@srand about video how do you want to get it and more importantly, what size in MB do you want?
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@srand about video how do you want to get it and more importantly, what size in MB do you want?
No, thank you. Been there, done that, much prefer Gorgon's system. I also like the chests in dungeons.
That being said, some incentives to form smaller groups instead of a giant zerg might be nice, I'm just not sure what form they should take.
Going back to the latest patch:
I like the changes to Serbule - it fuzzily looks prettier to me now. I'm definitely curious what the final look will be.
I haven't been to the new dungeon, so I don't really have anything too useful to add. I'm curious if there's going to be a way to learn Orcish outside a group dungeon? I really liked learning Goblinese, and I'd love to pick up Orcish, too.
The mods on looted gear seem odd to me as well. I didn't notice anything too out-of-line from drops I got in the Gazluk snail cave for bc/knife, but I played Anagoge on a spider/mentalism alt, and had generic mod loot outnumber loot with actual skill mods about 3:1.
"Do like large group play - but please, save it for raid content. make it so that 5 is group/20 raid or 6/24. Design a zone that drops really superb loot in the same formats I've laid out above and make it for a large group. so it is tough to do, scaled up in difficulty to cater for 20 or 24 people."
I like this type of set-up. Make a difference between a GROUP and a RAID. If there's a group of 6, per se, then everyone (and only those) in the group that kills the mob can have access to loot the elite. If multiple groups are fighting together, than only the one that gets the kill claims the loot for their group.
Then have RAIDS, a different design of groups, that can be up to 20 people. This set-up is designed to give shared experience, notoriety, and kill credit (in the cases of killing a boss to remove a curse) to everyone in the RAID. Perhaps when a mob dies only 2 random people can loot any killed elite/non-elite mob, except for bosses. This could be indicated by those two characters hearing the "ding" when a mob dies so they know when to check bodies.
Just a suggestion to incentivize smaller hunting groups.
If devs also wanna be huge jerks, they could just program the bosses the read the number of players around them, and increase them in difficulty respectively. Don't know what circumstances would determine this or how it would work, but it would sure incentivize the group to dismiss leeches who do nothing but loot the whole time while everyone else works.
Offering feedback again now. My opinion might be different from others, but it's really good to hear different opinions.
The design changes in Serbule have dramatically changed my opinion of the city. I always thought it was a very dark and drab and dirty looking place. It made Gorgon feel very....Diablo. That ambience didn't mesh well with Gorgon, in my opinion. My graphics settings are set very, very low, but what I've seen in Serbule now is a much more vibrant and bright choice of wood texture on all the buildings. It's beautiful in comparison!
Keep it up, Sandra. I am excited about the rest of the changes you have in mind for our favorite hangout place!
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Feedback on GK,
-Difficulty I have been in on smaller groups and so far it always snowballs into a bigger group. for the smaller groups its actually quiet fun and feels like the right amount of difficulty. I say this because this is supposed to be a dungeon for people leveling that dont have maxed out gears ect. Top level players right now are all min-maxxing gears which is I feel something that players will not do until max level. so the difficulty is really hard to gauge at this point.
-Loot key drops, and chests. Right now there seems to be way too much loot. Key drops too high and the chests are just more loot to add to the already huge glut your getting in a run. that being said, if players are doing this as a leveling dungeon, I think it would still seem like a bit much. doing one food buff run in here gets me about 15 keys, and no idea how many items because we have to stop to phlog or DE the items.
-Language and recipes: yay and well done!
-Requested video: one guy tried already and we ended up getting rolled into a massive group so will try to run again with 6 only later this week
-LOS and Calls for help, there are a couple places in the dungeon where you will litterally pull down the house on your head for no apparent reason, the mobs are coming from around the walls? or something. cant quiet nail down exactly what is going on but have been in a few 5+ minute fights where adds just keep coming and coming and coming. Does not feel like it is what is intended
-look and feel: I really like the layout, great job on both the dungeon and the new armor and weapons. I think everyone who isnt bow or sword is jealous..especially of those amazing looking swords!
-Final thoughts: it is a fun place, loot feels slightly too high, key drop rate feels definitely too high, and I know the design was for a group or two to run around in here, and it IS a big place, but I dont understand what is to keep players from forming up together and rolling around in a massive group.
Max group size 5 or 6; encounter locking; no loot outside group.
Further Requests:
1. Would it be possible to have an area in the start of the dungeon, say an extra room, corridor and second room that are suitable for solo players. Just for something to do when waiting for a group to form, or party member to arrive etc.
2. Please could you put a vendor there? It's a long way from any where.