I know. I mentioned this in the post you quoted :p
My point was that because you cannot talk to the NPC without using an illusion, you, as an animal player, have no idea that the NPC is even...
Type: Posts; User: Delfofthebla
I know. I mentioned this in the post you quoted :p
My point was that because you cannot talk to the NPC without using an illusion, you, as an animal player, have no idea that the NPC is even...
I've come to a couple of very simple conclusions after reading all these posts, trying various things, and expanding my character.
Having progression gated behind money is not fun.
Having to pay...
I just exit game with the button on the escape menu.
Maybe it's related to the fact that I snap my chat into the bottom left corner? I do not drag it somewhere and release it, I let it "snap" into...
Both. My chat does not save to the location I had it at prior to logging out, and I accidentally move my player/target/pet frames at least once per session.
My apologies. I will refrain from making such statements in the future.
I just feel that being able to lock your UI is the barest minimum requirement for a game's UI, and not having that for...
Bro we've been waiting for a Lock UI button for over 4 years.
You aint getting any of this.
Well, except For the simple reason that it's already possible. Just right click on the action bar...
I guess I had just hoped that flat damage to an attack that caused a dot would allow the dot to benefit from that boost as well. I don't even mean on a per tick level, just "20 attack damage" divided...
I did some testing over the weekend to test and verify Yaffy's formula, and I came to one unfortunate conclusion: Nothing boosts DoT / Indirect damage unless it explicitly says so. Not even flat...
Ok thanks.
This is great info, thanks!
So does this mean that all the weirdness with "conditional / external" damage is gone? Those values get rolled up into "Multipliers" and "flat damage"? Does this mean...
I'm king of thread necro these days, but hey, the forums aren't exactly bustling with activity.
Does anyone know if this is still accurate? I'm also somewhat curious how this formula changes for...
All difficult content is easily handled by simple having two skillsets with stuns and/or fears in your group, and rotating between them off cooldown.
I definitely agree with you here,...
Pretty cool stuff you got here Proffessorcat. Your Staff/Druid with a crossbow build makes me jealous as an animal player. I'm a sucker for abusing unconventional or alternate forms of stat boosts...
Any chance we could get this to show skill damage tooltips with the gear mods applied to them?
Oh I wasn't aware of this. Neat.
Not an unreasonable request, but I have to ask--isn't dying in serbule with a hardcore character basically painless? All that happens is some of your items are disabled until you get back to your...
Looks like you've already got the bones of the discussion sorted out Citan, and I tend to agree with you on all fronts here.
But the real question is, why should I own a house? Why do I want one?...
I don't necessarily mind either, and I agree that the interconnectedness is a good feeling at its heart. I'm just saying that these points strongly encourage you to level every single skill in the...
Can you elaborate more on this? How exactly do you choose which has more rolls? Is it just the primary vs auxiliary gem choice? And if you use augmentation to "block" a power, is that so that you can...
Yeah that has helped a lot.
bro the dev has been selling mounts since like 2016. They aint commin anytime soon.
Completely agree. These would be massive improvements.
We'll lose our favor???
Yeah I've been cherry-picking whichever orders I can, mostly so that I can get industry to 25 and not have to pay 20k to open a player shop. I'm assuming I need like 30-40 before I start to get the...
Sorry, the thought of leveling another tradeskill and favor grinding only to hit another wall kind of riled me up.
Correct. There is nothing fun about sitting at max level in the only dungeon...