Scamming - What's your take on it?
Let me start off on this foot first, I do not condone scamming nor would I ever partake in it. I believe it is a very untrustworthy thing to do, it's morally (game-wise) wrong to do, and it tarnishes your name beyond belief if found out or caught.
But should it be considered a punishable offense by administration? No, I do not think so.
I believe good players / people are just as much allowed as evil players / people. What do I think is allowed, and not allowed?
Not Allowed:
Hacking - Obvious reasons.
Exploiting - Obvious Reasons.
Harassment - In the form of, bringing things from the real world. I believe RP has it's place in a game like this.
Scamming - People like playing con artists.
Griefing - How ever you can do that, it should be allowed. While staying within the fair bounds of the game.
Now like I said, I don't condone what I believe should be allowed - I dislike it, and wish people /didn't/ do it - regardless.. It should be allowed as I don't choose the play styles of others and have no right to ruin that for them so long as it is fair.
My question to you, the community and administration is this - Should this be a bannable offense? Is it a bannable offense? If it's not, what would -we- the players do about this. I'm just curious where every one stands on the topic.