View Full Version : Title: The Ambassador of Ri-Shin did not work - lost 99k councils

12-24-2017, 11:44 AM
I just bought this title from a consignment on Joeh for 99000 councils. I had just seen someone running around with this exact title displayed under their name (Wemedge), so I figured it would be okay to use. When I used the scroll, the scroll disappeared from my inventory and absolutely nothing happened. I didn't get any message and I didn't receive any title, and I've also verified that the title is not displaying under my character name with another account.

I just reported this bug in game, and since I've just lost 99000 councils, I would very much appreciate a refund or the title please.

Many thanks!

12-24-2017, 12:47 PM
I saw your report! But give us a bit to respond the normal way, okay? (Some of us just woke up. :))

I'm hijacking your thread to make sure other people have seen the note in the launcher and on the login screen (and added to the update notes here on the forum). I know not everyone reads those.

But please, if you are lucky enough to get a title scroll from a holiday tree - or to find one for sale - don't use it yet! Hold onto it until next week's update. Right now they give the wrong title, but they will give the right title after the update.