View Full Version : I need help with the game Freezing up my comp on log in and changing Zones
12-05-2017, 09:43 AM
It took me 2 days of random trying to log in after the update. it would Load the zone and while loading all the assets the game will freeze and cause my Comp to completely freeze up........ I thought it was fixed until I changed Zones and it does the same thing changing Zones. When I'm in game I get zero lag and game is easy to play.
12-05-2017, 10:48 AM
I am having a similar problem, system hangs when zoning from Eltibule to Serbule. I’m on a 2017 MacBook Pro.
12-05-2017, 02:04 PM
glad to see not the only one running into this... have resorted to uninstall/reinstall and verifying files to see if this helps at all :(
12-05-2017, 07:27 PM
My wife is having the same issue on our desktop....... I use a laptop for my account
12-06-2017, 11:29 AM
I assumed the support page would be a place to get support
12-06-2017, 02:44 PM
There's only a couple devs, give them time to collect information and come up with a solution.
There's a thread about this, over here:!&highlight=unstick
In the meanwhile, you can do things to help are in that page. But here's a partial list.
Post your system statistics, like processor, video card, memory, and if you can access them, the active use stats while in game.
Try deleting the settings file, GorgonConfig.txt and restarting.
Try logging into a new character and using the unstick function on your other character. /unstickchar CHARNAME
Try opening the launcher, selecting 'options...' and then 'validate installation'.
Some combination of these might help.
12-06-2017, 02:57 PM
up for trying anything if it means I can keep playing...
thank you Crissa
12-06-2017, 04:53 PM
I had this issue many moons ago on my Macbook Pro when they redesigned Serbule. The solution for me was to /unstick my char to the starter island, then reduce all graphic settings to their lowest point (including grass, tree, terrain, etc.). I was then able to access Serbule and other zones without freezing in asset loading. I think the "Adjust quality automatically" setting was removed to prevent bouncing back to higher settings; you should disable this if possible as well. You may not have beautiful textures, but you might be able to port around and have less loading issues.
12-06-2017, 07:55 PM
We need people to read the sticky thread and to exhaust all of those troubleshooting steps prior to posting.
Assuming you've done the above, if you are crashing, how much RAM do you have?
12-06-2017, 11:30 PM
Sometimes PG hangs between loading assets and my comp thinks it has timed out. But with patience and not ending the task PG unjams. Just my personal observation.
12-07-2017, 06:27 PM
This message must be 10 chars
01-04-2018, 11:15 AM
Anyone come up with a solution for this? I've been having the same issue with locking up while loading assets, I've uninstalled/reinstalled and I was able to log in one time but the next time, same problem. I am able to log in with one of my other characters and performed a /unstickchar command and I am then able to log in that character at Anagoge island but as soon as I try to take the boat back to Serbule, it locks up while loading assets again. I'm getting very frustrated. Anyone have any ideas what to try next?
01-09-2018, 08:53 AM
I have tried all the fixes listed on this thread and others. If I do an unstick character, I can log in just fine at Anagoge and play with no problem. I just can't teleport to Serbule using the teleport command or from the pier. I can with my other characters, just not my main one. It freezes on loading assets every time. I guess for now I'm stuck on the island. Hopefully someone comes up with a solution or at least acknowledges that this is a problem they are working on. If not, if it's something strictly on my end, then I guess I'm done with this game as playing around on Anagoge gets old pretty fast, lol.
Update: I was able to finally get Serbule to load but my excitement was short lived. As soon as I took a couple steps, the game locked up.
01-09-2018, 09:28 AM
Yeah, same issue here too... My PC just broke and I had to switch to my MacMini... Logging in Kur, everything was running smoothly, and, to my surprise even, with less lag/freezes than on my PC (which had muuuch more RAM and better GPU than this Mac). But I soon as I tried to go back to Serbule, I got caught in a neverending load screen of assets. Trying to teleport directly to Rahu ended up with the same effect.
Any solution, even temporary, would be welcome.
01-09-2018, 09:54 AM
On my 7 year old 64-bit Windows 10 machine, I've had the same experience since the Dec. 29 update. I did go through the entire troubleshooting procedure.
I also had it with the early December update, though the Dec. 16 update actually ran pretty well for me. My main toon (rerolled numerous times over the years) has been between 20 and 30 on the various skills, so I have only been in Serbule, Serbule Hills, Eltibule, and Newbie Island, but loading any zone including dungeons would freeze while loading assets. It seemed that teleportation pads and word of power tele would work, but of course can't use those for most changes.
I also found since the last update that I could run on my 2013 Macbook Air without this problem, so I would log in there, move my toon to the desired zone by portal, and relog onto my Windows machine. However this last week, my Windows machine began to freeze every time while turning (using both the mouse - tried different models - and my keyboard) while in locations I formerly just spun, namely Serbule garden and Tapestry Inn.
So I'm just running on the Mac at this time. However, the load times seem to be increasing even there...
01-09-2018, 10:10 PM
I've seen a couple of logs from recent crashes that didn't actually have any crashes: as far as the game was concerned, it was still working. That probably means that if you waited an absurdly long time it would finish loading. So I suspect the problem is you need to lower your graphics settings.
You may not have needed to do this with the old UI. The new UI system does NOT automatically lower your graphics settings by default like the old UI did, because it causes too much unpredictability and too many headaches. But there can be headaches the other direction, too. The newbie island is vastly less graphics-intensive than Serbule, so even if things are fine on the newbie island, that doesn't mean your graphics are capable of running Serbule.
Plus, Serbule has lots of players in it with tons of different armors. Those armors use a lot of video memory. So it's possible for you to be able to load Serbule at off-hours times, but unable to load it when more players are there.
Please try the following:
Lower your graphics settings to 'fastest'.
1. Create a new character
2. With that character on the newbie island, open the graphics settings: click the gear icon on the right-hand side. Click Graphics.
3. Under "Graphics Quality Level", choose "Fastest". Hit Save.
4. Logout and log in with your stuck character.
5. Wait a while for it to finish loading. Give it at least 5 minutes to be sure.
6. Let me know what happens. Thanks!
01-10-2018, 02:20 PM
What happens is the same : stalling after reaching "Loading scene...", can't even get to the "assets" part of the process. I /unstickchar my main to anagone island too. I can log in Anagone as normal, just as easily as the "Enter the light" place. But any attempt to go to Serbule or port to Rahu ends up with the loading screen stalling, for more than 15 mins. System tools consider the app to be "unreplying".
01-10-2018, 07:18 PM
I had mixed success!
After creating a new character and confirming that my graphics setting was already on "fastest," I was able to log in with my main toon to Azalak's house. However, as soon as I tried to move, I froze. Later in the day, on trying to log in to the main again, I froze while loading assets. Though I waited about half an hour, it did not change.
I have sent a copy of the output log to support with a bit more description.
01-11-2018, 05:49 AM
If you have less than 6GB of memory, then please try the following (in addition to following Citan's instructions above):
When attempting to play Project: Gorgon, make sure that there are no other programs running (including Chrome, Firefox, etc). You can manually close the programs using the Task Manager ( It is common for browsers to consume multiple gigabytes of RAM when running multiple windows. Closing all non-essential programs will ensure maximum RAM availibility.
Optional: You can try to use a program like minimem ( optimize RAM management, with it you can choose to optimize the Project: Gorgon client for RAM allocation. Note: we do not offer support for this product.
01-11-2018, 07:13 AM
If you haven't read the sticky at the top of this section (!), that should be your first stop for troubleshooting technical issues like freezing. We receive a lot of reports from people who don't read that thread - please do so before submitting a report. Please spread the word. Thanks.
01-11-2018, 08:36 AM
Thanks. Did install Minimem and closed Opera browser in the background.
I was able to load and move from the Baroness' courtyard in Serbule Hills. Able to move in Tapestry Inn until after closing TI storage and tried to turn. Froze there.
Looked for other processes to reduce usage and closed windows system process Superfetch. (don't know why it was running so high many hours after system start).
Relogged successfuly and moved out of Tapestry Inn to portal to Serbule. Froze there on loading assets. Still there 15 minutes later. I notice that the memory usage at the time of freezing per minimem and task manager was less than when I relogged at TI. Will provide a few more details in when submitting output log.
BTW, I spent several hours religiously following the stickied troubleshooting procedure with the same results as others who have posted. I appreciate those detailed and helpful suggestions.
01-11-2018, 05:24 PM
I too have followed the sticky procedures. I have the graphics set on fastest. I have gone through the graphics tab as I can and reduced everything I could to minimums. I have all of the recommended settings clicked on or off. My pc is running Windows 10. I have 4 gigs of memory. I'm not sure right now what my graphics card has as far as memory. I have made sure all other apps are closed in the task manager window.
I regularly have crashes before entering the game, in game, freezing of the pc in and out of game. The freezing before entering the game is usually loading assets around 32 assets remaining. I have used the /unstickchar command many, many times. I usually can get from the newbie isle to Serbule dock by using the bell on the isle dock. I have not been able to go through the portal to Serb Hills or Ent (usually failing loading resources) and it either freezes my pc or crashes the game. I have gone through the cave from the isle to Serb Hills and when I have appeared in Serb Hills, as soon as I move it freezes or crashes the game. I have waited for over 30 minutes without success and have to unstick my character to get back into game. I very seldom can have my inventory open or chests without freezing or crashing. The only Guildmates that have been able to play without these problems have 32 gig of RAM. I have only been having these problems since the new UI upgrade. It doesn't appear to be related to the graphics not automatically degrading.
I don't know what I can add that might help. Good Luck!
01-12-2018, 10:46 AM
I've found some bugs related to the new UI which prevent some quality settings from being applied. I'm not yet sure how big of an impact that will have, but if you didn't have trouble before the new UI update and have trouble now, I may have found the cause.
I'm hurrying to get a game update released to test that hypothesis! It will be ready early next week.
Edit: I'm also going to add another level or two below "Fastest", with modes that use dramatically less texture memory. (Meaning things will be blurrier in those modes.) This will help determine if the crashes are due to running out of texture memory, or something else.
01-16-2018, 10:33 AM
I've found some bugs related to the new UI which prevent some quality settings from being applied. I'm not yet sure how big of an impact that will have, but if you didn't have trouble before the new UI update and have trouble now, I may have found the cause.
I'm hurrying to get a game update released to test that hypothesis! It will be ready early next week.
Edit: I'm also going to add another level or two below "Fastest", with modes that use dramatically less texture memory. (Meaning things will be blurrier in those modes.) This will help determine if the crashes are due to running out of texture memory, or something else.
This is great news that a solution might be coming soon. I am having the same issues. I am able to log in one my desktop computer but the frame rate is between 3 and 4. Basically unplayable and eventually it locks up my computer and I mean Ctrl-Alt-Delete even does nothing. On my notebook computer, I can play just fine anywhere but Serbule. No matter what method I use to get there (portal, teleport, or from the Anagoge pier) it locks up while loading assets. I have tried everything in the sticky notes at least once or in some cases many times. I would even consider getting a newer computer just to play but would like to know that it will actually work.
01-17-2018, 12:11 PM
If you're on Windows and you routinely have the game "hang" (where it stops working without explicitly crashing back to desktop, until you manually kill it), can you try this for me?
In the launcher, before you press Play, choose "Options...", then "Special Graphics Settings...", then "DirectX 9". With DirectX 9 selected, press Back and then play the game.
I suspect the hang may be due to a Unity feature that's only active in DirectX 11. So if manually switching to DirectX 9 fixes the issue I'll have another data point. Thanks!
01-17-2018, 12:51 PM
is the opengl option broken?
01-17-2018, 03:32 PM
Nowadays you need to install OpenGL drivers manually, they aren't installed by defaulta nymore. You can usually find OpenGL drivers on your video card's website.
01-18-2018, 09:19 AM
I had been playing all along with DirectX 9. I restarted my system and checked, still selected. Made a different selection, and reselected, then started game. However, I froze on loading assets. Thanks.
01-18-2018, 02:24 PM
Nowadays you need to install OpenGL drivers manually, they aren't installed by defaulta nymore. You can usually find OpenGL drivers on your video card's website.
But i have the opengl drivers im playing other games that uses opengl.
I have the latest drivers installed for my Vega
01-19-2018, 12:47 PM
Since the update yesterday, I have had very few issues. I was able to play on my main computer for a few hours today with only one freeze-up. Just for the heck of it, I tried it on another computer that I was able to run it on before but with a 3 to 4 frame rate (which is basically unplayable) and now the frame rate is in the 6 to 7 range which is still choppy but an improvement. All this without changing the graphics settings. I imaging with a bit of tweaking I could improve that frame rate but I don't need to because my main computer runs it just fine now.
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