This sounds so very interesting I can't wait to see it play out. I agree with adding a character slot. I will delete a char. to make room but it would be so nice if I didn't have to. I use/play all...
Type: Posts; User: Ells0430
This sounds so very interesting I can't wait to see it play out. I agree with adding a character slot. I will delete a char. to make room but it would be so nice if I didn't have to. I use/play all...
Some of the ideas sound amazing. I admit housing worries me a lot. I remember when AC added housing, it was very exciting but in very little time it made the world feel much emptier. One of my...
I agree with those who say you might want to look into guilds. I am in a group for much of my game time because of my membership in active guilds. It might be to explore the high level dungeons, work...
We are looking out for you all in game :) Addison and Fiyo you are the only 2 I haven't found yet. I will keep watching for you but also feel free to contact myself (Amaryllis), Bailiwick, Sagit,...
I was at the poetry reading on Sunday and had my camera on the event the whole time my framerate stayed pretty much in the 20s and 30s with a few dips into the red but they were so fast I couldn't...
I don't know if it has been changed for a while or if that was for steam but I love the new layout. It looks amazing :cool:
datar I'm sorry to see you go, hope you are able to rejoin us sometime soon! I understand the hard decision. Take good care :)
srand Ugg those people can go back to playing candy crush (or their...
I always meant to put in into the suggestions when I logged into the game (and I may have I can't remember at this point lol) but normally if I needed to exit I would just alt/tab and close it that...
I'm having a blast taking pictures like a tourist on vacation :) I keep thinking of beautiful areas that need to be shot. Hopefully I am not taking too many lol. Special thanks to 2 super fun group...
Oh those both sound exciting! :D I love hanging out in Rahu...I don't get to do it much but it is a beautiful city. Can't wait to see it busier.
I love seeing all the screenshots! :D
Here are some more I took today. One of the things I love most about PG is how it fosters a sense of community and friendship. Working on the wolf tasks today...
I always assumed that this was intentional as they are "insane" I love that sometimes they want your shoes in human form and other times they act like you don't exist. It makes the cave have an...
Well mine isn't as "exciting" as some of the others, but she has no thumbs so Lakini is super proud of her drawing :cool:
I'm hoping to take some more, here is what I have so far I didn't know about high rez until this post so most are not.
You keep saying "her" but the person that teaches calligraphy is Joah (the armor guy in Serb) not Sammie. I learned it after I did the last quest he gave me (the one where you give him 50 leather...
I just learned calligraphy on an alt
You have to do every quest Joah gives you and then he teaches you calligraphy
A few of the recent changes have made storage much easier to manage. In storytelling I adore the storage, that you have shopkeepers that offer you places to store your items makes it feel like an...
I love the overall look but my favorite thing is how customizable it is. I spent quite a bit of time right from the start changing things around. It works right out of the box so to speak but it...
I can't imagine how hard it is to put your baby out there for others to rip apart. Its why my art is gifted to family or sitting in my spare room. I know how much work goes into a small program so...
I use the mini map to plan out my run/flight, I do wish it would start zoomed out. I use the main map for surveying, finding my other party members, and to figure out where the heck I am when I get...
I actually hesitate giving feedback on anything I really want to but it's a little toxic here for my liking. I think the game is amazing and I adore so many new things about the new UI but I actually...
Very exciting!! Can't wait to try it out :cool:
That makes sense, I can't wait to see what is coming in the future for animal forms. I often forget that there are other travel options coming along, will be interesting to see. :)
Thank you Citan :) happens in real life too (oh you don't eat chicken broth either; oh just pepperoni can you pick it off) but not usually with things I prepared myself hahaha. I was thrilled to see...
The watercress salad will lose your vegetarian badge. It's flagged as having meat (it doesn't), I sent a report in game but wanted to give a warning. Its a big pain to have to wait 3 weeks again. :)