Loot frequency and game style
I have noticed that no matter how much i am trying to explain to people that this is not a solo game they mostly prefer to hunt alone (thats sad btw). of course it is soloable for the most part but its not a solo game. Almost all solo players are undergeared and underleveled. Add to that the changes brought about in the new Augmentation and transmutation skills and of course the fact its an alpha and the population is very thin it is almost impossible to do certain things.
Gaz keep is deserted for the most part and work on augmentation is very difficult if not impossible for the last 10 levels.
Is it possible to consider making armor and weapon drops on mobs outside dungeons/ non elite mobs more frequent?
I am hunting gaz now (also in the caves) but not in GK cause i cant solo it or hunt it in very small groups due to respawns and there are not enough high level players around who want to team up and all i get besides non gear loot is jewelry. Armor and weapons are almost not dropping not to mention good ones.