I haven't been to Sun Vale yet. I have made a few Enhances Pinneal Juices but needing the additional beet and the...
Everything I've seen and read about BC supports what you just said.
I think my Industry might be around level 10 right now.
I haven't got any of the ink recipes yet. I just haven't wanted to...
Sounds like there's at least three of us that have a similar mindset on games. For all the griping I've done about storage and selling, I am really enjoying PG and I do focus my attention on what I...
Hey, good overall points to consider. Well thought out and not argumentative :) I agree with much of what you say about it being choices - but in some cases (my butter examples not being one of...
Thanks for sharing the other poster's post....
I'm like him in that I like to solve problems, and I am constantly doing that in PG. I still contend that an approach like he is offering does not...
My God.... I know I am a newer player but I thought the max was like around 65 on your person. You're telling me it's 100? I'm glad to hear it but I'm 50/50 right now and only have about 50-ish...
You're mistaking tedium with difficulty. I respectfully, disagree on your points.
I am one of those new players and I found the whole inventory situation a real bugger. I DID put forth the...
Oh, that's right. I forgot about that. I am a cook and I did make some veggie dishes (about 10 for now) but didn't have time to run them out to her yet. I'm feeling senile today. Yeah, hopefully...
I just skimmed through most of this thread and there are a ton of great ideas here. I, too, am one who loves the game but is very frustrated trying to make my storage options work for me. I'm only...
Looks like I have to get her favor up one level to Neutral before she'll give me the quest. Guess it's time to farm strange dirt to give her since she offers no quest initially to get some favor. ...
1. Thank you for your responses. Regarding the inventory folders, I must have got my second one as the result of Anatomy 25 or Endurance 50 (probably the former). Nice to know there are others. ...
Ah, thank you. I don't recall that quest so I'm guessing that's the issue. Hopefully her quest is not gated behind favor because I don't think I've paid much attention to her yet. Thanks for the...
I'm having trouble getting the quest "Kar-Get on Villas Wake" to update in Eltibule. According to the Wiki, you need to enter the upper tower above the entrance to Eltibule Keep and click on the...
Hey there,
I've been playing PG for about 1 month now and loving it. There are a few random things that I would like to understand better and was not able to find the information on the Wiki. ...
Thank you for this post - it's immensely helpful as it tells me not to bother with favoring him up. I have almost zero potions right now but was interested in stashing the ingredients I'll need...
I'm not exactly sure how the items that are excluded are involved in executing Alchemy recipes yet. Are the exclusion items considered finished products or are they sub items that are typically used...
Wow, this is very smart. I hadn't thought about it this way. I may go this route instead of a straight turn in of stomachs.
If someone can confirm if Charles in the tent's storage slots only...
Thanks. Yes, I have no vision of becoming BC any time soon. But I might as well start doing what I can now towards that goal :)
I finally got the favor the other night with Theresse (I think)...
Good info and advice. Thanks. Yeah, I was starting to sense that Alchemy would not only be a grind but also making stuff that I really don't care to use. I'm not a fan of hot-barring potions...
Thanks, guys. Last night I bought a Organ Knife for 700 council from a vendor stall. I went to Serbule Hills to do quests and slaughtered quite a few animals and ended up getting two more stomachs....