That moment you have work in 2 hours and if you fall asleep your screwed lol, coffee is going to be my best friend that and ramen lol
Enchanted by the Incoming doom,
flowers that could no longer bloom
Skies cloaked by brume
Ash colored rain wetting the dome
Devoid of souls yet so lively, a place of life yet so deadly
With the rising sun, did they come
causing destruction, had they done
A blooming rose, was it needed
Finishing those who shall be beaten
A phoenix screech, was it heard
A tiger roar, was it feared
A dragon cry, was it endured
A tortoise shout, was it scared?
Mournful cries and blissful smiles, did they come
When the falling chains were undone
What did the man has become?
Did the divine foresee
That the end is near, or would it be?
Congratulation it only took you 2 months to figure I broke your code of conduct on your own forums, on a serous note this post isn’t a pity party this a fk you and goodbye and you know who you are, you know how I always said I would quit and lets be honest I would never follow through but yah know I am to pissed to actually keep doing this lol, I have long since deleted project gorgon from my steam library I don’t know if that deletes my character but I am not going to pay $40 to find out lol, currently still playing neverwinter I have hit 80 joined a very friendly and helpful guild, so I really want to thank you from the very bottom of my heart for giving me a very nice forced vacation for finding something to fill the hole in my heart your game failed to provide,
You may ask am I sorry about my to toxicity? and the answer should be obvious no oh hell no lol
You know I find it funny how similar we are and you know how that I know this is basically you have the same basic quality every human has that has never changed in the dawn of history rather its my generation or your generation humans never change they never like to admit when they are wrong, you would think with the older you are the thicker your skin would be but no that's the opposite case in this scenario
But hey here's a positive you have made strives by making me a guinea pig for admin training which I am glad to be apart of not even using sarcasm because by me being a sacrificial lamb you can self improve which give this game have even more of a chance to get completed , you should really making a simulation course when you expand and have it named after me
Rather its banning muting or manipulating posts on social media you do it so well rather you edit this post or delete it all together is your business I honestly really don't care for anymore attention as long as the people admin and dev wise read this and keep it in mind I am better off knowing once I am gone I won't have any lingering regrets
Also I was messaged a link to this https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comm...pros_and_cons/ reddit page from someone on discord and I put 2 and 2 together I was always wondering why suddenly did you notice in my signature that I posted prior punishments and the answer is you didn’t notice until the date this was posted so you cant tell me you aren’t policing any bad feed from social media on your game
I had to do a lot of work to find this guys contact details for the guy who posted this reddit page telling him to delete it cuz it caused me to get banned from this forums little did the idiot know he should have private messaged a mod in charge of the reddit thread to get it deleted but he went the lazy friendly route and just deleted his reddit account thinking it would get it deleted
All in all you have proved your selves very human so all in all I wish you Goodbye In The Most Beautifully Toxic Nicest Way Possible enjoy the life span of the game if it lives for 5-10 years I might change my ip buy another copy of the game with a different account just to come back and say hi but I doubt it but please humor this 22 year old kid and prove me wrong, am I taunting you yes and no I would say its more encouragment then anything its about the same style my dad does/did to me
Ps.A admin/dev/mod should not say commentary when handing out punishments saying oh you have been a very naughty boy like I was a fucking 15 year old kid didn't help, like christ I knew I was toxic but really did you need to add the gasoline on the fire
Psv2 @srand since I remember you took the time to change my ingame name and didn't ban me for the shield fire exploit because I reported it I want to say sorry to you and your husband for all the negative crap I have caused I didn’t think on the otherside of the coin that you and citan are under a lot of pressure and for me not thinking about this every time I bitched I am sorry sometimes I forget devs are people/humans to
Also sorry in advance for how this post is going to look when it gets posted but you know I don’t like being abruptly silenced
Psv3Whoever silenced me Should have perma banned me from forums
But on a serious note I wish saggit, mnasty, tamoko,tsu,Dragone, yaffy, hardrock, greyfyn and every fine member of ashrons legacy anyone else not included in the list sorry you it is cause of either 2 things 1st your a @ss hat like mesky boy or 2nd my memory sucks most probably the second reason,also you may be wondering why I only mentioned these people and the reason to me is those are the only people off hand I can think of off hand that were a significantly good impact on me for meeting
Now to keep up with the status quo of me being who I am here are some positives
1st it now lists the reason you are banned when you get banned because of incidents like mine
2nd I had one hell of a good time
3rd your literly probably the only fucking game in existance on steam in early access with any chance of decent amount of potiental
I repay kindness with kindness I pay animosity with animosity and if people with my kind of personality of an eye for an eye X10 get silenced and if anyone with even a little fault gets off clean shit like this happens, I own up to my mistakes like my dad taught me what does that say about people burying issues it may seem minor to you but for the people with my kind of personality its really adding salt to a wound
I am sorry for all the negativity I have caused but not for the reasons I caused them, being negative was my way of venting alot of shit a good 70% of my toxity was caused by the the month long punishment without a reason why, ironicly this could have been solved by a simple sorry it didn't have to be even be public could have been a discord call or a a ingame message like godam I know I have been a ass hat and am really well known of nitpicking and bitching about crap but christ what the hell dude
Hate when held in festers, its even worse when by the rules your not allowed to talk about it,hate breeds hate I really did try to stave it off for as long as I could but sorry it didn't work out that way
Everytime I said something negative or toxic in the slightest way possible was me trying to prolong the initvertable burst you see here in this post by venting it in slight amounts which by the way in my hindsight didn't work for shit and I shouldn't have even tried to hold it,toxity/critism can be good in small amounts but if its done to much its just plain fucking ranting, I really wanted to avoid this everyone already me as the bad guy not that I ever cared but I wanted to avoid hurting anyone else pycologicly because as I said before I didn't think on the otherside of the coin
All and all I really do hope this game gets finished but considering all that has been said I have cemented the fact that I can't come back without having more drama, which by the way I have done on purpose to prove I am not going to come back
But thank you for the wake up call I found I am liking neverwinter alot more and to be honest I needed the perma vacation
Also last Ps:this apology is mainly for srand and citan anyone else is not included,also I know alot of people if they bothered to read the whole dam thing is like what the bloody fuck he said all that shit and says sorry at the end and my response is I have mental issues so go fuck yourself, the shit I have had to deal over the course of these months behind the scene would make anyone livid, mocking commentary right before they give you the punishment was like putting gaseoline on something already burning, I was already toxic before and not everything can be blamed on that one person but fucking christ being suppressed when I am already toxic that was a mistake in a half I am no saint I have alot of issues and by posting all
this I have made it pretty dam hard to come back
I do care for the admins mental health but my mentality/personality tells me I need to say this
Could have easily said alot of worse things but I am not that dam fucking evil that I would go that far to mock certain aspects of health/life I a may be slightly narsistic but dam I took a good long time thinking exactly what I would type, if you truly do feel anything reading this rather its pity comedy or I don't care at the very least make sure this please doesn't happen to anyone else for the games future sake as I said before this isn't a pity party this is a wake up call for me and everyone else that helps run the game---> better communication can make things so much better for everyone
I emphasise again please for the bloody fucking hell make this doesn't happen to anyone else if you get nothing from reading all this at least the fact that communication is key to success, I may not be here but please strive to be as perfect or as good as possible I literly feel like I aged 10 fking godam years from pretyping spell checking and editing this
Literly on the joking side though godam usually I do crap and think of the consquences later and this took way to much on me mentally but it really needed to be done edit delete this message if you want but please at least archive it for only admins/devs can see so you have a refernce of crap to avoid good bye @<a href="https://forum.projectgorgon.com/member.php?u=28" target="_blank">srand</a> @<a href="https://forum.projectgorgon.com/member.php?u=59" target="_blank">Citan</a> and every other people I care to not mention
Also reddit users do not bring me up in anymore fucking drama if I could I would rip a portal through time and space and stab you if I could for making me have to post this I actually was just planning to fade away and this happens, heres a post for the reddit user spiderzzz that posted that forum page which by the way I am still pissed I was dug out of my metaphorical grave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cmexEZGQbs
I am happy someone stuck up for me but I was fine with just dying and fading away like all those before me
I know you were sticking up for me but whoever you are don't stick up for me I am not a good person for the most part I am not worth the energy
After posting all this shit I have come to terms with having to actually grow a pair and walk away,I helped improve conduct, made guides for leveling and had fun with friends I got my money worth time to move on with my life, besides already to late I don't think my character even exists anymore since I asked steam to delete my copy of the game from my steam libary even if it did't I am not worth having or continuing to be apart of this game my legacy is from what little good I did to help the game and the people I have met and all the bad it came with it like a cup of coffee added with a little suger, bitter and sweet they have become in separable,rather you love it or hate it you decide
Rather I get banned ingame or on this forums is no longer pertains to me I wont be logging into forums like ever so I fail to see me in any community/conversation pertaining to this game either and thus marks the end of the retarded droning radioactive Tidepods legacy,also heads up to my guild really sorry mates I left our discord as to distance myself even from the game rather you see this message before it gets wiped is up to the whims of the gods or whatever string of fate of crap people believe in
Also daddy praise me I thought before posting this
Love me or hate me you can not deny me the right of saying I was here and I don't mind being the bad guy alot of crap couldn't get changed or addressed if I wasn't the bad guy, a prime example of this is now you actually list the reason you are punished if its a ban because of incidents like mine I am glad to have contributed
Also since I have already dug my own grave and don't plan to come back in my partial defense I did ask citan to delete my forums account kinda glad he didn't cuz of the stupid reddit post that retard made so I could clear it up
Would have had to made a new forums account ranting about this shit best of luck
This will be the last I touch this game or this dam forum or any social media pertaining to this but in the end no one cares but have fun lol was fun ride for what it was, saying what I what has been bottling up without caring what repercussions it may have ingame has been the best. not liking I had to drag innocents into it but I didn't want to single anyone out
Also all the people like mesky boy who didn't like me and has always wanted me perma banned congrats you got what you wanted
You can only bury crap for so long you wanted a war but you forget my name is deathkon1 you tried to fight with godam nuke bad move all in all nice try
My goodbye playlist