View Full Version : New UI Craft Suggestion

12-16-2017, 10:25 AM
Hello Citan and team! First off let me say I am loving the new UI. Please understand I think you have done a fantastic job and everything is moving in the right direction!

My suggestion , and this may be in the works or already has been requested, is that for the crafting UI tab, we have several extra options including the option to:

Show only craft recipes we have reagents for.
Show only craft recipes we have NOT completed before.
Show only craft recipes we HAVE completed before.

A search box to find a recipe by name or one that includes the word we are searching.

Also, it be nice if the crafting tab which showed what each recipe was called did not reset its size each time you open the craft tab as, for example, alchemy recipes have very long names and i often times forget what level they work with and so I am constantly resizing that portion of the UI to check the level.

Ok that's all I can think of for now! Thanks and if I remember anything else I will post here.


12-16-2017, 05:18 PM
Sorry, another suggestion!

Can you make it so when we 'get more info' on skulls, that the alchemy recipe for convert to bone meal from any bone, or from certain bones, is populated under the recipes tab for skulls? Rigth now all that shows up is the respective phrenology recipe!

Thank you :)