View Full Version : Preview Version of New UI
11-19-2017, 08:54 PM
IMPORTANT: Please read this post and the subsequent posts thoroughly as they contain important information and testing instructions.
Another preview version of Project: Gorgon's new UI is available for testing today. We're planning to retire the old UI in the next major update -- which is in two weeks! It's important to switch over quickly, because we'll be able to develop MUCH faster when only one GUI needs to be supported.
So we would love for you to spend some time with this preview build, at least a few sessions. Report bugs, of course. But also, tell us what problems really annoy you, that you feel NEED to be fixed before the old GUI is retired. Give us a general idea of how you're feeling about the new GUI after a few sessions: what works, what needs help, what's terrible, what's amazing?
If you'd like to participate, there are instructions below. Before we get to that, though, heed these warnings!
Switching to this new build will require a full patch download.
If you find a game-breaking bug that prevents you from playing, you can switch back to the old UI. But doing so will require another full patch download.
Lesson: Do not try this yet if you have slow download speeds! (You can participate in the next phase when there is a lower chance you will have to re-patch.)
Now for the instructions.
These instructions are written for the Windows version of PG. You can test this very rough preview build on Linux or Mac, but only if you are completely comfortable with modifying these instructions for your OS.
Remember, this is a voluntary test of a very rough preview. If these instructions don't make sense to you, you should sit this one out today.
So. You're going to add a special flag to the end of the command that runs the patcher.
Find the patcher icon (for example, ProjectGorgonLauncherWin.exe), right-click it, and choose "Create Shortcut".
Right-click on the newly-created shortcut, and choose Properties.
In the properties window, find the Target field. Add a space on the end, then -fileversion 289g. So, for instance, my Target field reads:
"E:\Gorgon Live\ProjectGorgonLauncherWin.exe" -fileversion 289g
Press OK, then double-click the shortcut to run the launcher with those parameters. It will patch over the old download with the new experimental build.
REMEMBER to start the game from your new shortcut for as long as you want to test the very rough preview build, because when you use the non-shortcut version, it will patch right back to the mainstream live build.
There is a confirmed bug in the launcher that can result in corrupt downloads in a few specific situations, and this build is one of those situations! A corrupt download can result in weird issues, including audio drop outs, crashes when loading into certain areas, and missing monster graphics.
This is not a bug in the new UI, but rather a bug in the launcher itself. So we'll have a new launcher available for download soon for both Windows and Mac. (The linux launcher doesn't suffer from this bug as far as I know.)
Until the new launcher is available, you can work around the problem with the Validate Installation feature. Here's how: when you see the "Play" button in the launcher, don't click it; instead click "More...", then "Validate Installation". When it's done, you're all set and can press Play.
You need to do this whenever you switch versions, either from old-UI to new-UI or from new-UI back to old-UI.
Reporting Bugs
We're going to handle bugs for today's test a bit differently than we usually do. If you find a bug in today's preview build, please post in here - in this thread! (The normal in-game reports don't know what build you are using, so keeping these separate today is going to save us a lot of confusion.)
When you post here, please label each bug you report with one of these keywords:
Bug: Something is obviously not working right.
Cosmetic: Something looks wrong, dumb, or very confusing.
Feedback: Suggestions, first impressions, and anything else we need to hear!
11-19-2017, 08:56 PM
Major Changes in This Build:
New feature: You can show tiny health/armor/rage bars above all monsters' heads. This option is off by default but can be enabled in the settings, on the GUI tab. Look for "Show Vital Bars Over Monsters' Heads?" checkbox.
New feature: Quests and favors that require a specific item now show a mini-icon of that item on the quest panel. You can right-click the icon to get More Info. PLEASE LET US KNOW if you come across quests where showing this icon seems like a spoiler.
Fixed the key-binding screen so that you can correctly assign new keys to commands.
The player-vendor screens now work. Theoretically.
NPC chat has been separated from player chat so that you can turn them on/off separately. When you edit a chat tab you'll see a check-box for "Nearby" (which is player chat) and "NPC Chatter". Both are enabled for the Nearby tab by default, so default behavior is the same as before. NOTE: If you had previously configured your chat window tabs, they have been reset to their defaults.
Vendor screen: Tooltips only show up when you hover over an item's icon, not the whole row.
When mousing over the ability bars on the bottom of the screen, ability tooltips are shown in the upper left corner instead of near the mouse. (The tooltips are actually shown overtop the player-avatar window, wherever that may be, but by default it is in the upper left corner.)
Abilities in the "Skills and Abilities" window are now organized into rows, with a separate row for each base ability. (So Punch 1, Punch 2, etc. share a row, while Kick 1, Kick 2, etc. share a different row.)
Added a line at the bottom of item tooltips that says "press Alt to compare with your current equipment", because that's how to compare items and it wasn't very obvious. (On macs, you can also use the Mac key.)
To prevent accidental item loss, we've reverted the feature that lets you drop items on the ground by dragging them from your inventory and dropping them in the 3D world. To drop items on the ground, either right-click them and choose "Drop Item", or drag them onto the new "bag" icon on the inventory screen. (To re-enable the earlier behavior, you can add "EasyDropItems" to the Special Settings window of the settings screen.)
Known Issues:
Many types of monsters don't display properly in the monster-selection box, or are out of frame (either all the time, or when they are dead).
Ability icons are sometimes grayed out when they will actually work (e.g. when targeting an invalid target that will auto-select a nearby valid target). Despite being grayed out, these abilities still work when pressed; this is a cosmetic issue.
When trading with other players, there is supposed to be a "T" icon overlaying inventory items you're trading, but it's not implemented yet.
You may need to manually configure your icon sizes in the Settings window, because the old GUI interprets those numbers in a different way. If your ability bar icons seems teensy, just go to Settings->GUI->Icon Sizes and make them larger. 48 is the default for all icon sizes.
11-19-2017, 08:58 PM
Other Changes:
New improvement: You can change the size of the spell-effect icons, in the same way you can change inventory and ability icons. Note: the default size is slightly larger than before; if you prefer the old size just change it from 48 to 40.
The notice that you have more than 4 characters is only shown if you have more than 4 characters (not exactly 4).
If you select yourself (with the target-self key, F1 by default), the button now appears to let you examine yourself.
When you die, the "Respawn" and "Enter the Light" buttons are now hidden until they can be used.
Fixed visual bug when closing a window while dragging items.
Fixed situations where book-GUI screens (such as from "/who all", skill reports, etc.) would appear blank because they were scrolled off screen by default.
In the Recipe UI, the Skill selector dropdown in the sidebar is now taller to match the rest of the window.
Fixed bugs that let you fly forever.
Fixed a scenario where players could be rocketed into the sky and die from falling damage (probably -- it's hard to repro, but we think we fixed the underlying cause).
The Settings menu now defaults to the System tab.
The "Auto-Move To Interact Via Right-Click" preference is now honored correctly. In other words, right-clicking NPCs works.
The "special override" to disable screen flashing now works in the new GUI. (But the flashing is more subtle in this GUI anyway.)
Fixed scenarios where the Edit Chat Tab window could stop being shown.
You can now join secret chat rooms.
You can right-click items in storage to view the More Info screen.
Fixed flickering when using vault screen.
Fixed various glitchy issues with vault screen drag-and-drop.
Fixed scenarios where the "lock" icon would disappear from locked items if you put them into storage and then retrieved them.
Looted items don't disappear from the screen if you fail to pick them up (e.g. because you don't have any more inventory space).
Erasing a loadout has a confirmation box.
The assignable hotkeys for switching between loadouts now work.
Fixed bug when switching between loadouts that use the same active skills as the ones you already were using.
Fixed some issues with View Stable screen.
Revised the npc-interaction window. If there is a menu of options, the menu is now shown in a special sidebar. The main window is correspondingly smaller, which works better when there are no menu-items (such as when looting a corpse).
Fixed bugs in the item-info screen pertaining to NPCs that like items with specific skill prerequisites: those NPCs would sometimes not be listed.
Fixed bugs in the item-info screen pertaining to NPCs that like items with specific cash value ranges: those NPCs would be listed for many inappropriate items.
Fixed the "hide unusable" button on vendor screen.
On the vendor screen, you can now type in the amount you want to buy rather than having to use the up/down arrows. (Not yet implemented for player-vendor screen).
Training a recipe would not remove that recipe from the training UI until you zoned or logged out.
You can now explicitly disable the quest tracker feature in the options under GUI. (You could already implicitly disable it by un-tracking all your quests and telling it not to track new quests.)
Canceling quests works!
Fixed bug where group members' health/armor/power bars would appear to be empty when they were not.
Fixed numerous issues with the "Party" tab of the social window.
The assignable hotkeys for targeting members of your group now work.
Removed "You are now in Guild XYZ" messages when switching areas.
The guild message of the day is only displayed once in guild chat, right after you log in. (Unless, of course, the message of the day changes, in which case it would show up again.)
Fixed many typos and cosmetic issues.
You can now leave a party without re-logging.
Animal Handling attack abilities will no longer retarget from the enemy to the pet.
The Skills & Abilities menu's default position is now completely on the screen.
Fixed sound effects for some abilities, including bard and necromancy attacks.
Fixed a bug with the XP bar incorrectly reporting the skill and level.
Abilities with buffed stats are now green instead of red.
The cooldown timer is now more noticeable.
Fixed bugs when using the same combat skill on both ability bars.
Fixed bug scenario where abilities on your active bars would change when you logged in or switched areas.
Stacks of items dragged onto the sidebar now show their stack size.
Beer kegs show remaining doses in their tooltip.
Items' Enhancement Points are displayed in the tooltip (if they are not at max).
The tooltip for recipe scrolls correctly indicates whether you've already learned that recipe or not.
Items and recipes with skill limitations that you do not meet now indicate that in red text.
Rare+ loot glows in corpse inventory screen.
Item tooltip colors are now the same as old GUI. (Getting this color reflected in the chat item links will happen soon.)
11-19-2017, 10:49 PM
Bug: Didn't play for long but my quest tracker kept getting really small and than would blow up taking up a quarter of the screen.
11-19-2017, 11:25 PM
1) Cooldown timer is definitely more noticeable now
2) "Show Vital Bars Over Monsters' Heads" is alright. Maybe because of the size of the bars to me it doesn't really give a lot of granularity.
I don't know what the name of the message for things like "You bury the corpse" is, but I'd like to move that or have it less obtrusive.
Filling bottles at the well still requires one click per bottle. Wasn't there supposed to be an improvement in that?
Missing Functionality: Kind of. Previously after you gave someone a gift, you could click "give gift" immediately to be able to give them another gift. Now I have to click "You're welcome" before I can give another gift, doubling the number of clicks. That makes giving lots of individual gifts (like furniture to Kohan) more tedious than it already was.
11-20-2017, 01:29 AM
Bugged Functionality: Cannot change "Overhead Name Fade Distance". When I move the slider, the "Save" button does not become clickable. The change in the slider does not get saved when the window is closed and is back at 25 when I open it again. Also, with the slider at 25, the name over people's heads fades away at 50m and doesn't appear to be less bright until I get to about 45m away. So I am not sure what "25" is supposed to signify.
Bugged Functionality: While hovering over a buff icon, the time remaining does not change. I even had the buff lapse while hovering over it - the icon went away but the hover text remained until I moved the mouse.
11-20-2017, 02:04 AM
Recipes that can be made from one of multiple ingredients or categories of ingredients, such as mushroom substrates or Brewing flavors, aren't considered when an item's "recipes used in" list is generated.
Survey points don't show up on the minimap or sidebar map when surveys are checked.
Default text size restricts Augury recipes' "Say the sooth" craft button to just "Say the".
Dye pots don't display any color when in inventory/storage.
Dye pots display the incorrect color when viewed through an item's "recipes used in" list.
The Deer Form ability is classified under the Raven Form subset in the special abilities menu.
Abilities in a subset are organized by the order in which they were unlocked, rather than by ascending level. ex: Ilth Hale's Kiss abilities could be unlocked in any order, and aren't sorted by ascending level as a result
Locations listed under the "Find" tab in item info have the unnecessary prefix "Area" attached to them. ex: "AreaEltibule" and "AreaRahu"
Certain maps/minimaps (such as Eltibule or Kur Mountains) cannot be viewed fully, even in the least magnified setting.
Interface inconsistency in graphics settings advanced options: options with a checkbox are labeled by default "enabled" or "disabled" and show no change to the label when the box is checked; all other options are labeled as "disabled" when the box is unchecked or "enabled" when the box is checked and change label accordingly.
Pins can be placed on the sidebar map, but not on the minimap. Allow pins to be placed on the minimap.
Allow the slider on the sidebar map to be clicked and dragged to adjust magnification. Alternatively, enable the buttons on the slider to be clicked and held rather than needing to click them repeatedly.
Enable the option to disable NPC chatter in the All channel.
Enable the option to withdraw a certain amount of an item in a stack from storage using the right-click menu.
Add an option to allocate buttons in the split-stack menu to quickly split off small or custom increments. ex: "Take 1" "Take 2" "Take Half" or additional options defined by the user
Raise NPC vendors' single-transaction buy limit. The current limit of 10 stacks per purchase serves as an obstruction when buying items with smaller stacks in large amounts, such as ink.
11-20-2017, 02:30 AM
Cosmetic: Move the 'Icon Sizes' section of GUI settings to be immediately under 'GUI Scale'. This will make adjusting the UI size more intuitive.
11-20-2017, 03:35 AM
Questions -
1) Is there any way to reduce the size of the buttons in this dialog? It just seems they are way too big. This is with dialog size at 14.
2) Is there any way to shrink the lines in this dialog? Again they feel too big and clunky.
3) This one is more out of curiosity. I understand that there was a game-breaking issue in the current (old) UI that would not allow you to drop directly to the character select screen on logout. Has this been toyed with in the new UI yet? Or is this something that can't be touched until we're in the new UI full time? I hope that the issue can be corrected because having to enter your password 12 times to transfer items between 2 of your characters tends to get a bit old. :)
4) Is there a way to turn off the 'You' that hovers over your arrow in the mini map? It was kinda cute for about 15 minutes while I chuckled at the "You are here" concept of it, but it's old now.
11-20-2017, 03:58 AM
Bug: Selecting Abandon Quest and confirming does nothing.
11-20-2017, 07:55 AM
Questions -
1) Is there any way to reduce the size of the buttons in this dialog? It just seems they are way too big. This is with dialog size at 14.
2) Is there any way to shrink the lines in this dialog? Again they feel too big and clunky.
3) This one is more out of curiosity. I understand that there was a game-breaking issue in the current (old) UI that would not allow you to drop directly to the character select screen on logout. Has this been toyed with in the new UI yet? Or is this something that can't be touched until we're in the new UI full time? I hope that the issue can be corrected because having to enter your password 12 times to transfer items between 2 of your characters tends to get a bit old. :)
4) Is there a way to turn off the 'You' that hovers over your arrow in the mini map? It was kinda cute for about 15 minutes while I chuckled at the "You are here" concept of it, but it's old now.
You should take some time, if you haven't already, to experiment with all the settings as that should be part of the testing experience anyway.
You won't be able to modify every single piece of the UI as to keep the overall aesthetics and design choices in place.
As to whether you can do something, if you've looked into it carefully and can't find the option then it's not there.
11-20-2017, 08:31 AM
Amazing job on those updates. Lots of great changes and everything is so much smoother. The new ability organization is a lot easier to view and use. I like the combat bar ability tooltips being placed in the upper left again. The monster health bars are great.
Bug?/Cosmetic: The Chat Window doesn't "override" other windows even which I click it or press the chat hotkey ... so I have to manually exit and move whatever other window is covering it in order to fully view and interact with chat.
Cosmetic: Armor (in inventory) tooltips for purple/yellow items still gets cut off a little bit at the bottom of the screen and the side of the screen (when comparing items) since they are so large. Not sure if moving the tooltips similar to abilities would work or make sense ? UPDATE: Tweaking the GUI scale options helped this a lot, not perfect but much better and usable
11-20-2017, 08:51 AM
You should take some time, if you haven't already, to experiment with all the settings as that should be part of the testing experience anyway.
You won't be able to modify every single piece of the UI as to keep the overall aesthetics and design choices in place.
As to whether you can do something, if you've looked into it carefully and can't find the option then it's not there.
Perhaps my questions were taken out of context....I will try to clarify. Really what I was asking was on questions 1, 2 and 4 was can this get fixed? I don't expect there to be a slider for every single aspect of the UI, and in that case it needs to be fixed on the dev's end. While there are portions of the UI that are well balanced in size, there are other portions of the UI (as pointed out in questions 1 and 2) that are very out of proportion in size. They look like they've been hit with the Gajus curse...the body is fine but the head is too damn big. In those areas the curse needs to be makes it look clunky. It does not matter to me whether I can do it via slider adjustment or if it is hard coded, it needs to be adjusted regardless.
Question 3 was a specific question looking for a specific answer. I shouldn't need to make it more clear than that.
I was never good at sugar coating so I'll strip it off of question 4 completely - We did not need the 'You' in the current (old) UI to figure out that arrow was us and do not need it now...I find it not necessary.
I hope this clears everything up.
11-20-2017, 08:56 AM
Bug: I can't seem to find any buff or indicator that tells me I have run out of food buff, even though I am starving basically.
Feedback: Entering amount on it's a deal top section, doesn't auto-update the total amounts, you have to hit enter to see the new total. If it just ran the calc every time there was a change in the quantity input box, that would be nicer. As it is now you can put in your amount you want and click the buy button, but the total is shown as the original total. Pretty sure the amount purchased and payment are right. One time only ended up with the original default purchase of only one item, haven't been able to replicate this, may have hit one of the adjust quantity buttons or something.
Feedback: combat bar ability tooltips being placed overtop the player-avatar window. Unlike chill, I am not thrilled with this placement. It blocks me from seeing my stat bars beside my player-avatar window. Had to turn on orbs to be able to see my bars in combat. Maybe option to not show ability tooltips during combat might be an improvement. Who has time to check the tooltips during combat, really. :)
Feedback Addition on Combat bar ability tooltips: if you move the player-avatar window to the lower half of the screen the tool tip appears well above the player-avatar window not blocking any part of it. If the tooltip was adjusted to not block the player-avatar window when in the top half of the screen that would work as well. Just lower the top of the tooltip enough that it is well below the player-avatar window.
11-20-2017, 08:56 AM
Bug/Cosmetic: Updated previous suggestion ... seeing the enemy health bars of all mobs (even rats,pigs,chickens) is good .. I just think there is a bug/wonky thing where the enemy health bars are showing up a second or two BEFORE the monster names show up when you are running around (i guess it's a distance thing).
Bug/Cosmetic: The chat window keeps jumping to new messages so it's hard to scroll up and see old messages.
Orb suggestion removed
Previous chat click suggestion removed -- had chat box in a weird place
The UI keeps getting better and better the more you play with it!
11-20-2017, 10:07 AM
Suggestion / Bug: In previous UI, storage icons sizes scaled together with inventory icons. Now they do not scale at all. I would suggest the icons in storage and in shops be scaled to the same size as the inventory icons.
Suggestion: Change the colour of the font for the chat tabs (All, Global, ...) and for the health/armour/power and names. Now it is sort of light brown. I would suggest a colour with more contrast (black/white/ maybe just a darker shade of this brown). Don't get me wrong it's a nice colour, however I am finding it difficult to read on much of the background. As the character moves the background changes all the time even to lighter colours during the day.
Just a thing I noticed: I am playing on a retina MacbookPro and I am playing at a quarter of my native resolution (1280x800 instead of 2560/1600). It can't handle any more, however this causes the text to be slightly blurrier. Is there any way to separate the resolution of the new UI from the actual game? I have no idea how this works but it would be great if it were possible.
Suggestion: Effect Icon row: Would it be possible to append changes / new icons to the end? Adding icons to the beginning makes the entire row shift which I find distracting. Some of the more permanent like cleanliness and food can be permanently first. I don't mind. Also running icon should be last because that one appears and disappears too often. Or like in previous UI separate these completely.
Suggestion: Skill scroll list from which we select skills in Recipe Window is only half the height of the window for me. And actually does not scale with how I stretch the window. It should maybe be the same height as the actual recipe list.
Bug: The text at the top of the training window where I can buy abilities does not scale with rest of the dialogue text with an NPC.
Bug: The actual text input row in the Chat is very small. And by small I mean hight and text size. It's the same size as the tabs. If it's not scaled to the size of the text in chat at least make it slightly bigger. I have trouble reading what I am writing.
Some of the above might be the result of how I scale my UI so screenshot for reference:
11-20-2017, 11:14 AM
Suggestion/Cosmetic: Like Erthiel said, the Skill Selector dropdown menu for Recipes is still pretty small and requires a lot of scrolling to get to some skills.
Cosmetic/Buggy: When you select yourself, the 2nd window shows your info again ... so essentially 2 copies of the health/power/armor bar.
Cosmetic/Suggestion: When you buy 1 item in a shop by clicking the big red button next to the item, it pauses and takes you back to the top of the list. So if you want to buy a few items by clicking without typing in the amount, I can't keep clicking repeatedly anymore - I have to now scroll back and forth. If it's intended I'll prob just get used to it. UPDATE: I think this is only happening on the "Buy Used" tab not the new tab
11-20-2017, 12:21 PM
Bug: Last night I had set the inventory icon size to 40 and saved that. Today I fired up the game and the inventory icons were back at the default 48.
Bug: On some recipes (I am looking at the one for Dry Gin (Drinkable Cask)) the checkbox and wording for "Auto-Repeat Recipe" obscures the last line of the recipe.
11-20-2017, 12:56 PM
Bug: In the Skills and Abilities window, Toxic Flesh 8 is listed on a line of its own quite separate from Toxic Flesh 1-7
Bug: The four Gazluk Keep special abilities that I have listed are under Death Trooper's Battle Cry on my window. That might have been the first one I learned and the other three are just lumped in with them. Also I could swear I had trained all seven of them, but don't see Treachery Trooper's Battle Cry, Necromancer's Mutter or Gazluk Officer's Battle Cry.
11-20-2017, 02:38 PM
Crash: Used a mushroom circle in Serbule to teleport to NPC cave in Gazluk. Red bar got to 50% with a message of "Loading additional assets..." and there is it stuck. No network activity to speak of so it isn't downloading anything. I killed the process using Task Manager, relaunched and I loaded back to be stuck in the same place. Can't play unless I switch to an alt.
Missing: "Bourbon" correctly displays the number of doses left, but not the flavor ingredients. This information is quite useful when trying to recreate a barrel of liquor from a known working recipe.
Missing: the lore recipe "Expert Augury" (and probably other similar recipes) does not display the remaining time before this recipe can be used again. The game correctly tells you when you try too early.
Cosmetic: vital bars over the head of monsters are super small for me (my resolution: 2560x1440, GUI scale 2.00). It does not seem possible to enlarge them. The rage bar "purple on black" is therefore unreadable. Fortunately the rage bar in the NPC window is large enough to be readable. Perhaps the bar on the selected monster could be larger?
Also, perhaps these vital bars should be displayed only over monsters that have on aggro you? Or on someone?
Missing: I can't find any icon for the wordhunt game.
Cosmetic: someone else reported it, but I will too: the chat line to enter text does not scale with the chat window and font.
11-20-2017, 04:03 PM
Bug: My map pins flipped vertically on the map. I am somewhat new so I had the portal to serbule hills marked, and it is now at the very top, by the dock.
Cosmetic: Social > Who's Online - The player notes column spills over into the first column if the note needs to wrap to a second line. Resizing the window makes it very obvious what is going on.
11-20-2017, 05:56 PM
Bug: Secondary Character has Quests on their Quest list that are from main characters quest list. Secondary character has never been to Gazluk let alone Gazluk Keep but has all the same quests for that area that the main character currently has. Quiting and Relogging, corrects the list. Seems to happen when you log out of one character and then log in with the other character.
11-20-2017, 06:55 PM
xerandus - please log in with that character, wait a minute or so until you're sure it's dead, and then get me the log file. (To find the log file: when you start the launcher, it says where it's downloading to. If you navigate to that directory in Explorer, and go down one more directory, you'll find an output_log.txt file. If you do a file-find for output_log.txt you should find it, too, but note that the launcher makes an output_log.txt file, but that one's useless here.)
If you can send the log to I'd appreciate it!
Then you can log in with a different character and use "/unstickchar charname" (where charname is the name of your stuck character). It will teleport the character back to the newbie island.
11-20-2017, 07:27 PM
Suggestion: It would be nice to have an option to disable the "left click to use" functionality. (I keep accidentally using things.)
Suggestion: Could we have some hotbar slots for inventory items? I want to disable the functionality described above but not lose out on the ability to quickly use potions in combat.
Cosmetic: If a storage is full, you cannot stack items into it unless you drop them on top of actual storage slots. You CANNOT use the grey background behind them. If the storage is NOT full, you CAN use the background.
11-20-2017, 08:22 PM
Citan Sorry, I already had unstuck the character in a brute-force way: Copied the old UI files over the new (I had made a copy before download the new UI), launched the game under the old UI, logged in and selected the character. I successfully completed the teleport to the cave. I then quit, copied the new UI files over the old, launched (and interestingly there were some new files downloaded), logged in and the character was still in the cave.
Edit: I just tried to replicate and it is didn't get stuck at the loading additional assets point.
11-20-2017, 08:49 PM
Very often new lines in the All chat window overwrite the previous line rather than have a line feed followed by the new line. This leads to chat disappearing from the window. If I switch to a different tab (like Global) then back again the lines reappear, but any new ones again are overwritten.
I'm also not a fan of the left-click functionality. I am equipping things when I want to click and drag them.
I hear the sound for quest updates, but not message. No overlay.
11-20-2017, 08:52 PM
Bug: When using hot keys to switch between loadouts, the star loadout menu doesn't know about the switch and displays the last mouse-selected loadout instead.
Bug: I don't see any save options for loadouts, and equipping an item while in a loadout no longer saves it to that loadout like I thought it did before. For example, I'm in loadout 9, equip a helm, mouse or key switch to loadout 8, then mouse or key switch back to loadout 9, and the helm is not equipped.
Cosmetic: When trading, the trade windows shows the number of traded items even for non-stackable items. For example, I'll try to trade a bow and see a "1" at the bottom of the bow icon in my trade window.
Cosmetic: When looking at the gifting info for an item, it shows favor levels with spaces in it as one word, e.g. "LikeFamily" rather than "Like Family"
Cosmetic: When looking at stacked items in my inventory, I find the text saying how many items are in the stack very hard to read.
Cosmetic: Sometimes, when looking at Joeh's storage via the inventory shelf, I will get an automatic comparison to my currently equipped item when just hovering my mouse over an item without clicking alt. I found this pretty hard to reproduce. I'd describe the approximate steps as 1. Look at items in my inventory with Alt 2. open Storage Shelf > Joeh 3. Hovering over items in my inventory or Joeh's storage now shows my equipped item too. However, I have also done those steps a couple times without the comparison window popping up. On the third repeat though, I got the comparison window again. ( I can't say I mind this behavior at all, but it seems a bit off since we are supposed to press the alt key now).
Feedback: I'm really happy to have the new UI back - I missed it while going back to the old UI last week, and having an updated version of the new UI now is great. I like the new cooldown timer on abilities - much nicer than initially.
11-20-2017, 08:56 PM
Quest log bug: Just say X quest has alot of text associated with it. Clicking a different with a lesser amount of text will have the box blank requiring the player to scroll to fix.
Fishing Bug: Catching fish via a key allows the player to catch 2-4 extra fish if the button is spammed.
11-21-2017, 02:24 AM
Bug: Not sure if it is related to the UI but I'm currently not getting the night cycle. It is Daylight all day long. 3AM in game looks like noon.
Additional: Eltibule seems alright lighting wise, but Serbule is not changing.
Feedback: olneed an option to disable Left Click to Use in inventory. Like others have said....very dangerous. What about double-click?
11-21-2017, 06:44 AM
I am very impressed with the new UI, I was expecting problems and was disappointed to find none :(
Once I played around with sizes and placements I now have a very clean professional looking UI.
Map pointer behaves as it should no matter what display settings I use.
I run in 4K now with everything working exactly as it should.
I ran around for about 30 minutes killing and trading and couldn't find any problems as yet, I know 30 minutes or so isn't much but so far it's great and what I had hoped for.
There is a little learning curve to get used to where everything is and the new NPC windows and such but didn't take long.
I like the breath bar where it is now as I can see with out having to look away to see if I will drown or not :)
So far i give it a 10/10.
Not sure what others are worried about the left click and such all it takes is a little playing and you know not to touch the flame on a match or what happens if you click with the left or right button.
I am over 60 and didn't make a mistake with any clicking and it was first time using the new UI, it is more Logical how it works now.
Will give a more detailed impression after I play for a few hours tomorrow morning.
Keep up the great work nice to see a game that actually listens to the players and does something about it :)
11-21-2017, 09:28 AM
The window to set the price on the player merchants can only show three digits. If I enter a price of 1000 for something, it looks like 000 because it has scrolled off to the left.
When purchasing from NPC vendors (and perhaps player as well, haven't tried), when I click the buy button, the list immediately scrolls to the top. So if I was scrolled down and just wanted to buy two of something by clicking the buy button twice, I end up buying one of the thing and one of something completely different because of the autoscroll to the top.
Having the rarity of the items color the text in the vendor window was a real help in locating particular rarities that I was looking for. It would be real nice if that was in the new UI.
11-21-2017, 12:45 PM
Bug: AH pets cannot be released at the stable. If I click release, a confirmation windows appears and it's waiting to enter the pet's name. However the input field, if it is an input field, cannot be even selected or written into.
Suggestion: once the size of the buttons in the new UI is reduced. I suggest for corpse screens making the layout a bit more static. All of the buttons and text shifts around while I click on one of them. Making my next target for click a mystery.
Bug: It was mentioned before, but messages in my chat window act weird as well. Like the last one is being overwritten and the previous just disappear until another tab is selected
11-21-2017, 04:10 PM
Cosmetic: When you have multiple windows open and they are overlapping, you must click on the header of a window to bring it to the front. You can still interact with it while partially covered by other windows as long as you can click on the
Cosmetic: Identifying a painting does not update the tooltip until you mouse off and back on to the painting.
Cosmetic: There is a slight delay before tooltips pop up when mousing over an item for the first time in a while.
Suggestion: The new UI seems to take up a lot more space then the old UI. I have to do a lot more scrolling, even after resizing everything. Could some of the vertical filler spaces (in window headers, or spaces between lines, etc) be reduced?
11-21-2017, 05:24 PM
- The rarity color of items seems to appear or not randomly. It would be nice if they all flashed proper colors again in loot, storage, and NPC lists.
- The tooltip that pops up show a picture of the item, but doesn't show the number of items in a stack. It would be helpful if it did, or if the number over the stack in our inventory was changed to a different color (green?) so it is easier to see.
- Some fonts are hard to see in default colors, and it would be nice to change them independently based on channel.
- When someone posts a stack in chat window to share item, it just shows [item name] and won't display the number of items in the stack.
- Left click is now auto-use, but this is a pain when trying to drag items around storage and accidentally "using" the item. I dumped out rennets on accident in this fashion.
- My map pointer disappears randomly in some zones (Kur) until I resize and zoom in / out on map.
- Combat is severely hampered by the new UI's inability to queue attacks. My rather non-traditional style of spamming attack commands (to fire at moment of reset), and then getting next attack ready, is impossible with the new build. Please add in queueing again.
- Items of the same type do not auto-stack when moving from storage to inventory. They should.
- Even if the calculator at the top of menu says a Vendor does not have enough councils for a particular item(s), it will still let you sell the item from the menu below at loss, or for 0 councils. This should be prevented, or be more clear.
- I have to constantly readjust my status indicator box (buffs, debuffs, etc.) for the icons to appear correctly in the box.
11-21-2017, 07:27 PM
Cosmetic: When window opacity is turned down, it is very hard to read some of the inactive tabs, such as in the "more info" item info window (recipes, gifting, find).
Cosmetic: When window opacity is turned down, windows that are already open when starting a conversation with an NPC will go completely opaque. They remain opaque until closed and reopened.
Bug: The entrance to the goblin dungeon in Etibule requires you to click on the name in the middle of the door rather than pretty much anywhere. edit: seems like lots of big doors have this problem.
Cosmetic: There is a loading screen that references the "drop item" area that no longer appears in the new UI.
Cosmetic: I sold an item to Marna worth more councils than she had left over. The shop said she'd give me 741 by the sell button, but at the bottom it said she only had 642. I got 642.
11-21-2017, 09:33 PM
Cosmetic: The new cooldown dial timer is great in most situations but can get hard to see on top of icons with a lot of yellow color of their own. For example, I cannot see the timer at all when it's about halfway done on Shield's Take the Lead - it just blends in really well.
Cosmetic: Some of the magic loot drops still don't flash. I have absolutely no idea what controls that. We spent 2+ hours killing zombies and ghouls in Kur Tower and the vast majority of the magic loot I got flashed. However, I had a blue item with the zombies/skeletons that did not flash, then much later an orange and a blue one after the other with the ghouls/striga that did not flash.
Cosmetic: While in Kur Tower, I had my comparison tooltip get stuck again so I didn't have to hold down alt at all in order for my equipped item to show up in addition to the selected item. This behavior persisted when I entered the light and zoned back into Serbule. (And I actually love this and much prefer it to having to hold down alt.)
Feedback: I'm going to join the crowd that says a single left-click to use an item is a bad idea. While playing this evening, I tried to drag multiple items and ended up using them or getting an "you cannot use this item" message. My favorite comic moment was when I tried to quickly drag a shield to the transmute window, equipped it instead and just then got attacked by a zombie that I now got to fight with only one combat skill since the bow I needed for archery was unequipped. I almost wonder if there is some kind of possible lag/delay thing going on with this - I usually don't have problems dragging items around, but I tried 4 times in a row with one particular item in Kur Tower and got the "you can't use this" message each time rather than dragging it.
Suggestion: When looking at another player, behavior badges can take up a lot of space, and it may take scrolling to get down to the trade/invite options that are probably the reason I initially clicked on the player. Maybe move the interaction buttons to the top, or display them side by side with the badges?
Suggestion: It might be nice if each GUI element had its own reset option, rather than one big reset for everything. I resized the mini-map a bit weirdly by accident, and would like to get it back to its original settings, but I also like the icon and text sizes I have set up and don't want to reset those...
11-21-2017, 09:54 PM
@People who have problems with their chat window "jumbling up": I can't repro any issues, so I'd love to get more info on what's going on. Is it due to your GUI scale? Is it because you set your chat text font really big or small? Does it only happen when you scroll the scrollbar and then new text comes in? There's got to be a particular thing causing it...
If you can post a picture of what you're seeing, that might be helpful too. Thanks!
Bug: I havent heard of anyone else experiencing this bug, but on Linux I'm still experiencing a difficult to describe chat bug. Oddly, the chat window isn't posting updates automatically. If I just watch the chat window, there are no new posts, even though I know they're happening. I have to click the word Global or All (any one of the chat channel tabs) and then the chat posts since the last time I clicked the chat tab title will come rolling in.
11-22-2017, 12:25 AM
Suggestion: make the item comparison stick and not need to press "Alt" all the time.
Suggestion: be able to see a combat log in the chat window.
11-22-2017, 04:27 AM
BUG: Dragged Item icon got stuck on inventory window edge/scroll bar. The map being moved is the very one that also appears in the Vault Storage. Was able to withdraw the item by using the left-click menu option on it. The icon graphic was non-interactive once it got stuck and stayed after it's item was moved with withdraw from storage to inventory. It did disappear once the Storage Window was closed.
11-22-2017, 05:10 AM
Bug: Unknown monsters or entities show up in my pet status view. Meaning I see health/power bars and actions as on pets on entities which are not my pet. This is the status view which you open by clicking the tiny cat icon to the left of ability bars.
Bug: I got stuck loading and unable to load into the game after entering one of Gazluk caves. I sent an email with the log file.
ad: definitely not a one time thing, I unsticked my char and did it again and got stuck again :P
Bug: I am missing some sounds. e.g. walking
Bug: items added do not show up in my inventory if I already have my inventory window open. They appear if I close my inv window and reopen it.
11-22-2017, 09:47 AM
BUG: Dragged Item icon got stuck on inventory window edge/scroll bar. The map being moved is the very one that also appears in the Vault Storage. Was able to withdraw the item by using the left-click menu option on it. The icon graphic was non-interactive once it got stuck and stayed after it's item was moved with withdraw from storage to inventory. It did disappear once the Storage Window was closed.
I also had an icon stuck on my screen, but unfortunately I don't know exactly how it happened. I was trying to move some things into and out of the guild chest and removed some phlogiston by accident. I closed the chest and I believe my inventory as well, walked away and a bit later noticed that I had a phlogiston icon stuck right in the middle of my screen. When I located the phlogiston in my inventory and either hovered over it or clicked on it, the stuck phlogiston icon disappeared. Sorry this is so fuzzy - it was late and I was tired. I'll see if there's something I can do to make it happen again.
11-22-2017, 10:35 AM
Cosmetic: When purchasing something from a merchant and using the up-arrow to increase the number of items purchased, if I get to the max number of items (like the number of items of that type for sale) and hit the up-arrow again, it goes back down to 1.
Cosmetic: This might be intentional - Liquor no longer lists the ingredients used to flavor it.
Cosmetic: It I type in a number into the space for how many items I want to purchase from a merchant, the calculation to the right of how much I will be paying does not update until I click outside of the space where the number was entered.
11-22-2017, 01:03 PM
Attempted to use the mushroom teleport spells to travel from Serbule to New Prestonbule Cave. First time I used Boletus Mushroom, and got to the download screen and it stopped loading about half way through "loading assets". Was able to get my character unstuck using the /unstuckchar name, and tried to use the mushroom transport using mycena mushrooms and the same thing happened again.
11-22-2017, 01:31 PM
LaRaj: Exact same thing happened to me. That's not a bug. That's a crash. It doesn't matter what kind of mushroom you use.
11-22-2017, 01:33 PM
Missing functionality: If I already have a loadout for a particular pair of skills and want to update it (say I got a new piece of gear or decided to use a different ability for one of the skills) in the old UI I just hit Save. In the new UI there is no save button when viewing the loadout. I have to first delete the old one entirely then create a new one. Very clunky.
11-22-2017, 02:10 PM
LaRaj: Exact same thing happened to me. That's not a bug. That's a crash. It doesn't matter what kind of mushroom you use.
How about a crash caused by a bug? ;) Anyway, didn't you say earlier that you couldn't replicate your crash? It seems weird that it would happen twice to LaRaj and only once to you. Teleporting to Gazluk is on my list of things to do in the next few days, it's going to be interesting to see what happens...
11-22-2017, 04:15 PM
If you are getting a crash when switching zones, please try running the patcher again (the shortcut version, with the extra command-line parameter you added) and using the "Validate Installation" option before starting the game. (It's under the "More..." button.) Then see if you can still reproduce the crash. The log file I've received makes it look like a bad install. Not sure how that would happen but the Validate Install feature will help rule that out. Thanks!
11-22-2017, 07:33 PM
Cosmetic: Not getting a sound effect with auguries, either good or bad effects.
11-22-2017, 09:54 PM
Update: There is a confirmed bug in the launcher that can result in corrupt downloads in a few specific situations, and this build is one of them! You NEED to use the "Validate Installation" button after you finish patching. This will correct the problem. Otherwise, you can suffer from weird random issues, including audio drop outs, crashes when loading into certain areas, and missing monster graphics.
We'll have a new version of the launcher ready soon -- in the mean time, when switching between this version and the "live" version, use the Validate Installation button to make sure your install is correct! (Here's how: when you see the "Play" button in the launcher, don't click it; instead click "More...", then "Validate Installation". When it's done, you're all set and can press Play.)
This apples to both Windows and Mac users. The linux launcher doesn't suffer from this bug as far as I know.
11-22-2017, 11:07 PM
Bug: My screenshot hotkeys aren't working. This might be Linux specific since Shieldbreaker had a screenshot above. I've tried both the existing Ctrl-P and Ctrl-Shift-P for regular and high res screenshots and then setting a new shift-F10 keybind for a regular screenshot, and none of those generated any *.png files anywhere under my home directory. This definitely worked under the old UI as recently as last week.
Bug: I had the group health/armor/power bars go black on me a few times again. The way to reproduce that seems to be that I zone into Kur Tower first, then my party member zones into Kur Tower after me and their bars start out black. This happened both with the compact and the regular party UI; we repeated it about 3 times tonight and it also happened last night. Oddly enough, this seems to be specific to Kur Tower - it definitely did not happen in the Yeti Cave, and I've also not noticed it in outdoor zones at all. My party member was under attack when he zoned into Kur Tower, but I'm pretty certain that was also the case in the Yeti Cave.
Toggling the party UI from compact to regular or vice versa will cause the bars to display with the correct colors again and stay that way.
Bug: When auto-repeating giant phrenology recipes, the first completed recipe showed 20xp in the chat tab, but none of the subsequent recipe completions showed xp.
Possible bug: I was dead at the time my group killed Grottofang, and my chat tab did not show my notoriety xp gain which I think I should have gotten since when I looked at my skills later, I had a notoriety info update that said I killed Grottofang 1 time now. On second thought, I'm not sure whether I saw my combat skill gains either - I thought I did, but it could have been xp from an earlier kill since it was just 62/62...
Possible bug or quite possible user error: I'm about 70% sure that the completed quest "Cave Mummies" did not show up under "Gazluk Dungeons" in my quest log. I was looking at the quest log earlier and saw the completed Puke Sweetener quest under Gazluk, but not the mummies, so I figured I'd already turned it in. Then, when I actually talked to Mox, I completed the quest. It is however quite possible that I just did not see the quest in the log.
Cosmetic: I had my mouse cursor get stuck on the <-> shape twice tonight, like I was trying to drag a window sideways. Moving it over a window that I could actually drag sideways made the cursor revert to its normal shape. I am not sure what caused the stuck shape either time.
Cosmetic: Sometimes when selling, I get a weird tinkling sound that lasts for several seconds which seems too long. Usually, I just get a short sound when selling.
Feedback: It would be nice to have a compact display for myself as well as for my party members. I had turned on the compact party GUI, and I actually wasn't noticing my own health go down since the bars were in a different position and in a different shape than the bars of the other group members.
Feedback: It was taking me a very long time to scroll through all my skills to locate my current combat skills and switch out an ability. To reduce the scrolling, I'd suggest having either separate lists for combat skills and non-combat skills, or to have a special mini menu that only shows the two currently equipped combat skills + general special abilities. I think I'd prefer the second - often, I just want to look at the possibilities for my two current skills, and I really don't care about the abilities of the other 20 combat skills I don't plan on using right now.
Feedback: Wow, there's a lot of stuff in the new UI! I'm still getting used to it, but I do like it a lot. I noticed the quest log sorting by zone for the fist time tonight and that's a really neat idea. I also really like the way a skill's abilities are now displayed.
Not a bug for me: I did 3 mushroom circle teleportations and was fine, so it looks like the Linux launcher does not have the bug the other launchers had (or I'm lucky.)
11-23-2017, 01:35 AM
After Validate Installation, launcher redid 50 files. Serbule day/night cycle is now working.
update: okay, rechecked completely Validated on launch. But it may have stopped work the day/night switch. But it worked the first time I went in after doing the Validate. Have to test more.
11-23-2017, 05:42 AM
Bug: When taking to a NPC with storage. If i go into storage before going into shop. The bar on the right side of the window does not allow me to move thru my storage (I have no bar). If i go straight into shop, the bar will appear like normal.
Bug: When taking to a NPC with storage. If i go into storage before going into shop. The bar on the right side of the window does not allow me to move thru my storage (I have no bar). If i go straight into shop, the bar will appear like normal.
Weird, I can't reproduce this one.
11-23-2017, 11:53 AM
Windows 10
Cosmetic- Italics in npc doesn't display properly. i.e. fluffkin has dialogue with <i> sigh </i>
Cosmetic-Buying anything from a buy back tab jump you to the top of the list,real easy to accidentally buy other stuff if you were trying to just buy a couple of the same thing.
Cosmetic-Sometimes when you teleport from one area to another the paper doll in the persona tab blacks out the character displayed.
Bug-Gui scaling on inventory icon size resets when you log out.
Bug-Can't easily add the trade channel back onto a tab if you deleted the one you start with.
Bug-Some items flash their rarity and others don't,still real easy to miss loot if you aren't vigilant.
Bug-Other party members don't show on your map/minimap.(Edit-seems to be borked just in serbule.)
(Edit)The lack of an ability queue is a bit off putting in combat also.(Edit 2)Sometimes the queue works and sometimes it doesn't,a bit odd there.
(Edit 2)Bug-Turns out Nearby chat replaces anything you put in it,hard to follow a conversation in nearby as things other players say replaces their old text with the new text they write.
(Edit 2)Bug-The dance prompts come super fast and show the same dance prompt twice in a row.There's no feedback on if you did the move right.
(Edit 3)Bug-Can't change the programing on Superior Golem.The program golem button flashes the program golem menu on the screen for maybe a second and then it closes itself right after.The rest of the golems have the program menu open as normal.
11-23-2017, 12:07 PM
Bug: After doing a log out on one character and logging in on another, the second character is able to see work orders (and quests) in their log that belong to the initial character and not themselves. This seems to be the same problem that ShieldBreaker already reported, I just wanted to mention that it also occurs for work orders for me. Quitting the game completely also clears up the problem for me.
Bug: I am unable to change the quantity of salt/flour/sugar that I buy from Fainor to be anything other than multiples of 5. If I type in a 2 instead of 5, it will reset to 5 as soon as I click out of the quantity text field. If I type in a 10 instead of 5, it will remain at 10.
Cosmetic: The recipe window appears to be only draggable from the right pane - when I try to click and drag the left pane with the list of skills and recipes, my window doesn't move. Clicking on the left pane to bring the window to the foreground if it's partially hidden by another window also doesn't seem to work. ( I think this is because clicking to foreground/dragging only works on a window's title, but since the recipe window title is only over the right-pane, the left-pane doesn't really work for that. It just feels a bit weird since the left pane is a pretty large area.)
Feedback: I really like it that when clicking on the Crafting icon, the game now always remembers my last used skill and recipe, even between zoning and logging out. I wonder, would it be possible to also remember the last used recipe for non-current skills? For example, let's say I'm in the Cooking skill, select Ur-Bacon and discover that Ur-Bacon needs cedar wood chips. I then switch to Carpentry and make the wood chips. It would be really nice if switching back to Cooking now brought me back to the Ur-Bacon recipe directly rather than starting at the beginning of the Cooking recipe list and needing to scroll back down to find Ur-Bacon in my long list.
11-23-2017, 12:24 PM
Bug: My map pins flipped vertically on the map. I am somewhat new so I had the portal to serbule hills marked, and it is now at the very top, by the dock.
I think this is happening on all the maps. I'm seeing the same behavior myself on all maps I've checked so far: Kur, Ilmari and Serbule.
11-23-2017, 01:07 PM
Bug/Feature? When i do many crafts of the same item (Say treasure map making) the chat only shows 1 line of XP gained, not the 21 of the same lines... Feature or Bug....
Bug: When doing treasure hunting in Elt, The item does not show up on the map, just the location in comparison to my location appears.
11-23-2017, 01:08 PM
it was with Sie in Elt i saw it. Just reset to the old UI....
11-23-2017, 01:27 PM
Let me add to this. When going back to old UI. In Elt, when i click on map to make a mark it appears in a different location, and unable to click on that location to remove it (YEs you can remove it by cliking on the original place you clicked). So the ma of elt at least is out of sorts.
11-23-2017, 07:57 PM
Bug: (I think). It seems to me that being in combat disables left click + drag entirely, and always makes the left click act as an immediate use. I got stuck on another repeat round of unsuccessfully trying to drag an item today, and realized that I was still in combat from a poison dot. After the poison wore off, I was able to drag the item without a problem.
Cosmetic: The floating text for favor gain shows up behind open windows, rather than in front of them. So, whenever I gift an NPC, I usually have my inventory and the NPC dialog blocking my view of the favor gained from the gift entirely. ( I realize I can still see the favor in my chat tab, but that feels less convenient.) Edit: Actually, rather than having the floating favor text above the NPC's head, just showing the favor gained in the NPC dialog gifting tab might work best?
Cosmetic: The right energy globe shows metabolism + power. It might make more sense to reverse the order to power + metabolism, so the globes show left to right what the bars show top to bottom...
11-23-2017, 08:56 PM
Cosmetic: Quest-only items no longer have a red square around their icon (e.g. the soil sample container for the quest Serbule Hills Farm Samples now looks like a normal empty bottle).
11-23-2017, 09:49 PM
Cosmetic: At a player vendor stall, I selected the maximum number of items to buy in a stack. I then clicked the single buy button next to the item. This caused me to buy 1 item, while my selected quantity above remained at the previous maximum. I then clicked on the It's a Deal button, and it correctly gave me the error message that I couldn't buy 14 items since only 13 were remaining. However, when I then decreased the quantity to 13, the It's a Deal button text turned to "Working" and I was unable to buy the quantity I'd selected. Both simply clicking on another item in the stall or closing the vendor window reset the button, and I was then able to buy the quantity I selected.
11-24-2017, 06:07 AM
Bug: Ad when I said random entities show in my Pet view: some of the random entities include flowers :D
11-24-2017, 06:59 AM
I caught the bug on a video.
You can see about 6 seconds after the start, that the last 900 exp message is overwritten by the bottle of water message. Then that is overwritten by 36 exp message. Then by Aws's message. Then by Percussas message. And then I realise there is actually something wrong and click around. To the global and then back to All. And in the end, to me it looks like there are some messages missing. Not sure anyway.
Edit: I did validate my installation before running the game so this should not be because of wrong installation.
11-24-2017, 07:38 PM
Cosmetic: I currently have 199.2/199 favor with an npc.
11-25-2017, 08:57 AM
Cosmetic: The arrow is pointing out the text overflowing the buttons
Cosmetic: the circles represent where the UI changes the icon into the resize window icon for the Object window. The Object window doesn't allow resizing so it is invalid.
11-25-2017, 01:32 PM
Cosmetic: Italic text is sometimes shown properly italic, and sometimes as plain text with an <i> around it. For example, Therese's Small Talk is italic, but Therese's Training menu and Zeratak's barter menu have the <i> instead.
Cosmetic: On NPC vendors, when scrolling all the way down on the Buy Used tab and then switching to the Sell tab, the Sell tab also appears to have scrolled down. So, if I scroll down 30 Used items on Lasarn, and switch to my Sell tab, my Sell tab appears completely blank. If I scroll up a bit, I can see the 4 items I am able to sell to him again.
Cosmetic: In Barter menus, "receive" is misspelled as "recieve". I saw this on Brianna Willer and Zeratak, and confirmed that Zeratak's received is spelled correctly in the old UI.
Cosmetic: Serbule is also bright as day for me during the night. Serbule Hills was not. Since I am on Linux, I assume I do not have a corrupt install. Edit: I just went back to Serbule Hills, and now that zone looks bright to me too.
Bug: Zoning from Serbule Hills to Serbule causes an fps drop for me. After I zone and take a couple steps, my frame rate drops an average of 10-15 fps, and can drop to as low as 6 fps. (Graphics are set to Good with auto-adjust disabled.) Quitting the game/logging out/zoning will reset the framerate to my usual low 30s. I've tried this on a different computer with the old UI, and I don't see the framerate drop there, so I think it's UI related.
11-25-2017, 03:25 PM
Bug: When auto-repeating a recipe, it takes twice as long as it normally should. For example, crafting a single medium hoop just shows the 2 second crafting popup. Putting that same recipe on repeat, it will first show the popup, create 1 hoop, then it'll show "repeating recipe" at the bottom of the recipe window for a few seconds, then reset and go back to a regular crafting popup to create hoop #2 ( . After that, it'll go back to "repeating recipe", etc.
11-25-2017, 06:33 PM
Bug: I cannot buy more than 10 bottles of fertilizer at once from Yetta. If I try to change it to higher quantity, it just resets to 10 when clicking outside the quantity window.
11-25-2017, 07:25 PM
Cosmetic: In Sun Vale, the arrow indicating which direction I'm facing points the wrong way on both the mini-map and the regular map.
( Sorry for all the mini-posts. Every time I think I'm done with bugs, I find something else. I am really done now, I promise. For tonight, anyway.)
Bug: (sorry if this has been reported before, but this thread is now 8 pages long) When selling items to a vendor, after the sale the icon and price remain selected even though you don't have this item anymore. This has probably been reported. However, if the item exceeds the money left on the vendor (in my case a stack of 1000 Decent Phlogistons sold to Ashk in Rahu) you get a red flashing message saying "Vendor doesn't have 48000 golds!". Well, I just sold them, dude, of course you're out of money for more! Didn't you notice I don't have more! :)
11-26-2017, 03:22 PM
Cosmetic: When I reached level 35 in flower arrangement and got a bonus level in gardening, my chat tab showed the message "You levelled up in gardening!" twice rather than just once.
Cosmetic: When group dancing, the multiple, detailed status messages for the next dance move in the chat tab seem a bit weird - stage 0, etc...
Cosmetic: When listening to a poem, the poem page shows "<img=PoetryHr>" rather than the actual image.
Working great: I was able to attend the entire poetry jam just fine this time, after locking up on my attempt two weeks ago. I'm not sure if something changed in the code, or if it was that there were only 50-some people today after 80+ the other time. Either way, it worked great. :)
11-26-2017, 04:30 PM
Sorry I couldn't test for longer than few minutes, apparently I missed ticking boxes that were supposed to be ticked (Citan said adjusting the settings was fairly intuitive) but I did want to offer a rather...unique perspective upon the first log in with the new UI. I don't want to call it a disability but I'm visually challenged (I think it's called acute myopia, I do wear contacts though). It was really overwhelming to the point where all my screen became blurry, now if that was my first login ever in PG I probably would've given it a pass (which would've been a shame and it would be a shame if others wouldn't give it a chance for this reason). I already have issues with my character spinning (yup, I adjusted the camera settings), after few days of not playing I get vertigo in the first 5 minutes. The new UI is probably great (I know it has some very useful features I am excited about like character slots) but I guess what I want to say is that the "look" is a tad overwhelming, there are a lot of windows that need size adjusting that cover all the screen or that I can't move etc. Maybe it's because of my eyesight but bad eyesight is most likely not uncommon among gamers. Fact is in the 5-10 minutes I've tried it for I got a massive headache and I had to revert to the old UI.
My suggestion would be to have the default settings set to a nicer look (fonts and windows set at normal values by default, ofc we can adjust later but it's just a first impression thing) so when we first log in with the new UI the reaction would be "wow" not "ugh, how do I disable this or that":)
I also had a question (maybe I missed a chat option somewhere) - are we able to disable all the spam in "all" chat and only see the "user" chat like before? What I mean is all that text (including the NPCs chatter, monsters vulnerability, exp gained, all the stuff we usually turn off) that pops up in Global, can it be turned off somehow?
11-26-2017, 07:28 PM
Khaylara The New UI sets up everything fine on most 1920x1080 resolution computers right out of the gate. If it does not look 'right' then you need to take the time to set up everything as you like. It's a one-time thing unless you like to reset your settings a lot. I'd recommend doing it sooner rather than later because the old UI will be removed in the near future in preperations for STEAM.
11-27-2017, 12:36 AM
Bug: It was mentioned, but some aspects of the new UI after being rescaled or adjusted in settings do no persist correctly. e.g. size of the inventory and effect bar icons. The width of the left scrolling part of the of the recipe list. Not sure how it happened but for few days it was fine then yesterday, my chat tabs reset to default.
Bug: some tooltips in settings are incorrect
Bug: Ancient gold coin show Velkort twice for gifting and even with different favor levels for me
Suggestion: I very much liked how persona window looked in the old UI - the long list of character attributes. Now if I want to see the attributes, in persona window at the bottom I have to click between pages left and right. How about option to extend the Persona window to the right and show the list how it used to look. All the attributes and mainly the tooltips explaining them were very useful at the beginning of my play.
Suggestion: not sure how useful, maybe include a short list somewhere in the settings with some more possible presets of UI layout and scalings for players to try out quickly without having to adjust everything manually.
Khaylara regarding chat, it was not in the old UI, but right clicking in this new one is quite useful. Right click on chat and chat tabs to adjust them. Or on ability bars to switch them. Some things may be less obvious because of how we were used to interact with the old one. I did not know I can adjust the chat in the first preview either :P
11-27-2017, 12:43 AM
Was trying to trade a few scrolls and books (orcish) to a fellow guild member and was unable to get it to load into the trade screen. Left clicking it would use it up automatically, and right clicking it would not allow me to move it it all.
Looking at new gear is a fearful thing with the new UI, the left click is so sensitive. Was looking at a shield and left clicked to see it, and put it on instead, right about the same time a group of mobs were coming for us. I was pretty useless in combat with the shield in my hand and no supporting skills.
11-27-2017, 04:18 AM
Looking at new gear is a fearful thing with the new UI, the left click is so sensitive. Was looking at a shield and left clicked to see it, and put it on instead, right about the same time a group of mobs were coming for us. I was pretty useless in combat with the shield in my hand and no supporting skills.
Do you mean that you are just accidentally left clicking? There is no 'left click sensitivity' setting, a click is a click. If you literally have mouse clicking sensitivity, it could be related to your mouse.
11-27-2017, 04:24 AM
Thanks for all the feedback, please keep it coming! We will continue to work on fixing bugs and adding new features for a tentative 'official' roll out next weekend. When we do the 'official' roll out, the old UI will no longer be availible.
11-27-2017, 11:33 AM
Do you mean that you are just accidentally left clicking? There is no 'left click sensitivity' setting, a click is a click. If you literally have mouse clicking sensitivity, it could be related to your mouse.
I usually have no problems doing a left-click and drag, but I found myself much more likely to left-click and accidentally use an item on the trading screen than elsewhere. Maybe it's just that the trading screen puts me into a special click state of mind, I don't know. I may also have clicked on an item once or twice in an effort to remove it from the trading screen.
Also, I know I already complained about this once, but I just wanted to say again that I sincerely hope the single left-click to use will go away. It works perfectly fine for me 99% of the time. The 1% of the time it doesn't, and I accidentally drink the 1000 council potion I was trying to gift to the NPC is ... infuriating.
( It also doesn't really make sense, we can left click on items in storage to move them to our inventory, but left clicking in our inventory uses the item instead of putting it back into storage.)
11-27-2017, 12:49 PM
The new UI is probably great (I know it has some very useful features I am excited about like character slots) but I guess what I want to say is that the "look" is a tad overwhelming, there are a lot of windows that need size adjusting that cover all the screen or that I can't move etc. Maybe it's because of my eyesight but bad eyesight is most likely not uncommon among gamers. Fact is in the 5-10 minutes I've tried it for I got a massive headache and I had to revert to the old UI.
As much as I love the new UI, I wouldn't currently recommend it to anyone with vision problems, just because the font in the chat tab where you actually type is so tiny at the moment and non-adjustable. On my screen, the typing font is about half the size of the font I picked for the chat tab messages. :)
When I switched to the new UI, my main weirdness problems were a couple windows on the left getting squished on top of each other, and the new quest tracker going nuts on me by tracking 5 billion random quests at once. The quest tracker shouldn't be a problem for brand-new players who start without quests. For existing players ... well, I hope the next new UI release has some refinements. ( Currently, you have to disable tracking of new quests in the Settings, and then go to your quest log, find each quest the tracker already randomly auto-tracked and disable the tracking there.)
I did find the different UI windows easy to move and drag, though. The only problem I experienced there is that some windows are only draggable by clicking on their title menu, and not by clicking anywhere else. If you are having problems dragging things about, could you maybe try posting a screenshot, so we can see if it might be anything about a specific window? I know you are back on the old UI now, but I'd be curious how your screen actually looks whenever the next version of the new UI comes out. I'm also wondering if you are running at a much lower resolution than the 1920x1080 Silvonis said is used as the default, and if that is why your display is so odd...
( I do sympathize with your headache problem. This thread reminded that I should really investigate exactly how and why my screen goes blurry in Serbule. I've been putting that off since just thinking about the blurriness makes me feel queasy and cross-eyed. Eeek.)
11-27-2017, 01:10 PM
Let me repeat Silvonis' thank you. We really appreciate all the wonderful feedback and detailed reports. All of this is being compiled and sorted into a master list for fixing and tweaking, so don't worry about lots of short posts or duplicate reports - we'll sort those out. And we'll be working hard on this all week, so please do keep the reports and feedback coming! Your hard work is going to make the 'official' roll out so much smoother.
Enable the option to disable NPC chatter in the All channel.The All channel is a special built-in 'channel' that always shows everything. You can hide the All tab in Settings->Gui, under the Chat section: "Include 'All' Tab On Chat Window". We figured that experienced players would want their tabs set up differently, and we don't want new players to miss anything in the beginning.
For myself, I more or less replicated the old chat with a new chat tab (creatively called 'User') that includes Global, Help, Trade, Nearby (minus NPC Chatter), and Tells. (I have Party and Guild chat plus Tells again on another tab, because I prefer to keep those separate. But that's just me.)
Cosmetic: vital bars over the head of monsters [...] Also, perhaps these vital bars should be displayed only over monsters that have on aggro you? Or on someone?We played with a bunch of ideas like that internally. None of them quite worked - they were all too unintuitive and confusing.
Missing: I can't find any icon for the wordhunt game.The icon for the wordhunt game is gone - it was a really old left-over of earlier development. You can use /wordgame or the Word Game scroll that Marna sells to pop up the window. You can use the scroll from the left sidebar - I have a non-combat loadout set up that way for hanging out in town.
Suggestion: Could we have some hotbar slots for inventory items? I want to disable the functionality [left-click to use] described above but not lose out on the ability to quickly use potions in combat.You can use food and potions from your sidebar now. Or did you mean a new bar just for that?
As an aside, we are working on better options for left-click to use. (I have accidentally eaten so many cakes this week.)
- Combat is severely hampered by the new UI's inability to queue attacks. My rather non-traditional style of spamming attack commands (to fire at moment of reset), and then getting next attack ready, is impossible with the new build. Please add in queueing again.Queuing is actually supposed to be working - it's just buggy as hell at the moment. But don't worry; we will get it fixed.
Suggestion: It might be nice if each GUI element had its own reset option, rather than one big reset for everything. I resized the mini-map a bit weirdly by accident, and would like to get it back to its original settings, but I also like the icon and text sizes I have set up and don't want to reset those...If you right-click on individual settings, you can revert just that setting to default. That won't help you with the mini-map size and position, though, I'm afraid. The only way I know to do that is to wipe out your GorgonConfig.txt. (If you decide to play with that, make sure you back it up first!)
Bug-Can't easily add the trade channel back onto a tab if you deleted the one you start with.You should just be able to add a new chat tab and mark the checkbox for Trade. You may have to scroll down a bit to find it. (If you actually left the Trade channel instead of just closing the tab, you won't have a Trade checkbox, but you can type Trade in the "Add Channel..." field at the bottom of the Chat Tab Editor and then hit the + button to re-join and add Trade to that chat tab.)
11-27-2017, 01:34 PM
Tagamogi, nope, i play at 1920x1080. I think Citan said you can adjust the fonts but i started tearing before I could go through all the settings. The nausea and dizziness happen to me most often in Serbule, especially the citadel. I can't say it's blurry, more like the ground is spinning under me feeling lol. I guess that's not part of the interface discussion but having my screen covered in rather oversized windows on top of it didn't improve the "omg i'm gonna puke" moment^^
11-27-2017, 01:52 PM
Bug: Blurry Filter not leaving when it should. I had the screen end up going blurry and staying that way until I relogged. The events leading up to it was I respawned after being killed underwater. Although difficult to tell, I don't think I was out of breath at the time but the death report said drowned. I was suffering major poison DoT and I feel that was what killed me.
Feedback: The bottom Abilities UI has moved around on me on occasion when I've only been trying to use abilities. So I probably missed the button and ended up dragging the UI, but that wasn't my intention.
Feedback: Items are not drag and drop-able when you are in-combat. This includes those times after the fight when you have got a DoT debuff as well. Doing a drop by menu still works. So used to being able to do that.
Feedback: One time dragged an ability off abilities bar, during or getting into combat. That is kind of frustrating it was my basic attack, so ended up with no refresh for the fight.
Feedback: This one is probably really dumb, but even after finding it once, for a few days I couldn't figure out where the load outs went. Star at the bottom. Might be less of a problem for new players then old that are used to it being accessed differently before. An icon with hand holding 1 weapon with an arrow to another hand holding a different weapon, might convey the loadout concept more readily. Though fitting that into one small icon might be problematic as well.
Cosmetic: On the Paperdoll in Stats window, Torso and Legs and gear on those slots are completely invisible with different sets of cloth armor. Validated right before rechecking so shouldn't be corrupt or missing files.
Cosmetic: When deleting a LoadOut the pop-up starts with 2 lines of text but it then changes to 1 line of text and shrinks the pop-up to fit if it can. The changing of the box like that makes me notice the change and makes me double check that it is still the right pop-up.
Cosmetic: When naming a LoadOut you can enter an large amount of text into the input box. After leaving the input box, the window it is in gets overlapping text and other weird results. The name gets cut off and only partly used. Maybe limiting the input to the actual allowed size of the input.
11-27-2017, 03:55 PM
Feedback: Wondering if it would be possible to add a function to pull up the recipe of a component of a recipe. So basically thinking if you are making something that takes leather strips you click on the leather strip in that recipe which brings up leather strips info. You can see what recipes use it, gifting, and finding. But what I sometimes want to know is what goes into making it in the first place. So depending on which recipes you learn to make it you can bring up those recipes to see what is needed to make it. This would then let you do finds on the raw materials, or see what raw materials you need to purchase like rough tannin. Mostly need a quicker way to see what level of tannin to buy. Basically want to be able to walk back from the finished product all the way to the most basic raw materials that go into it.
I'm posting this as feedback about combat with the new UI.
First I'd like to say that this new UI brings nice improvements. Not the least of them is the fact that you can move around windows and put them close to each other. I no longer have to look up, down, center, left, up, down, center, rinse repeat, to see what's going on. The fact that health is displayed as a gauge is also nice for combat purpose, if not cosmetic. And there are many other nice things worth the switch.
The UI unfortunately also has some issues, a few them already existing in the old version. I know Srand recently posted that some of them are being addressed. I will still list them for completeness.
You can't loot if the corpse is behind you. I use the 'U' key to open corpses and it doesn't work if it's behind me or at my feet.
The health/armor/rage meter over mobs is great, except it's displayed on top of everything which is very distracting during a fight. The meter also doesn't scale with distance. That's alright except when there are a lot of mobs, it's a bit hard to know which one is close.
I already posted it, but I'll repeat it here: the meter should show only if the mob has aggro (or is recovering health after a kill/flee). Ideally, you could choose if you see the meter on mobs when they have aggro on: everyone/party/you. If that's too complicated, defaulting to "party" sounds like a decent compromise to me. In its current implementation, the meter is displayed over all mobs and in my opinion it breaks immersion.
Note that I can see meters behind walls when they don't block line of sight.
When looting, messages such as bury or gaining wisdom points hide loot options.
Loot options move around as you click them (to top, then to bottom, depending on autopsy for instance). The old UI wasn't perfect but did the job better in my opinion.
Bug: the target health bar can be at zero and yet the mob has some life left, like 20%
Key queue: some actions can be queued, i.e. the global refresh timer isn't ready but if you press the key for an ability, it is queued and the ability triggers as soon as the global refresh timer allows it. This works for But I love you, Psychoanalyze, You Were Adopted, Ice spear for example, but for some reason not with Ice Nova or Shardblast. For these, I must spam the keyboard until it fires. Worse, it doesn't work with Pep Talk, I've missed quite a few heals because of this.
The target square (thin blue line) does not cover the entire mob, so it's easy to mistake the mob in front of you with another behind. On the other hand, you would not be able to see it on large mobs such as Ogres. I think EQ did this better: there would be a ring on the floor centered on the mob feet/claw when it's your target, and by the shape of the ring you could always tell what your target is even with many mobs on top of each other.
The distance indicator (alt key) is on top of the target. That's alright, but in area with a ramp I can't see it, it's outside the screen. Can we have it also on top of the target window?
The same goes with the "You're in combat" indicator. It's mixed with buffs, but perhaps should better be close to the "self" window (with your health etc.)
Bug: items don't have the properly colored icon sometimes in the loot window.
Bug: the group mates health bar is bugged: stays black, give wrong info or is delayed too much and you can never tell if your group is taking damage.
Regrettably, the new UI does not allow for size, color or shape customization (I was really hoping it would, since it's spec'd from scratch). For me, this means my health bar is too small. I would have wanted to make it bigger, with a brighter, plain color and easier to notice in general. Also, I would have moved it near the group health bar so I can see if I'm damaged at the same time I see how's the group doing. In EQ I had to hack the UI but I was eventually able to do it and it's a HUGE improvement when you're specialized in healing. Maybe when Priest is implemented...
You can no longer auto-repeat decomposing or distilling items. Setting the "auto-repeat" box doesn't work for these recipes (It's combat feedback because it's fairly common to decompose as the group is moving or pulling).
Not new:
I have an issue with the Esc key to close the loot window: it closes too much. That is, if I press it twice it will close the chat. More, I get a logout window... I've settled to always close the loot window with the mouse.
In the loot window you see arrows or throwing knives from other players. I think these items could appear in a separate area, and not be
looted with the loot all button, except if you're the archer/thrower of course.
We still can't easily make the difference between a mob at low health and a dead mob, in my opinion.
Sometimes mobs have a moving animation when they are in fact static. This is very common with Gnashers in Dark Chapel for instance. You see it coming at you but in fact it's not moving.
Feedback: Effect particles sometimes completely blinds me. The "on fire" effect is particularly annoying, when I have it on me I just stop looking at the screen and focus only on my health bar, spamming aoe and nukes long after all mobs are dead, because there is just no way I can follow what's going on, and I've learned that closing my eyes and shootin' at random works the best. If you ever implement some "hide particles" UI option, I will immediately turn them off, never to return.
Often you can see mobs, like Gnashers, very clearly on a ramp going down, but you don't have line of sight and therefore can't target them. It's a minor issue but one I find a bit annoying.
The game could use a key setting for "look up" and "look down". I have to do it with the mouse and it's really slowing me down when fighting on ramps and stairs.
11-27-2017, 04:57 PM
Talking about looting/decomposing... Maybe we could have a decomposition tray that we could fill from inventory/loot window? Anything to make it take less visual space and clicking time. I spend more time trying to find things to burn than I do actually sitting down in-game and burning them.
Just some sort of speed UI that allows us to grab and put into the pile of items we're chewing through?
Was there any way in the new UI to hide important items in the inventory tray so you can't accidentally click on them (and your loot and new crafting items doesn't get lost in the pile of things you have in your pockets)?
11-27-2017, 05:07 PM
I've merged Niph's new thread on New UI & Combat feedback in here so I can track things more easily. I know it's getting dense in here, but I'll never be able to keep up otherwise.
11-27-2017, 07:39 PM
Khaylara - I'm not sure if this is going to be at all helpful to you, but just for reference: I renamed my GorgonConfig.txt and here is what my screen looked like immediately after logging in at 1900x1200, with all the default settings (spoiler hiding biggish picture):
The default options look a bit big to me, but I think it's actually better than what I was getting initially by using my existing GorgonConfig.txt from the old UI - I think some of those settings may not have translated that well.
If you think my screenshot looks at all better than what you are getting, you may want to try renaming your GorgonConfig.txt as well. You'll lose your other settings, too, but I at least find resetting keybindings and sound options to be less tedious than messing with graphics.
Edit: Also, there is now an option to disable the Quest Tracker entirely under the GUI settings, so once that is turned off, the screen should look pretty similar to the way it did in the old UI.
11-27-2017, 08:34 PM
Bug: After wiping out my GorgonConfig.txt to restart with the default settings, I now show my keybindings for both "Select Enemy" and "Select Next Non-Combatant" to be Tab. The same for "previous" for both of these - both settings are set to Shift-Tab.
Cosmetic: In Keybindings, it is possible to click the Shift/Ctrl/Alt boxes with the mouse prior to clicking on Assign Key. However, clicking on Assign Key clears any checkboxes previously checked, and it is not possible at this point in time to click into them again. Actually pressing the shift/ctrl/alt keys on the keyboard will check the checkboxes at this stage, but it just feels confusing that sometimes the mouse works and sometimes it doesn't.
Suggestion: It looks like Trade is the default chat tab with a brand-new UI file. Maybe another chat tab would be more appropriate?
11-27-2017, 09:00 PM
The health/armor/rage meter over mobs is great, except it's displayed on top of everything which is very distracting during a fight. The meter also doesn't scale with distance. That's alright except when there are a lot of mobs, it's a bit hard to know which one is close.
I already posted it, but I'll repeat it here: the meter should show only if the mob has aggro (or is recovering health after a kill/flee). Ideally, you could choose if you see the meter on mobs when they have aggro on: everyone/party/you. If that's too complicated, defaulting to "party" sounds like a decent compromise to me. In its current implementation, the meter is displayed over all mobs and in my opinion it breaks immersion.
I kind of like this the way it currently is. I agree with you that it would be nice to be able to tell distance and that having a lot of these meters floating around can get pretty distracting. I do find the floating meters to be very helpful in letting me know which mobs are around where, though. I'm not particularly visually observant (animations, what's that?), so having some bright primary colors available to notify me about nearby mobs is nice. Immersion-breaking, but very very nice.
Bug: the target health bar can be at zero and yet the mob has some life left, like 20%
I thought I saw something like that happening, but the opposite way - actual health was zero, and the bar hadn't updated yet. It didn't happen frequently enough to me to be sure, though. I also died once and had my own health bar show 195 health - I was pretty sure it had never actually gone down to zero and that I hadn't healed myself...
11-27-2017, 11:11 PM
What i meant by mouse click sensitivity was that it is just way to easy to use/equipment something by mistake. Even just trying to click and drag can result in mistaken uses or equiping unwanted gear.
11-27-2017, 11:16 PM
Not sure if this is intend, but while chating it would be nice to return to the default chat option (ie: guild/party/global. If i have replied to someone several minutes later i would still have that player as my default chat.
11-27-2017, 11:20 PM
When trying to scroll through skills all the anatomy and any other skill with a sub catagory list are open by default. Would be nice if this was initially collapsed as a default. Would make trying to find specific skills a bit more simple.
11-27-2017, 11:28 PM
Not a bug but a suggetion..
Would be helpful to split a stack of something thats in storage. If i only need 5 fire dust cutrently i have to remove all of them just to get the 5 i need. Would be nice to have a sort button for storage, or to be able to put items in a certain slot instead of at tbe end by default. The current way makes kreping organized a headache.
11-28-2017, 07:50 AM
I installed the new UI again and 2 issues
-the click to use or equip is pretty bad, i already made a couple of mistakes
-it seems the work orders are bugged (some of them). Example I have a work order for 10 Decent melee staves, I crafted 10 using the "decent melee staff (enchanted)" recipe and they don't count towards the quest completion. The NPC doesn't complete the work order either (Sheyna in Rahu)
11-28-2017, 07:55 AM
Bug: My pointer sometimes starts to reposition itself to my char. Note, on the video I am not pressing any buttons not on the keyboard nor my mouse. All I am doing is trying to move the pointer in circle on the screen. The pointer keeps repositioning itself to my char and there is no clear way to stop this. I usually restart the client. Am I the only one with this bug? I already mentioned it during the first preview.
Ad that: I disagree with the design choice to reposition the mouse to the char, when left/right click rotating the camera. But the above is seriously problematic when it happens. But I have not found any way to always replicate it.
11-28-2017, 08:46 AM
When you left click things in bottles such as Whey, Sweet Whey, Suspensions (Non-consumables) the default result is to emptying the bottle. Left click has always been such a normal thing and now it can have some pretty harmful side effects.
11-28-2017, 09:26 AM
-it seems the work orders are bugged (some of them). Example I have a work order for 10 Decent melee staves, I crafted 10 using the "decent melee staff (enchanted)" recipe and they don't count towards the quest completion. The NPC doesn't complete the work order either (Sheyna in Rahu)
FWIW, I did several leatherworking work orders in Amulna, and all of those worked fine. I think I also did one chicken+broccoli turn in to Laura in Kur and one great cloth pants turn in to Sheyna in Rahu. So, the problem may be with the decent melee staves work order?
11-28-2017, 09:57 AM
I moved to the new GUI build to fix an issue I was having, and thought I would share my initial observations:
In my opinion the general look and feel of the new design is a lot cleaner and more professional looking.
The tooltips and item information is displayed much better; I especially love that the items now indicate who to gift them to.
Object selection borders and names are cleaner and functioning properly (before they would sometimes overlap with description).
Scaling is significantly improved, which is great for my 4k monitor.
The map is infinitely better and easier to use.
Minor Issues:
The scrollbar in the quest window is difficult to see.
Exp gain text is difficult to see over the player information, especially when you get multiple types at once, where they immediately overlap (like with autopsy). I would prefer an option to have it displayed centre screen and with minor delays between outputs.
Nelson Ballard has a shop option that doesn't do anything and shows him as having trillions of council.
The recipe and quest menu colours are unappealing and make everything bleed together
Major Issues:
The target view doesn't properly show certain enemies and items: if I target a tiger the camera is halfway through its body.
The NPC menus and Enemy search menus have oversized buttons that make navigating the menus more annoying, especially when they keep moving around as text comes in from, for example, autopsy. I would suggest pinning the buttons to the top of the box so you could instead keep your mouse in one spot and keep clicking as the previous button disappears and the others move up.
-> NPC and search menus also don't have great text contrast, especially compared to the buttons, which makes it difficult to read
There's no button anymore to check on pets unless one is already out and alive
The inventory has actually gotten more difficult to manage, as all items are now the same size and quest items aren't highlighted. Some differentiation is really useful when you're going through so many little boxes. Could use inventory filters or tabs to help with this, and I'd definitely suggest re-highlighting the quest items.
Quest steps (collecting item, talking to someone, etc.) are no longer apparent, reducing the sense of accomplishment and making it easier to miss that you got what you needed.
A chat filter would be nice so that I can go to the all channel but ignore exp and combat text.
I would love an option to have the characters stats as bars over their head instead of the bubbles to the sides.
When the bars are turned on over enemies, I would like the option to only show health, or some combination of the bars and not all three.
An option to hide uncraftable items based on what you have in inventory.
An option to remove the extending art from the ability bars to help save space and clean up the screen if we want.
I should point out I'm relatively new to this game and won't have the experience that others do, but I have some experience testing smaller games for player experience and would love to help you guys however I can, even if it's just these little observations. This game has a great community and it's pretty great to be even a small part of it.
11-28-2017, 11:50 AM
Yep, that particular one, i turned in another 2 and they worked fine. Someone on Global chat asked if I was using the new UI when I shared the problem so I thought some NPCs might be bugged?
11-28-2017, 12:42 PM
Yep, that particular one, i turned in another 2 and they worked fine. Someone on Global chat asked if I was using the new UI when I shared the problem so I thought some NPCs might be bugged?
Do you recall whether you ever turned in that work order in the old UI? I'd generally suspect the work order itself to be buggy. I remember a few months ago, several of the storage crate work orders asked for the wrong type of crate. For example, I had a work order for nice storage crates, but looking at the order details, it said I needed to make 10 decent storage crates instead. That's been fixed, but maybe staves have a similar problem...
11-28-2017, 02:22 PM
I believe i turned that one in before, I usually take all available WOs involving staves (above crude). Ofc I can't be sure if it's the NPC in the new interface or the WO is bugged, hopefully I get a reply to the ingame report I made so we can know for sure.
edit-I went to check the full quest description and either I was super stupid and deleted it by accident or it just vanished from my work orders:O I went to the Rahu board, re-took it and it worked this time around.
Khaylara Maybe you picked up that work order in old UI and didn't turn it in in until new UI?
11-29-2017, 02:46 AM
That is the case, yes. I imagine it got fixed but it seems to be related to the new UI then.
11-29-2017, 11:14 AM
Suggestion: With the assumption that single left click to use is going away, how about allowing a left click to move an item on certain screens, in addition to dragging it? I'm thinking:
- Click to move an item from inventory to any storage (the way it currently works to move an item from storage to inventory)
- Click to move an item from inventory into the open trading screen
- Click to move an item from inventory into the NPC gift option
- Click to move an item from inventory into the Recipe window ( Transmutation, Augmentation, any recipes that call for an item to be dragged into them)
I've been finding the trading in particular surprisingly tedious lately. In the old UI, I had my trade window hidden halfway under my inventory, so it usually just required a very short drag to get an item into the trading screen. With the new UI, it feels like I'm dragging my item across the whole screen before I can finally get it to show up in my trade window.
11-29-2017, 01:30 PM
I have not had time to fully “test” the UI or read others’ comments. However, since the complete conversion to the new UI is imminent, this is what I have so far.
Bugs or anomalies:
1. When I resize the settings box, the item buttons on the left escape down the bottom of borders on the settings dialog box.
2. Power bars appear to be blue. Is that intended?
3. My chat status box keeps saying “you have one friend online”. Over and over. Odd.
4. The quest log seems to have old quests active – with no way to drop a quest I finished long ago. A specific example is the amethyst quest from the starting island long ago.
5. Does the right icon bar not move? It would be nice if it did.
6. When I move the chat box location and log back in later, I have to move it again. Other boxes stay where I put them.
7. Chat tabs don’t stay where I have put them. Sometimes the ALL tab stays where I move it, but eventually it reverts.
8. The text input boxes for the player store are not large enough for amounts over three digits. I had to log into another computer to fix it. (Actually the whole store interface was not responding, so I’m not sure what’s up with that.)
Overall, the windows seem to be too large and when you try to adjust them, the text inside no longer fits. If there were a way to adjust the text box font size that would be better. Playing on a smaller screen would be nuts! As it is, the text boxes crowd my screen and block everything.
Having the ability to adjust the background of textboxes would be great. My chat box retained the transparency it had previously, but I can’t seem to adjust that now. Then the large boxes wouldn’t be so in the way! When I look at the settings, I no longer see the opportunity to change the opacity of any box or the map. In short, text box sizes and lack of transparency interfere with gameplay way too much.
Why is there an incongruous shopping cart on the player store interface? Some would call that immersion breaking. Definitely seems out of place. Just about any icon that graphically suits the game would be better—a wheelbarrow would be a better icon, for example. Or a basket.
11-29-2017, 04:09 PM
Bug: When you move the Left side bar the top ability slot goes blank.
2. Power bars appear to be blue. Is that intended?...
Yes, we have been told that is intended.
12-01-2017, 04:35 AM
Sorry I couldn't test for longer than few minutes, apparently I missed ticking boxes that were supposed to be ticked (Citan said adjusting the settings was fairly intuitive) but I did want to offer a rather...unique perspective upon the first log in with the new UI. I don't want to call it a disability but I'm visually challenged (I think it's called acute myopia, I do wear contacts though). It was really overwhelming to the point where all my screen became blurry, now if that was my first login ever in PG I probably would've given it a pass (which would've been a shame and it would be a shame if others wouldn't give it a chance for this reason). I already have issues with my character spinning (yup, I adjusted the camera settings), after few days of not playing I get vertigo in the first 5 minutes. The new UI is probably great (I know it has some very useful features I am excited about like character slots) but I guess what I want to say is that the "look" is a tad overwhelming, there are a lot of windows that need size adjusting that cover all the screen or that I can't move etc. Maybe it's because of my eyesight but bad eyesight is most likely not uncommon among gamers. Fact is in the 5-10 minutes I've tried it for I got a massive headache and I had to revert to the old UI.
My suggestion would be to have the default settings set to a nicer look (fonts and windows set at normal values by default, ofc we can adjust later but it's just a first impression thing) so when we first log in with the new UI the reaction would be "wow" not "ugh, how do I disable this or that":)
I also had a question (maybe I missed a chat option somewhere) - are we able to disable all the spam in "all" chat and only see the "user" chat like before? What I mean is all that text (including the NPCs chatter, monsters vulnerability, exp gained, all the stuff we usually turn off) that pops up in Global, can it be turned off somehow?
I just wanted to follow up on this, because I don't think Khay posted this as a follow up herself. The issue, which is described with a fix eariler in the thread by Citan, was actually caused by a bug in the launcher that causes some file corruption. If you download the New UI and have similar issues, you should click the "options" button on the launcher and then click "validate installation" as that will fix the issue.
12-01-2017, 04:51 AM
Bug: Training window from NPC's doesn't refresh automatically when first opened.
If I open another tab in the same NPC's window and then go back to training all is there as should be.
Not a big deal really as it only takes a couple seconds but some may complain :)
Great work by the way as the new UI is what I was hoping for as now I can play at 4K with everything working as it should bar the minor bug of course ;)
12-01-2017, 12:50 PM
Silvonis I did that when you advised it, I didn't notice any difference myself though (that's why I didn't post anything), I just tweaked the settings manually after i logged in. I'm guessing it's a file repair so it doesn't hurt to do it anyway?
Btw is the text on the launcher and log in screen meant to be that massive? The "Project Gorgon" title and the eula are really large (playing at 1920 x 1080)
12-01-2017, 10:18 PM
Bug/Cosmetic: Sun Vale user icon on minimap is backwards
Bug: previously mentioned, but surveys and treasure cartography doesn't seem to flash beacon on minimap
Bug: Chat channel settings don't save between log ins
Suggestion: I would like more flexibility on what errors/info show or don't show in chat (e.g. I want exp gains but nothing else)
Suggestion: I agree with others - left click to use should be disable-able
Suggestion: I would like the ability to preview skill levels in the skills tab without having to click each one
Suggestion: I would like to be able to see just combat skills for quicker skill changes
Missing: You can't re-write a load out without deleting it first
12-02-2017, 01:20 AM
Bug: The Tragic Kitten Claw, which I keep for an unknown reason in storage, no longer shows a property that it is ensouled equipment or sth.
12-02-2017, 07:08 AM
Bug: I am unable to clear the guild MotD - it no longer accepts a blank text entry.
Cosmetic: I believe I was also unable to read a poetry book and leave its title blank. ( I had some problems reading the book last weekend, and now that I saw the MotD, I think the reason for my poetry problems was the initial blank title.)
Cosmetic: I find it a bit hard to tell whether the "Confirm" button for text entry fields like the guild MotD or poetry book is clickable or grayed out.
12-03-2017, 09:09 AM
Bug: With the resolution set to 5760x1200, the UI scale can be too large to fit on the screen. The scale had to be reduced prior to increasing the game resolution to wide screen. Setting the GUI scale to the lowest setting works, but menu items extend past the border of the settings window.
Bug: With the resolution set to 5760x1200, the UI scale can be too large to fit on the screen. The scale had to be reduced prior to increasing the game resolution to wide screen. Setting the GUI scale to the lowest setting works, but menu items extend past the border of the settings window.
Don't forget to report in game, as it's now the correct way to report bugs about the UI.
12-03-2017, 09:23 AM
That makes more sense, thanks for the heads up :)
12-03-2017, 09:28 AM
A huge thanks to everyone who helped with bug reports, suggestions, and feedback during the preview period! The time you put into testing during the preview phase was indispensable.
Today the new UI went live for everyone, so we're switching back to the normal bug reporting process. If you see something that doesn't work, or doesn't work quite right, or is confusing or weird, or if you just have feedback or suggestions you want to share, please send an in-game ticket - it's under the "!" icon at the top of the right-hand sidebar.
Thank you again!
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