Words of Power (and a bit of venting)
I wanted to explain the problem with the way words of power currently work and why it is not an acceptable mechanic. I also wanted to type out my concerns about communication with the devs regarding this and maybe vent a bit (maybe a lot). If you want to come into this thread to tell me "it's fine" or "you are burnt out" both are factually not true and you could save yourself the time by closing the thread now.
I am admittedly a very hardcore player. I have always played MMO's this way. I work full-time, have a family, but am very disciplined when it comes to gaming. I enjoy games more this way and have always found "breaking" builds or figuring things out as far as efficiency goes to be incredibly fun. I do enjoy lore and so on, but anyway, I am saying this all in advance to inform of what type of player I am, how much time I have invested into testing and feedback, and also to address the inevitable "you play too much and are whining" posts that people always do when someone has a valid concern.
I currently have played 30 days and 10 hours. I don't have much afk time as the game logs you immediately and I can only play when I am off work. I have submitted a lot of tickets on feedback. I am mostly focused on mechanics and game balance (not that everything has to be balanced) so that everyone is having fun. I have also only played since May I believe, so I may not know some things that our known in the community by veterans.
OK... onto my actual concern. I recently decided that I really liked the results of my L5 words of power (the highest level one) so I gathered the mats for 200 and wrote them all down. If you have ever done this you would know how much mats that is, particularly the Nightmare Flesh which isn't particularly easy to get. I then had to write all of these down cause heaven forbid we have a way to copy/paste them from the message pop-up. I also screenshot each time I get the popup with the words of power and I keep all of this in order in my folder so I can figure out the actual word if I wrote it down wrong. I then enter the words of power by copy/paste as it allows me to get the buff or effect quickly while actually playing.
I was not made aware that the words of power can be stolen, and lost a huge amount of them. My document is 9 pages, contains over 200 words of power, and I had done this in the past 2-3 weeks maybe (its not months or years old). The way the mechanic works, which we are "meant to find out" like so much other content, is that someone else can get the same word and use it. Here are the problems with this and why it is unacceptable:
1. A player can lose their word without knowing better. The current mechanic definitely suggests to a player to save them up as we are required to write them down, its not a random buff that is given upon crafting of the word. The obvious assumption would be that it is ours as there is no warning or message informing us of the flawed mechanic. I am not aware of any warning in game about other players stealing your word of power, please inform me if there is one and also make it in red text like many other warnings in the game (hardcore mechanic for example).
2. I understand that in this game we are meant to "figure it out" and I generally have loved this. I am enjoying figuring out powerful builds, exploring dungeons, and have maxed a majority of skills without much help from others or the internet. This all fun and good. The catch is that you can't have your armor, weapons, or anything else stolen by other players. I understand how the concept is fun (oh no I lost the word! Eek), but the way it plays out is far too punishing. I lost probably a day of playtime to this.
3. I put in a ticket asking if it was a bug. I also informed them that I had spent a huge amount of time on this. The response was "this is how the mechanic works, players can steal your words of power" paraphrased. Maybe one sentence. No apology from them, no compensation as after all I am testing your game and the flawed mechanics for you from my own time... nothing.
I have seen an increasing number of complaints about this type of feedback both here and in game, with friends, etc. It is not acceptable to ask us to figure out the game if the mechanics are this punishing. Its fine to ask us to find out how to unlock a skill, a puzzle, etc. as there is not really a "negative" response beyond what we obviously know: you will lose time doing this. What is not acceptable is removing time/money from us due to randomness. I am not aware of many other ways the game does this, but this mechanic must go. I am not even bothered by it that much, in fact I'm moderately indifferent as I have tons of resources, I'm more annoyed by the response from the developers and the lack of consideration that you will lose players to obnoxious mechanics like this. Don't imply through game mechanics that something is ours, have us invest time to get it, then take it away. Good way to lose players. Also, not apologizing when your testers get burned hard is a great way to lose players.
To summarize, I love this game and want to continue testing it. I want to help you guys balance the mods and skills a bit better (they are horribly balanced at the moment and need tons of love), however when I sink this amount of time into something to facilitate the testing process and all I get is a canned response that took 10 seconds to write.......... well don't expect much effort in testing from me going forward, at least until this is addressed directly. I'd feel less confident in this if I didn't directly know of other identical/similar situations with players being frustrated by a lack of effort in responses.
TLDR: I am not asking you to change crappy mechanics, I am asking that you have major warnings on ones that can lead to total heartbreak. You have red text and warnings all over the "hardcore" system about the death mechanic, and its not even THAT punishing if you know about it, but there is not one warning that I am aware of about this archaic and awful feature that involves other players stealing your crafting. Please consider respecting our feedback as we are working hard for you for free.
- Arundel