Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.


Type: Posts; User: Ransel

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  1. Replies

    No worries Greyfyn, I'm done with the thread. ...

    No worries Greyfyn, I'm done with the thread.

    I don't think there is anything productive being presented in this thread and I doubt the intentions of the OP as stated earlier.
  2. Replies

    I find your opinion of the community absurd, but...

    I find your opinion of the community absurd, but I wish you well with whatever other game you end up playing.

    Your posts come across as a person with an axe to grind against the game and not a new...
  3. Replies

    If you are in a guild of like minded people then...

    If you are in a guild of like minded people then why are you soloing so much.

    Your story doesn't check out.

    My advice stands, make/join a guild of like minded people or play something you find...
  4. Replies

    I'm not sure toxic is a great way to describe a...

    I'm not sure toxic is a great way to describe a portion of the community, but ok.

    I'll give you some advice. It's ok to not like a particular game style in a sandbox game, but you can't expect...
  5. Replies

    Hi Eidolonn, I'm just another regular player...

    Hi Eidolonn,

    I'm just another regular player like yourself, but I want to thank you for taking time to provide feedback.

    I know some people may not take kindly to your feedback, but I feel...
  6. Replies

    The event was great and I had a good time. ...

    The event was great and I had a good time.

    Thank you for all the wonderful drinks and the fun raffle riddles :D
  7. Replies

    Hi Nazmar, I'm still fairly new to the game...

    Hi Nazmar,

    I'm still fairly new to the game myself, even though I reached 1,000 hours in the game. I still feel like there is a lot I don't know and I lot I haven't done yet.

    Anyways, I think...
  8. Thread: Povus-palooza 2

    by Ransel

    I'm sure this will be fun and I look forward too...

    I'm sure this will be fun and I look forward too it.

    Thanks for setting this up Chompy!
  9. At first I thought it might have been the crappy...

    At first I thought it might have been the crappy internet at the hotel I'm staying at.

    Maybe it's something else. I came here to ask about it but saw your thread.

    I guess I won't get to play...
  10. Replies

    Filling player work orders or selling gear from...

    Filling player work orders or selling gear from dungeon runs are two great ways to make money.

    If you want some "passive" income take up mushroom farming or gardening. You can sell the mushrooms...
  11. Replies

    This sounds wonderful! Thank you for putting...

    This sounds wonderful!

    Thank you for putting this on :)
  12. Replies

    Are there any good gameplay guides out there?


    I started playing PG a couple months ago and I'm really enjoying the game so far.

    The focus on exploration and discovery is what drew me into this game.

    With that being said, I still...
  13. Thanks :D Here's the wiki markup of your...

    Thanks :D

    Here's the wiki markup of your guide!

  14. Thanks for putting this together. One thing I...

    Thanks for putting this together.

    One thing I noticed when I started PG is the lack of player class guides on the wiki. If you are ok with it, I'd like to add your write-up to the wiki. There are...
  15. Replies

    I don't think a bone healing npc or mechanism of...

    I don't think a bone healing npc or mechanism of some sort is necessarily needed right now.

    But, when the game is eventually released at some point, a healer npc might help the influx of players...
  16. Lets Talk - Autodidacticism *Equips Flame Shield*

    Autodidacticism is a fairly new skill that has some members of the community unhappy.

    I recognize this, but I hope to ask questions about the autodidacticism skill here and save the passionate...
  17. Replies

    There are so many great ideas out there for...

    There are so many great ideas out there for player housing which makes it difficult to know how to implement it imo.

    My suggestion would be to make player housing simple at first then slowly add...
  18. It sort of works both ways though. On the one...

    It sort of works both ways though. On the one hand, you are worried about players with VIP going nuts and farming a ton of councils with their VIP status, but I think another poster here brought up a...
  19. I don't get the hand-waving about a few extra...

    I don't get the hand-waving about a few extra inventory slots. It's hardly game breaking.

    They got to pay for the cost of operating the game some how. What's the alternative, a full subscription...
Results 1 to 19 of 19