if they removed accuracy mods, and there was no way to mitigate the evasion, do you think there would be a new meta then? is there always a new meta? is there no point of striving for game balance?
edit; my entire argument is based around the fact that there is a clear superior choice as the game exists, which is burst damage. I dare you to find people who, on their primary build, do not use all of the highly damaging modifications. In my experience, these people are exceptions that prove the rule.
edit 2; fuck, even I use the damage mods on finishing blow and knee kick (although to be fair I am limited in my modification selection with unarmed). I guarantee there is some type of game data that shows popularity of specific modifications over time and I would LOVE to see them release that data, because I believe it would articulate my point better than I ever could in words.
edit 3; and I have a problem with each skill being able to do everthing. I think each class should have a few options to select from, but I don't want to see Sword/FireMagic healers and I feel the same way about literally every single skill being able to do burst damage. That should be reserved for Fire Mages and Battle Chem and ALSO be punished with evasion.
edit 4; https://youtu.be/_FNzL5nW_u4?t=16