All fixed, sorry for the disruption guys. I'm still messing with some things so you may experience a few more short outages but everything is in working order again for the most part. Thanks for your patience and for those of you who went out of your way to tell me about it :)
Absolute bloody legend mate...
Thank you very much for you continuing to support the program. I know that you do not play so much anymore, and want you to realize how much we do appreciate it, I have found it to be incredibly helpful in deciding how and what I want to play with :).
Thanks guys, I'm glad people are getting use out of this. I've updated to v279 to reflect the most recent game update, let me know if anything doesn't work. The Brewing recipes are in there but some of the images are missing, which I'll fix eventually.
I noticed the XP/Bonus XP sections of the Recipes table are no longer working due to the way the game data has changed, but according to a post by srand in the update thread those values will be coming back, and when they do I'll fix the table. Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime!
School's over and I've recently become unemployed, so I have some time to dedicate to this now - feel free to post or send in a bug report if anything else isn't working
Data's been updated to reflect today's patch, and as promised the XP values are showing up again
Hey guys, Niph made a nifty new tool called PG Json Parser that you should check out if you get the chance! Niph made it so that the data updates automatically and people seemed to appreciate this, and that's something I've been meaning to implement in Gorgon Explorer for a very long time, so I finally went ahead and did it.
The server that is serving the Gorgon Explorer app will now check for a new version every night at midnight EST, and update the data accordingly if necessary! This means you won't have to wait for the version number to be manually updated by me.
The "Last Updated" date is now gone from the navbar as it seems redundant now that updates will be happening automatically, but the game version is still displayed where it used to be.
That sounds great! Well, until they change the file formats, but less work on you, right?
Unfortunately the trade-off here is indeed that if the file format changes, the website will break the following day. If the file format changes significantly, the website will break significantly :P This is one of the reasons I have hesitated to do it this way, but I'm trying to keep an eye on things so that doesn't happen!
The way I solved the problem is to allow people to use an old version in cache, until code can be fixed to handle the change in file formats.