So, with the Steam Early Access release getting closer, I'm curious: How is everyone doing with their storage these days? Are you still using storage alts? If not, how are you managing?
I'll start with a happy storage example: My friend is playing a single character with no storage alts. He's bound in Kur and says the storage shelf there plus his Serbule storage pretty much give him all the space he needs. I believe he also still uses Sir Arif to hold some less commonly used items. So, he seems all set and happy with the existing game storage.
I'll note though that the two of us share a guild bank that we use for storing leatherworking and tailoring supplies plus a couple other oddities, so he has a bit more free space than people would ordinally have. I have also seen him go on dungeon runs with bananas and guavas in his pockets, which is not somehing I'd bring.
Me... well, I have now expanded to 11 storage alts on 3 accounts when I realized that alts I'd intended to play could hold stuff instead. :) I do have plenty of empty, unused NPC storage space, both in out of the way locations and also in Serbule, when my couple half-hearted tries at discovering what "alchemy ingredients" are didn't meet with instant success. The reason for the storage alts is that they allow me to keep all my storage in one location and to easily share all my common drops between the three characters that I play. I also hate making decisions, so sometimes I just use the alts to pile up a bunch of stuff until I'm in the mood to decide what to do about it. I think my record was having an alt with 334 items in overflow.
I always figured that when the time came we'd have to buy the game, I'd consider the money for a storage account or two well-spent to avoid the storage headache. I still do, but it's also now occurring to me that the transition to Steam may quite possibly mean one PG account per Steam account. And managing multiple Steam accounts would be a headache of its own.
So, it seems this would be a good time for me to do some storage cleanup, but I'm not really sure how. I know I've accumulated lots of junk I don't need and if all my NPC storage was in one location, I'd probably be fine with a good spring cleaning. But since my NPC storage isn't in one place - running around between locations and constantly forgetting to put stuff into one chest or the other and having to run back is not appealing. I'll probably dump some gear for skills I don't commonly use in South Serbule but it's far enough away that I don't want to store items I use every day there. Kur is actually a really good idea for a bind + storage spot since the storage shelf there is so close to the teleportation circle, but I'm rather attached to my Amulna bind locaton that is both close to the work order board and allows me to reach any other zone within a couple minutes. My Heart's Home teleport is firmly stuck in Serbule, Recall Alternate Circle is too expensive to use frequently, and the mushroom circles are a bit too far out of the way for me to want to use if I'm just doing inventory management. So, meh. I guess my problem is just that my alt collection is so much more convenient than anything the game currently offers.
( I don't think I'm trying to restart the great storage flame wars, just curious how other people are dealing with storage and hoping for inspiration. I think we've had some really nice improvements in the time I've been playing, but it's not quite enough yet to make me want to abandon my alt system. )