This. Right here, this.
The problem is, too many people want a single player game with a chat where they can brag about their accomplishments, and have no idea what an MMO, especially the likes of Pre-WoW MMOs, are all about. Well put.
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Not raging just stating what Im going to do not like its illegal to farm in lower level dungeons when they fix this or make it banable to go in lower level dungeon and hog kills let me know then I will have to find another solution besides guys gotta eat cheese costs money and I need to find a way to pay for food someway lol
Also as a side note that I dont care about steam reviews just went from very positive to mostly positive thats not a good thing
Playing solo should be perfectly viable. Early MMOs, except EQ, offered flexible game play. The game already provides magic bonus xp just because you "grouped". I'm not sure how much more hand-holding incentive "groupers" need. Classic first gen MMOs made people split xp, not give them a bonus, for grouping because it's so easy to steamroll content the more people you have.
AOE is out of control. People shouldn't be able to mow down packs of 5, 10, or 15 overland mobs without thinking. The same way groups shouldn't be able to steamroll group tuned content (as much as I think that shouldn't even be a thing). Players at all levels should need to use more than their AoE button DPS skill with the tank easy-mode faceroll taunting, and the priest one button healing them.
The point of balance changes, hopefully, is to tune game play so players need to approach content thoughtfully, no matter the party size not make one play style pay at the expense of another.
Feedback is good - even the bits that are perhaps a bit pointed. We understand that you are passionate about the game and upset about this change.
I will not, however, tolerate posters throwing insults at others.
I've deleted a couple of posts that didn't contain actual feedback. Everyone, please try to keep it polite and on-topic so that I don't have to delete any more.
Simply untrue. I was running around with my aoe build absolutely fine. Even fighting up to 6 mobs. It goes slower, yes, but not completely obsolete. It just made it not ridiculously OP.
Furthermore, if you can't pull less than 4-7, then you'll just have to pull smart. Which I know is difficult for a lot of people.
Enchanter pulls with a mezz, you've got 20 seconds (6) left. Party of 6 should have 2 DPS. Peel off 2, and single target that's 4 left, which tank can handle. The damage on AOE is still enough to blast down those 4 after the 2 have been spanked.
There are other ways to handle this, too. Most of them involving more CC. Which people have been telling Citan is useless. CC is now useful.
Poor guy can't win for losing with players who take a sky is falling attitude. It's sad.
What's stupid is thinking developers should build the game how you personally want it, and not how they want it. This being a temporary rip off fix was, as someone else pointed out, announced. From here, it's going to take fine tuning.
Welcome to beta. If you can't handle it with a mature attitude, maybe you shouldn't play beta games anymore. That was a choice that you made. You also chose to play the game Citan wanted, not the game you wanted. Forcing you to play the game as he intended is EXACTLY his job. If you and others have found ways to play the game outside of that scope, fixing it is EXACTLY his job.
Your job is to continue trying to break it. Just so long as you're prepared to see the next nerf.
If you want to play a game where everyone is DPS rolling everything, I would strongly recommend GW2. It's free to play and seems to fit your play-style very well.
Your complaint is that Eric is expecting you to play the game the way he wants. That's what I'm getting out of you. The rest is meaningless babble, because that very statement is so incomprehensibly silly that it just negates anything else you might be trying to get across.
Drop that part of your line of thinking, start over, and I'll try discerning what you actually mean, as opposed to what you're saying. Because my mind reading skill is 50/100. I can totally discern what you're thinking when you're not saying what you mean, and your expectation of my doing so is 100% reasonable. </sarcasm>
What a spicy patch day