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thank you so much for this @Zeiss
Thanks a lot for the list. I think you miss the following (didn't double check):
Gloucester Cheese
Lemon Shaved ice
Maggoty Ham (from Kur Tower)
Poached Egg
Thanks for posting that list! One more food you are missing is Jerky Lembas Brick, although that one is a very recent addition to the game.
Thanks for the insight into the missing foods guys. Just when you think you've finished something in PG, there is always something more to do.
Thanks for posting your list Zeiss!
I've just had the time to look through it and compare to mine. I can confirm what Niph and Tagamogi said that you are missing:
Gloucester Cheese
Lemon Shaved Ice
Maggoty Ham
Poached Egg
Jerky Lembas Brick (Durstin's quest line reward)
Conversely, you also have some that I don't:
Juicy Ham (Where is this from??)
Mint-Blueberry Candy (Probably missed this from last Halloween)
Rotten Meat (Alchemy recipe)
Strawberry Yogurt (From Melandria in GK, but I can't solo to her)
If anyone knows, could you please tell me where to find Juicy Ham?