Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.


Type: Posts; User: Tandiril

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  1. Replies

    - Max enchant change: looking good, just need...

    - Max enchant change: looking good, just need some recipes now for all the slots to actually use them. Hopefully soon(tm) :D
    - New mods for beginners: I get the idea, however some of those look...
  2. Replies

    Personally I am still on the fence on the...

    Personally I am still on the fence on the max-enchant change. I think it is a complex problem, considering mod slot distribution, different skills needing different amount of mods to be effective...
  3. Replies

    Wow I missed that one xD maybe the admin boosts...

    Wow I missed that one xD maybe the admin boosts were still on :D
    On a more serious note, my experiences are similar to what you described, really good gear and you still need to tread carefully.
  4. Replies

    I have never heard anybody say that lighting...

    I have never heard anybody say that lighting lamps solo in pretty shoddy gear is possible, let alone in 30 minutes, ever. Really curious where you heard that. I agree with the lamp lighting, the...
  5. Replies

    Damn, I wish you all the best. Stay strong, you...

    Damn, I wish you all the best. Stay strong, you two.
    Comments on the game components:
    1) A povus-like statehelm ... that would have sucked^^ Also nice to hear that the decay rate gets reduced for...
  6. Thread: Povus-palooza

    by Tandiril

    I am not saying it doesn't work, I am saying that...

    I am not saying it doesn't work, I am saying that it sounds like an exploit.
    It's one thing to have a group and quickly light a lamp because you happen to be next to it, but organizing an event...
  7. Thread: Povus-palooza

    by Tandiril

    Sounds great, if I can manage it I will join! One...

    Sounds great, if I can manage it I will join! One thing though

    That sounds...questionable to me, to put it mildly^^
  8. Looks OK to me, the only thing I am not convinced...

    Looks OK to me, the only thing I am not convinced about are the character slots. Or to be more precise, VIP to be the *only* way of having additional character slots.
    - If my membership runs out...
  9. Replies

    Thank you for the answers, that clears up things...

    Thank you for the answers, that clears up things :) It's also very interesting that mobs damage does indeed scale linearily. I believe you, however it definitly doesn't feel that way. The jump from...
  10. Replies

    The skill is definitly situational, but I think...

    The skill is definitly situational, but I think that is the point behind it: you go into turtle mode whenever it seems sensible, and exit it when it's not. For free. I agree that it will be most...
  11. Replies

    First things first - Ilmari desert: very nice,...

    First things first
    - Ilmari desert: very nice, finally the lemon trees make sense^^ Just fix the boulders please, rn they are sometimes solid and sometimes only solid after you walked through half...
  12. In response to what Celerity wrote: When...

    In response to what Celerity wrote: When considering the cost vs the use of Windstep shoes, the reason for different opinions on that matter might also be that those have a rather large level range...
  13. Deldaron, maybe I am underselling it. Tbh, after...

    Deldaron, maybe I am underselling it. Tbh, after writing all this, I was wondering what I would do with my windstep shoes now, and decided I would probably make use of d) and use it purely for...
  14. Wanted to also put my 2 cents here. Some of it...

    Wanted to also put my 2 cents here. Some of it you can also find in an ingame suggestion

    Overall I like the idea. There are some items out there where it is really shame that you cannot get a...
  15. Replies

    Awesome, and it works for me in Firefox again,...

    Awesome, and it works for me in Firefox again, nicely done!
  16. Sent some logs. Just to restate a maybe IMPORTANT...

    Sent some logs. Just to restate a maybe IMPORTANT fact here as well: When I log in with my own spider character, the bug already happens at character selection. Maybe that helps
  17. Yes, Win10 here

    Yes, Win10 here
  18. I hope this is the proper thread for this. This...

    I hope this is the proper thread for this. This issue does not seem to affect others, as visible in the first picture (sorry for the language) only I seem to have that problem.
  19. Thank you! Renaming the settings file worked. I...

    Thank you! Renaming the settings file worked. I will try to find out which setting broke it.
    EDIT: I will abort the setting troubleshooting, saw the login screen. In my defense, that window was...
  20. Ah so there is a thread, probably looked too...

    Ah so there is a thread, probably looked too soon, almost started a new one^^

    So, I downloaded the Beta Client to test the new version. My account of events:
    I logged in on my main character...
  21. Replies

    I agree with this and I think it's the core issue...

    I agree with this and I think it's the core issue here. People love thorns and similar skills for a reason, they are simply too strong at the moment.

    These responder skills:
    - are long time...
Results 1 to 21 of 21