Seriously the walk away here was "storage dimension" thats awesome!
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Seriously the walk away here was "storage dimension" thats awesome!
1 - animals are not supposed to be able to use regular First Aid kits, and I thought I'd fixed that one
2 - the explanations in this thread are correct and the intended behavior!
3 - if a hunting quest seems overbroad, please report it. I'd have to look at each situation to tell if it's appropriate or not
4- no
5- not done yet
6- definitely a bug!
7- we like knowing that an NPC is getting stuck (in case we can fix it by adjusting their wander positions), so do please report them! But we don't usually bother manually un-sticking them on the live server unless they're stuck inside a rock or are otherwise hard to find. We just wait for them to be reset when the server restarts.
Thanks for the replies all
@Citan thank you very much also for taking time to clear things up.
1- If the big patch wasn't coming up I'd go animal and double check. Once I take an animal form I'll submit in-game a report.
2- okay
3 & 7- will do.
4 & 5 - good to know
6- will double check and submit report as needed.
1) I know we're not supposed to, but until the parts are readily available, why would you change it? You'd make it very difficult for low level animals to ... do anything.
Ok hijackign threat for a bit, since ther eis one thgn that bugged me for soem time:
What is this teleportation circle on the bottom of the lake in Etibule for? I always wondered about it, since it doesnt seem like good idea to swim there just to teleport. There is no dungeon enterance that i know of close to it, there is nothign interestign there at all - except of few slugs. And now, with how limited breath meter is, i think its quite possible to drow before one can even use this circle.
So, yeh, why it is there?
This is an exploration game. It totally makes sense to swim to it.
Don't quote me on this, and for some reason I can't find any reference to it anymore, but I'm pretty sure there was going to be something underwater in that area, which clearly hasn't happened yet. There's another, much more interesting Teleportation Circle in Eltibule anyways...
Doh. Eh, whatever ^-^
There's a bunch of things in Eltibule under water. Half of the wandering NPCs' (cow, yelling lady) paths go under water, too.