Old account before Steam
Hello everyone,
I played in 2015, then again in 2017.
I was thinking about it again today, and I just learned that it was now on Steam.
Coincidentally, it is currently on sale, so I was thinking about buying it.
I was wondering if everything was reset because it was put on Steam, or at another time ?
If it isn't, do I only have to log with my ID from back then to get back everything ?
Even if I don't get to get back anything, I'd still play because it was an awesome game in my memories.
You original character are very likely to still be stored. There hasn't been a wipe, and there isn't going to be a wipe in the future. You will be logging in with steam so there is no way for P:G to automatically link your old account to your steam account. There was some method for backers while activating there backer steam keys, but you should email Gorgon support with your steam id and your old gorgon account id/name so they can manual link the two accounts together.
A bunch of your gear might require repair to update it up to non-legacy status, there is a Legacy Golem that fixes that kind of gear in a side building near the Serbule Keep Well.
Thanks for the informations !