Unofficial "Iron Man" Permadeath Challenge
This is for the dev blog posted here:
So here's a little contest that tries out the /behaviorreport tech! If you want to participate, here's what to do:
- Create a new character (it can be on a guest account if you don't have any slots -- this is an unofficial contest, after all)
- Play for as long as you can WITHOUT obtaining items from any other player. Don't buy used items, don't receive items from players, don't even pick up junk off the ground.
- Don't take items out of your account-shared storage, or from Guild storage.
- The game ends when you die. (With an exception for deaths like "fell off the world" -- those don't count.)
- Your score is the sum of your two highest combat abilities.
- After you die, use the /behaviorreport command. Take a screenshot of the output of that command, AND a screenshot of your Skills window showing the two highest abilities. Post it here.
- The person with the highest score by 23:59 Feb 14 (GMT) wins. (They win bragging rights and nothing else -- this is a test contest!)
- Remember, you need a NEW character, meaning one created after this forum post was made!
- If there are bugs, please report them in-game so they get into the bug DB!
Thanks, and good luck!