View Full Version : Very Rough Preview Version of New UI

11-11-2017, 01:52 PM
Edit: Let's call this particular early version "done" -- if you haven't yet played with the new UI, please don't bother downloading this version. Your first impressions are important, and we'd like for those first impressions to be unhindered by some of the more egregious bugs in this particular build!

A new build will be ready next weekend, and we'll ask for your help again then.

(If you've already downloaded this build and are still preparing your feedback, by all means, still post it!)

Also, if you already downloaded this one: there are some exploitable issues in this build. Please do not exploit them! If you do, we will have to ban you, which is a huge pain for us as well as you. Just don't. Thank you!

A very rough preview version of Project: Gorgon with the new UI is available for testing today. We are not switching everyone over to the new UI yet - this isn't even the optional soft-launch we've talked about before. This is an early voluntary test to help us find any remaining game-breaking bugs.

If you'd like to participate, there are instructions below. Before we get to that, though, heed these warnings!


Switching to this new build will require a full patch download.
If you find a game-breaking bug that prevents you from playing, you can switch back to the old UI. But doing so will require another full patch download.
Lesson: Do not try this yet if you have slow download speeds! (You can participate in the next phase when there is a lower chance you will have to re-patch.)
The UI for player vendors is broken in this build. If you were planning on spending the day browsing the player vendors, do not try this build yet!

Now for the instructions.


These instructions are written for the Windows version of PG. You can test this very rough preview build on Linux or Mac, but only if you are completely comfortable with modifying these instructions for your OS.
Remember, this is a voluntary test of a very rough preview. If these instructions don't make sense to you, you should sit this one out today.

So. You're going to add a special flag to the end of the command that runs the patcher. Note: these instructions no longer work because we've taken this build offline. Please check back next weekend, and thank you very much for your patience!

Find the patcher icon (for example, ProjectGorgonLauncherWin.exe), right-click it, and choose "Create Shortcut".
Right-click on the newly-created shortcut, and choose Properties.
In the properties window, find the Target field. Add a space on the end, then -fileversion 289f. So, for instance, my Target field reads:

"E:\Gorgon Live\ProjectGorgonLauncherWin.exe" -fileversion 289f
Press OK, then double-click the shortcut to run the launcher with those parameters. It will patch over the old download with the new experimental build.

REMEMBER to start the game from your new shortcut for as long as you want to test the very rough preview build, because when you use the non-shortcut version, it will patch right back to the mainstream live build.

Reporting Bugs

We're going to handle bugs for today's test a bit differently than we usually do. If you find a bug in today's very rough preview build, please post in here - in this thread! (The normal in-game reports don't know what build you are using, so keeping these separate today is going to save us a lot of confusion.)

When you post here, please label each bug you report with one of these keywords:

Game-breaking: You cannot play the game.
Missing functionality: An existing feature is missing or doesn't work at all. NOTE: This only applies to existing features!
Buggy functionality: A new or existing feature is there, but it's not working like it should. NOTE: This one applies to both existing and new features. If we added a new feature and it's not working, let us know.
Cosmetic: Something looks wrong.
Feedback/Suggestion: General feedback about how things look and feel, and how you think they can be improved.

11-11-2017, 01:52 PM
Known Issues:

- The player vendor UI does not work.
- The zoom-in/zoom-out bar on the map doesn't work. (Mouse wheel scrolling and the +/- buttons do work.)
- Many types of monsters do not show up correctly in the new "portrait" of your selected target. (Or they are not aligned correctly, or they fall out of alignment when they die.)

11-11-2017, 02:55 PM
Buggy functionality:

If you open a chat tab editing window (to edit an existing tab or make a new one) and then zone, you will never be able to add/edit chat tabs ever again unless you wipe out your GorgonConfig.txt.

11-11-2017, 03:07 PM

Buggy Functionality: chat tabs must be clicked occasionally to see new chat messages coming in. My client only apparently.
Missing Functionality: guild info not displayed in social tab.
Buggy Functionality: pressing cancel while binding keys does not close the keybind window. Esc does, however.
Missing Functionality: assigning keys while keybinding doesn't seem to function at all actually.

11-11-2017, 03:09 PM
Cosmetic: Armor bars are orange and Power bars are blue, I think it's supposed to be the other way around
Buggy functionality: Changing setting "Overhead Text Size" requires relogin to take effect
Cosmetic: Wrongly scaled map pins

Feedback/Suggestion: The popup tooltip in trade window. When I wish to scroll through the trade window, a tooltip shows up for the thing my pointer is on top of. It is covering much of the space. The tooltip in the trade window should only show up if I hover over the item icon, not the entire item row (so not over name, nor on the buy icon).

Buggy functionality: When hovering with pointer over the buy button, sometimes it shows the item tooltip and sometimes just simple "Buy this item". It should not show item tooltip, and maybe even the buy item is not necessary.

Buggy functionality: At stable master Gisli. The text input field for the pet name is buggy. The cursor is not at the end of the name and is sort of jumping around so it's not clear at which part of the word I am typing.

Cosmetic: In the trade window, on top above the tabs, there is this empty space. The tabs should be at the top and the space should be removed.

Feedback: Don't like that items can be dropped anywhere on the screen to the ground. Makes it more likely to acidently drop sth when moving items between inventory and storage. Items are actually droppable while inventory and storage windows are open.

Suggestion: "More Info" currently works only on items in inventory. It would be great if it worked on items in storage as well. Currently only tooltip option on stored items is "withdraw".

Cosmetic: Default title colour for All items (even not gear) is the same as the Legendary items.

(Game-breaking) not sure what caused this but my pointer began repositioning itself back to my character in the middle of the screen similarly as to when I rotate my camera. If I move my pointer away from my character it may work for few seconds and then jumps back to my char. (It stopped)

11-11-2017, 03:21 PM
Missing Functionality: Party GUI not showing. also party members dont appear in the social tab.
Buggy Functionality: Party chat does not appear on the Global chat tab by Default (Edit 3)

Edit 1:
Suggestion: add a Lock/Unlock Abilities on this Bar function to all ability bars.
Suggestion: is it possible to alter the Skills and Abilities window to be a bit more easily navigable? When I launched, Dig Deep 6 was missing from my Sidebar. It took me awhile to find it in the long long list of Special Abilities. A search or streamlined list would help.

Edit 2:
Buggy Functionality/Suggestion: Tooltips at vendors should only display for items when hovering over the name or icon of the item....either that or give them a longer delay than normal. Currently the tooltips appear instantly and are quite invasive.
Buggy Functionality: Inventory window must be closed then re-opened in order for a item I've just bought to display in the inventory window.
Feedback: Loving the ability to just drag unwanted items anywhere on the screen in order to drop them!!
Buggy Functionality: "Your friend Panic has is now online."
Feedback: Chat> separate options to display error messages, xp gain messages, and friends coming online. I dont want to have to see the others if i just want to know when my friends come online.

11-11-2017, 04:48 PM
Pretty cool so far. :) I will post more as I find more issues.

-Buggy Functionality (Definately abusable): I can fly forever while chatting. Tested by going into combat, getting extremely low power, then flight-chatting. I even recover power while flying like this.

-Feedback/Suggestion: It is a bit annoying to be reminded of what guild I'm in every time I switch zones. I'm assuming that is not intended though.

-Feedback/Suggestion: Okay, so I like using the mouse to select abilities in combat as opposed to hitting the right keys. I liked how the information about what ability I was hovering over was displaying in a corner rather than blocking half my "combat-belt" if that makes sense. It would be nice if I could move that info to elsewhere on the screen, out of the way of the rest of my abilities.

11-11-2017, 05:08 PM
Missing functionality: ability scrolls no longer indicate if you know them already or not until you try to learn them and get a error message. Also they don't indicate that you can't learn them because you level is too low until you try to learn them and get a error message.

11-11-2017, 05:49 PM
The download took much longer than usual. The login screen text is overwhelming, maybe my resolution changed, I'll check asap (I checked and the resolution was the same but it looked like a very low resolution before I re-scaled the UI. If that's the default one it might be off-putting for a new player). On the characters screen I had a massive scare though, a warning that I have too many characters and I have to delete some in order to access others?! I only have 4 characters.

Besides the login screen, what I noticed wrong so far

-I scaled the UI in every possible way, there's a disproportion between the icons and the text size (the fonts not the text windows), huge fonts, minuscule icons

-the biggest one for me, changing combat bars is way too difficult to navigate right now

-chat...another big one:) We can't choose to hide the NPCs chatter or anything else. The chat is a bit worse than before imo. The same problem with the guild chat, once you switch to it you can't see anything else and if you switch to All you get flooded with combat messages and NPCs dialogues

I'm switching back to the old UI for now, hope this was vaguely helpful:)

PS-I don't really know how to categorize these, they're not bugs or cosmetic issues (?)

11-11-2017, 06:06 PM
Buggy Functionality: standing in town and pressed Jump. was launched into the air and died on impact. I dont have any other possible way to recreate the issue.
Suggestion: Item quality level (color) should display in chat links and shop lists.

11-11-2017, 06:19 PM
party members "tabs" lose all their color as soon as someone loses 1 health point. this makes it look like they have zero health (armor etc) when they may have 499/500

11-11-2017, 06:22 PM
the skill boxes that pop up as you use a skill are large and disruptive to play. they used to appear in the top left corner, but now they are right above the skills you are using. same concept as mentioned above related to the NPC's pop up as you are trying to scroll through what is for sale.

11-11-2017, 06:46 PM
@Hood - just to confirm this: even when your guild info screen is missing, do you have a Guild chat tab, and does it work?

11-11-2017, 07:07 PM
I did notice that if you are looking through an NPC's sell tab, if you place your cursor over the actual scroll bar on the right, the descriptive popups don't come up, makes it much easier to browse.

Overall I am really liking the new UI, it will just take some getting used to!

11-11-2017, 07:34 PM
I really like a lot of the changes, and haven't found anything "gamebreaking" although I did crash while in serbule and I'm lagging alot since the change. Logging in with the default settings/sizes is scary though ... it takes some tweaking settings to get things looking good.

- Buggy: On character selection screen, error: "WARNING: You have too many characters ..." even though I only have 4 characters

- Buggy: The skills and abilities menu is positioned off the screen by default so you have to drag it to the center to see it

- Suggestion: When viewing "Shop" at an NPC, i think the equation thing that shows your current councils and subtracts the price to show your remaining councils after the transaction is a bit confusing/unnecessary (the stuff right next to "It's a deal" button). For a second I keep thinking I'm about to spend all of my councils. It looks like the focus is on councils remaining ... maybe highlight the cost/spend amount more instead.

- Cosmetic: Repeating what Firedance said .... while shopping at an NPC and browsing, the tooltip popup for each item is popping up as you scroll/browse ... it's hard to view the item list since the tooltip keeps jumping/changing to the item you are hovering over while scrolling. Same issue when you click a combat ability with your mouse .... the tooltips keep popping up frantically.

- Buggy: There is a window open by default .... it shows active work orders and quests .... and it doesn't look like there is any way to close it. UPDATE: this is the "Quest Tracker" feature thing and it can be removed if you stop tracking all quests/work orders.

- Buggy: When you select your own avatar (instead of another player or NPC) your stats/image with the healthbar/power/etc. are shown a second time.

- Missing: On the sidebar being able to see how much of an item is remaining in the stack directly on the icon (like Ur-Bacon) was helpful ... now you have to look in your inventory to see.

- Power/Armor bars are reversed (yellow/blue)

- Random: When viewing "Options" and changing stuff, when you click "Save" there is no feedback (downpress animation or popup or sound) so it is hard to tell if anything is being saved.

- Missing: When shopping and purchasing multiple items, you used to be able to click "Shift" and manually type in a quantity ... now it looks like you have to click the up and down arrows even for massive quanitites.

- Buggy: Loadout hotkeys aren't working for me

- Cosmetic: The actual text for the chat tabs "Guild", "All", "Global" etc. are small/hard to see and i don't see any way to adjust them in settings.

- Suggestion: Not related to new UI but an "un-sort" inventory button to revert back to your old inventory in case you accidentally press sort (yea just happened).

11-11-2017, 07:45 PM
updated/cleaned up previous post

- Suggestion: the quantity/number text of items in a stack in your inventory is kind of hard to see ... i forgot what it looked like in the old UI, but it seemed easier before.

- Suggestion/Utility: the Recipe dropdown menu (where you select a skill like transmutation or teleportation or fire magic) takes a lot of scrolling when you have a lot of skills ... I'd increase the number of skills you can see in that dropdown.

Ok I'm done for now, I probably included too many cosmetic things that you weren't looking for this early on but hopefully it might help as you continue to work on it. Good job.

11-11-2017, 08:27 PM
Buggy functionality: When you purchase a new skill (at least from Griburn), the skill purchase option remains open on the menu. When you click it again it says, "You already know this skill." It goes away when you close the menu, and reopen it.

Cosmetic: The tooltips that popup while shopping are disruptive while scrolling. In addition, I am often equipping/using items I am attempting to move into storage or drag around my pack because of the auto-use feature being moved to left click. The close color of yellow non-magic items and yellow max-magic items is too similar and confusing in shops.

11-11-2017, 09:13 PM
( Linux )

Here's what I noticed so far, which may overlap with some previously reported bugs:

Missing functionality: I am unable to take items of storage - Hulon, shared storage, Ivyns' chest, Marna,... I currently have 16 free inventory slots, so I don't think it's related to the bonus 15 inventory slot event. I can put items into storage just fine at least.
Edit: Ah yes, left-clicking on an item in storage will allow me to remove it, it's just dragging that's the problem. Thank you, Prios!!!

Missing functionality: Some keybindings don't appear to work - I cannot use my keybindings for target group member (F2) or load-out switching (shift-F2). However, other custom key settings like target next NPC (F12) or use selected (U / F11) work fine.

Missing functionality: I cannot set new custom keybindings. Clicking on the Assign Key button does nothing. Clicking on Cancel on that dialog also does nothing but I was able to exit it by hitting the Escape key.

Missing functionality: I am unable to save loadouts. Every modification I make seems to save immediately to my current loadout and I did not see any options to save my loadout separately. This may be intended but is actually rather bad for me because I sometimes screw up my current abilities or equipped gear, and I would really like to be able to reset things to my saved loadout settings then.

Buggy functionality: When looking at a piece of gear, I only get a tooltip popup for that particular item but I do not get a popup for my currently equipped item in that slot for comparison.

Buggy functionality: When trading, I am unable to tell which items I have already dragged to the trading sceen - there is no indicator in my inventory to show me that an item has been selected for trade. (I think the old screen had a T.)

Buggy functionality: Items I cannot equip due to skill limitations don't have red text indicating that. (E.g. I have level 25 necromancy and the item text "requires level 30 necromancy" is white and looks exactly the same as for requirements that I do meet.)

Buggy functionality: When looting, magic items do not flash. The sound for them still plays, however.

Buggy functionality: I tried double-clicking on a piece of bread to eat it (I think that should work?) and got the message that my computer is running faster than real-time. Right-clicking on the bread and selecting Eat worked fine.

Buggy functionality: I logged out to the login screen while in a 2-person group. When I logged back in, I still showed up as being in the group on my screen, but I was not showing up as being in the group for the other person (old UI for them). Also, in my group screen, I saw myself, the other person (group leader), and a second copy of myself as the third party member.
I then tried to invite someone else and was successful, but my group never updated to show them. Also, I tried switching to the compact party UI via the settings menu at that point in time, and it stayed at the non-compact version.
Quitting the game completely after that removed my ghost group settings. When I logged back in, I was no longer in a group, and when I invited a new person, they showed up correctly and my group UI was at the previously selected compact setting.

Cosmetic: A combat ability may be grayed out either when its cooldown is down or when I'm targeting an invalid target for it. I find this really confusing: I'm fighting a mob, it dies, half my buttons turn gray, and I want to wait for them to go off cooldown before attacking the next mob. Of course, I wait forever since most of the buttons are grayed out because of my target not the cooldown. Of course, some of them are on cooldown. Long story short, it would be helpful to have different color/grayout schemes for that, or really just not do grayout for invalid targets.

Cosmetic: Party member's health/armor/power bars will lose color. In the compact UI, they tend to go to black pretty quickly and stay that way. In the non-compact group UI, one of the bars will occasionally gain back color while the other bars stay black.

Cosmetic: Armor and power are sometimes showns as yellow and sometimes as blue. ( Iirc, Armor is yellow in the non-compact UI, in the target window and the globes, but is blue in the compact UI.)

Cosmetic: Items with 2 mods have green text, the same as items with 1 mod. I had a friend with the old UI look at the same item, and confirmed that for him the item was blue.

Cosmetic: I find the item colors in the new UI hard to notice. I think that's because that item text is all in the same font. The old UI had the item name in much bigger font which made distinction of green vs orange vs yellow etc. much more obvious.

Cosmetic: Purple items have red text which is ok, but I associated red with broken/not usuable, rather than having some pretty nice item mods.

Cosmetic: At the character login screen, I have a huge "Delete character" button that's as big as "Enter world." To me, that looks super-scary - what if I accidentally click on that button when logging in? I assume it would ask me for confirmation but ... scary!

Cosmetic: When logging in, I got the message "You have 1 friends online." Could probably be updated to say "1 friend" instead.

Cosmetic: I had a portrait for myself initially (bat) but lost it somewhere along the way and never got it back. The portrait also does not show when I target myself.

Cosmetic: The account shared storage chest is labeled "Admin Global Storage" which looks a bit weird to me.

Cosmetic: When dying, the "Respawn" and "Enter the Light" buttons look immediately clickable (but are not) rather than being grayed out until they are available.

Cosmetic: Some of my UI elements defaulted to being on top of other UI elements. For example, my group display was initially hiding under my own portrait, and I had to drag it around before I could properly see it. My pet window also ended up in a weird spot on occasion.

Cosmetic: When clicking on the gear icon, it always seems to open to Keys initially, and I then have to click on System if I actually want to log out. It took me a couple minutes to find the logout button the first time I looked for it. It might be nice if this defaulted to system or if there was another way to quickly log out or quick.

Feedback: I found the quest tracker window a bit annoying. It started auto-tracking some random quests for me when I logged in, and the only way to make the quest go away was to find the quest in my quest log and disable tracking for that quest there. It would be nice if I could click in the tracker window itself in order to remove a given quest, or just close the tracker window entirely.

Feedback: I liked the old Gorgon logo at the login and load screens better.

Feedback: The tooltip for the combat abilities pops up in a rather annoying position. I'd like to be able to pick a different spot for it.

Feedback: I really really like the new mini-map and I also like the globes. I like how draggable all elements of the new UI are.

Feedback: I really like the new Settings menu. It seems much easier to find stuff than before.

Uncertain; I have no idea if this is related to the UI or something else: When I initially logged in, I had 4-7 fps in Serbule Town which increased to 7-11 fps when I left the town and graphics auto-downgraded to Fastest. When I zoned into Eltibule, it reset to my usual 40+ fps and remained that way when I zoned back into Serbule.

Not happening to me: Under Social, both my guild and party tabs seem to be working fine, and I can see other online group and party members. Just mentioning that because I'm not sure why it would work for me but not for Hood.

11-11-2017, 09:32 PM
Buggy functionality: Adding new items to NPC storage via drag-and-drop will fail if the cursor is over the borders between the storage squares. Basically, these borders are "dead zones" that the game doesn't recognize as valid drop points. (Workaround: if you're having trouble putting things in storage, make sure to drop directly onto one of the storage spaces.)

Missing functionality: I can't rearrange the items in NPC storage spaces with drag and drop as I could in the old UI. I can drag and drop but nothing actually happens after the dropping.

Missing functionality: I also can't remove items from NPC storage with drag and drop as I could in the old UI. (Workaround: left-click the desired item.)

Buggy functionality: In Sunvale, the arrow on the minimap showing my character pointed in the opposite direction of my true facing. This only happened in Sunvale. It's possible something other than being in Sunvale triggered this bug, though.

Missing functionality: Under "buy used" tabs, recipes already learned aren't marked as such (no green text). It's possible this is the case with "buy new" as well, and with other places.

Missing functionality: Recipes in storage don't tell you whether you meet the requirements for learning the recipe (no red text if your level is too low).

Missing functionality: Equipment in storage doesn't tell you if you don't meet the requirements (no red text if your level is too low).

Buggy functionality: The sound effect for magic items in loot continues playing after the item is looted, only stopping when the loot window is closed.

Missing functionality: After giving an NPC a gift, a "thank you" screen appears. In the old UI, I would click the "give gift" tab to immediately go back to the "give gift" screen, to quickly give another gift. In the new UI, I instead remain on the "thank you" screen when I click "give gift" again. (Suggestion: let players give another gift directly from the "thank you" screen. Pwetty pweeeaase.)

11-11-2017, 10:03 PM
"Cosmetic: A combat ability may be grayed out either when its cooldown is down or when I'm targeting an invalid target for it. I find this really confusing: I'm fighting a mob, it dies, half my buttons turn gray, and I want to wait for them to go off cooldown before attacking the next mob. Of course, I wait forever since most of the buttons are grayed out because of my target not the cooldown. Of course, some of them are on cooldown. Long story short, it would be helpful to have different color/grayout schemes for that, or really just not do grayout for invalid targets."

I noticed that too, I thought it was intentional like in I'm too far from the target to attack? They shouldn't have been greyed out for cooldown reasons, I didn't get to use them, they were greyed out to start with (?):confused:

11-11-2017, 10:10 PM
Suggestion: I love the new skill/ability menu design since it's sharp and clean, but having that old grid view was very fast and efficient for finding and adding abilities to the skill bars. At level 70 there are so many abilities that scrolling through a long list to find 1 ability takes a while. I would suggest adding a "grid" view that you can toggle for fast ability drag and dropping.

Buggy: Serbule FPS is going crazy low if I stay there too long ... and I'm crashing if I stay there for too long. Everywhere else seems fine though. (note: terrible laptop, but never have it this bad)

Cosmetic: The Work Order menu description says "Rewards:" twice but doesn't list anything after the second one.

Update: the quest tracker window is actually pretty cool .... it was turned on by default with no way to get rid of it earlier so I was confused and had no clue what it was. Cool feature.

11-11-2017, 10:20 PM
"Cosmetic: A combat ability may be grayed out either when its cooldown is down or when I'm targeting an invalid target for it. I find this really confusing: I'm fighting a mob, it dies, half my buttons turn gray, and I want to wait for them to go off cooldown before attacking the next mob. Of course, I wait forever since most of the buttons are grayed out because of my target not the cooldown. Of course, some of them are on cooldown. Long story short, it would be helpful to have different color/grayout schemes for that, or really just not do grayout for invalid targets."

I noticed that too, I thought it was intentional like in I'm too far from the target to attack? They shouldn't have been greyed out for cooldown reasons, I didn't get to use them, they were greyed out to start with (?):confused:

For an example of what I was trying to get at here: Try targeting, say, Hulon in town. Attack abilities will turn gray. Now hit "Dig Deep" on your sidebar - Dig Deep now also turns gray. The Dig Deep ability does have a tiny gray dial moving to indicate it's coming off cooldown again, but I find I interpret both types of gray the same and don't really notice the dial thing.

11-11-2017, 10:34 PM
First thing I tried to do was make adjustments to the UI. Having only one slider to globally adjust the UI size isn't going to be enough, as some things are too big and some too small. Having the global slider is fine, but there needs to be sliders to individually scale the left bar, right bar, combat bar, and player/target info windows.

To help with FPS rates for people with lesser machines, there needs to be an option to disable the 3D portraits in the player/target info windows.

In the chat window, there needs to be a filter for NPC chat. Now if I want to see nearby chat, there is no way to escape all of the NPC chatter. This will cause problems when having events in towns where a lot of NPC chatter exists because the NPCs will drown out everything.

11-11-2017, 11:55 PM
I didn't try that, in town I had only buff-type abilities active (not gray), more precisely Rabbit's foot and Health wave. I went just east to kill a pig and try to figure out why the abilities looked disabled. I targeted a pig and shot it although the ability I used was grayed out (I was able to use it). Hence my confusion. I also didn't notice the gray dial (which might mean that people with less visual acuity would have issues seeing it, me being one of them).

If the "too small icons, too large fonts" thing gets fixed I'm sure I'll adjust sooner or later. Overall it's a nicer interface, I would keep the tiny arrows that allow us to load the hotbar quicker though, the skills menu (although improved) is hard to navigate at higher levels on a char that has many skillsets.

11-12-2017, 12:06 AM
Missing Functionality: I have become accustomed to right-clicking within the "box" around an object in order to move up to the object and perform the default action (the button) on the object, like loot/mine/harvest/etc. That no longer happens. Now I have to click on the button. It makes the purpose of the box surrounding the object almost useless.

11-12-2017, 12:44 AM
Cosmetic: The NPC dialogue window. The icons in the shop, barter, training, storage. Every view has different size of the icons. Maybe make them same size and add settings for their scale?

Cosmetic: Settings windows. UI scale. When i set it to '1.20' it somehow changes after I reopen the window to '1.9904' or similar. It does this for different values as well.

Cosmetic: Need a transparency setting for popup tooltips.

Cosmetic: Chat bubbles are ugly. White, black border with little triangle.

Cosmetic: It is great that favor level now shows in every view of the NPC dialogue, however it could hide itself at Soul Mate level or it could at least be removed from the shop view. It's not that necessary there and takes up a lot of space.

Cosmetic: The window size for dialogues, storage, and player examine is the same. However for some of these having a big window is necessary as for the shop view. For others having a smaller window is much much nicer (corpse loot). Suggestion: Somehow scale the shop interface. The tabs, the top text bar there, the item number picker stay the same size so it does not scale properly.

Buggy: My abilities do not produce sounds. Namely my Bard horn abilities have no sound.

Cosmetic: My abilities which have mods applied to dmg or reuse time, show these in red, instead of green.

11-12-2017, 01:01 AM
Cosmetic: Portrait with the vital stats bars is silly. I see no need for it.

Suggestion: Skills show cumulatively what I have already gotten from that skill in terms of bonuses, not just what is coming at future levels.

Missing Functionality: Windows for Teleport "Get Binding Info" and "List Used Teleport Locations" are blank.

11-12-2017, 01:12 AM
@Hood - just to confirm this: even when your guild info screen is missing, do you have a Guild chat tab, and does it work? Sorry for the delayed answer. I've just checked this in-game and yes, I do have a Guild chat tab. Last night, I didn't have an info screen and I changed zones. Then an info screen loaded. This morning, I've tried that same thing again by zoning but it didn't make the guild info screen load.

Edit 1: zoned back to serb and now my guild info screen has loaded.

As of right now, the biggest bugs I have are the keybinding thing, this guild info screen not loading, my party UI and social tab screen not loading, and my chat requiring me to click a tab name in order to show the new messages that have come through since the last time I clicked a chat tab.

Edit 2: also, I get chat posts about how many friends I have online about once every minute. This seems similar to the guild message zone posting bug that Tiamat talked about.

11-12-2017, 01:21 AM
Missing Functionality: Druidic Emergency came up, window that tells me where to go was blank.

11-12-2017, 02:47 AM
Gamebreaking: The game gets stuck in the loading screen after choosing a character. My character was in Serbule, if I remember correctly.

The loading screen turned black after a while, then my computer became unresponsive. I waited about 20 minutes, then the Firefox, Steam and Discord I was running in the background crashed. I opened Task Manager and 99% of my ram was being used. I ended Gorgon's process and the memory usage went down to 9%.

System specs:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
CPU: Intel i7-3770
GPU: Nvidia 560ti
Ram: 8GB

11-12-2017, 02:59 AM
Gamebreaking: The game gets stuck in the loading screen after choosing a character. My character was in Serbule, if I remember correctly.

The loading screen turned black after a while, then my computer became unresponsive. I waited about 20 minutes, then the Firefox, Steam and Discord I was running in the background crashed. I opened Task Manager and 99% of my ram was being used. I ended Gorgon's process and the memory usage went down to 9%.

System specs:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
CPU: Intel i7-3770
GPU: Nvidia 560ti
Ram: 8GB

This is not necessarily a Game Breaking Bug for the NEW UI as a whole, but rather something specific to your machine. We will keep an eye open for similar reports, but so far it's the only report with that issue. As for general troubleshooting, make sure you've checked out the sticky thread in the support section. As a way to try and quickly resolve the issue you can open the launcher and then click 'options' then 'Validate Installation'. If that still does not work, you can uninstall the game and then reinstall using the directions in the first post. If you do reinstall, make sure you open the launcher as administrator and try disabling your antivirus during the download and installation process.

If that fails, you can revert to the old UI to get back playing immediately.

11-12-2017, 03:19 AM
It might not be related to the UI specifically, but I assumed I should post it here since it's specific to this version of the game.

I started the game a second time and it loaded normally this time. I had less programs running in the background now, so it seems like it crashes if there isn't enough memory available while it's loading.

11-12-2017, 04:45 AM
Spent some time in combat!

Buggy Functionality: XP bar bugged out and stopped updating while killing enemies. I leveled up, but the bar stopped working toward its goal of the next level. (Edit 1: also stopped updating on the Skills and Abilities page. Both errors were fixed by rezoning.)
Buggy Functionality: targeting a mob that is a distance away displays Footprints over each ability that is out of range. Previously, the footprints only appeared after you had targeted a mob and clicked an ability that you wished to use on the out-of-range mob. Now they display without using an ability.
Buggy Functionality: Not all XP gains for combat and noncombat skills are being posted to chat. Example: Transmutation xp gains not posting to All channel unless there is a level gain.
Missing Functionality: No XP gain included in "Combat Numbers"

11-12-2017, 06:10 AM
Buggy Functionality: Skill window. After I collapse some skill (the anatomy subskills) and relaunch the game it is not collapsed anymore.

Suggestion: I am missing the lvl next to the skill. So I could see what lvl I am in a skill without clicking on it. This way if I wish to find out the level I have to click on it. Makes looking for unfinished skills more difficult.

11-12-2017, 06:14 AM
Quick update this morning, and since I didn't see these elsewhere unless I missed it...

-Buggy functionality/Cosmetic: When buying from the guild shop or Dreva's altar, it shows the amount of councils you have, not the blessings/credits.

-Feedback/Suggestion/Cosmetic: The scroll bar in both chat and, say, when buying stuff skips around too much, (for me at least). I'd rather scroll using up/down arrows like on the old UI. I'm probably just used to doing that.

-Feedback/Suggestion/Cosmetic: It was nice leveling skill levels next to the skills without me having to click on the specific skill to check the level. Sometimes this was how I decided what skill I should level next. (EDIT: Erthiel beat me to this one by 4 minutes :p)

11-12-2017, 06:18 AM
Missing functionality: Set hotkeys to change my load-out does not work.
Buggy: When I try and change a hotkey, the UI's buttons for assign key, or even save and cancel don't seem to work.

Cosmetic:In sun vale my direction arrow is backwards
Cosmetic: while unloading stuff from Agrashab storage, I was dragging and double clicking and my glove icon looks stuck between some storage "squares". This is only visual as I have it in my bag. When I close my storage the icon is floating in the middle of my screen.
Cosmetic: Upon putting armor on while the hiding worn gear, the hover-over does not auto update. Like I click put on a line of gear and if I don't move my mouse,it'll show the first item my mouse was over.
Buggy: The old loadout would save my armor after I put stuff in storage. The new UI does not recognize my gear.

11-12-2017, 06:31 AM
Buggy functionality: /join -<secret> room says it's invalid. The secret sauce rooms don't work and seem to appear as public?

Cosmetic: The UI especially the titles of the dialogs are very spaced out compared to the previous. In some cases because of this I can see less things in the lists. - Skills and Abilities for example.

Cosmetic: At the moment, it seems there is less space on the screen in which to put dialogs that you might want around often. For example the chat you probably often want open. The inventory box seems to now have a bigger minimum size.
- The status icons showing your diseases are bigger than your combat icons, which I don't know is a good idea. The combat icons are important, but the status icons are less so one you have read what they meant and can identify them.

Buggy functionality: Drag an item out of inventory and press ESC to close the window sticks the item onto the screen in mid air.

Cosmetic: Not sure I like the single click on an inventory item to use it. It's far too easy to accidentally do.

Buggy functionality: The chat window says "tell" after you have sent a tell, but if you type another message an press enter it goes to the chat channel on not to the person in question. Should remove the tell indicator after sending a message.

Buggy functionality: If you click on someone, and they run off, you can see them forever in the little hud window each time they fight or pick their nose.

Buggy functionality: Changing the UI tabs is quite slow, the messages are not cached.

buggy functionality: can't seem to assign keys. for example 7 to ability bar 7

Buggy functionality: There is no group dot or whatnot on the eltibule map.

11-12-2017, 06:33 AM
It might not be related to the UI specifically, but I assumed I should post it here since it's specific to this version of the game.

I started the game a second time and it loaded normally this time. I had less programs running in the background now, so it seems like it crashes if there isn't enough memory available while it's loading.

I'm glad that you were able to get it working. Generally, after a freeze up like that, I'd suggest restarting your computer and trying again with nothing else open.

As for running out of RAM, yes that can crash Project: Gorgon.

Thanks for following up.

11-12-2017, 06:33 AM
Cosmetic: looking at a bat PC, the bat face in the PC/NPC/objects window is below the circle. You can see the top of their head briefly when they dance or jump. Same issue I think for people in raven form.

Cosmetic: in that same window, if someone is playing ocarina, you can see their hands in front of their face but not the instrument (like if the ocarina was invisible, but the instrument appears equipped on the character).

Regression (hard to tell if it's buggy, missing or intended): previously, you could "queue" your actions. You could for example press the key for Extra Toes and then Haste Concoction immediately, and Haste Concoction would be executed as soon as the global refresh timer allows it. Now, you have to wait for the global refresh timer and then press the key, or it gets eaten. This is an issue when fighting, you have to spam the game now.

Cosmetic: have the minimap up. use the mouse to increase its size, empty space appears around the minimap itself (the window resizes but not the map). Zoom in, zoom out, now it's resized properly.

Cosmetic: because of the issue above, knowing if an ability can be used *now* is critical. I find the green lines around abilities too thin, notably for Psychology abilities (green on blue, I don't see it at all). The refresh timer animation that selectively gray a part of the icon is nice, but the contrast between grayed/not grayed is too light for me, I can't really see it unless I look directly at the icon (and during combat I want to focus on other things)

Missing functionality: there doesn't seem to be an icon for the word hunt game, available now only from the /wordhunt command. Hard to find for newbie bards.

11-12-2017, 07:46 AM
This might be a knowledge issue here, does the shift buy multiple work?

11-12-2017, 08:24 AM
Missing functionality: The Hide Unusable button on the shopping screen does not appear to be working; the button toggles, but nothing is added or removed, and items/equipment for which my character does not meet the minimum requirements are still displayed.

Feedback: I really like the countdown bars underneath the status icons, it makes it much easier to realize I'm close to being hungry or losing my meditation bonuses.

11-12-2017, 08:51 AM
Buggy functionality (Also Pretty Abuseable (possiblely)) - You can use different abilities from the same skill in the Secondary and Primary ability bars:
Interestingly, 1) support abilities do not work in the Seconday bar, but attack abilities do. 2) If you zone, the game tries to match your Primary bar with your Secondary one.

Cosmetic/Minor Quirk - I can't examine myself anymore? Pressing F1 or Target Next Player works to target me, but I can't see any self-examine button.

EDIT: Positive thing: I really like this Unchecked Loot thing you added in. :)

EDIT 2: Is there no way to leave a party (without re-logging) on new UI or am I just blind?

11-12-2017, 09:29 AM
Buggy functionality: Bourbon no longer gives the number of doses left.

11-12-2017, 09:41 AM
Buggy functionality: item quality colors seem to be a bit mixed up. I.e. rare items sharing green colour with uncommon items.

11-12-2017, 09:54 AM
Buggy Functionality: After changing my skill bar to wind instruments, it always has 6 abilities for Tuba. I put my ocarina abilities there at least 4 times in the past day and it does not want to stay there, if I change the skill to sth else or just logout and login, it changes back to Tuba abilities.

11-12-2017, 10:07 AM
I find some text to be sort of blurry in the new UI. See the picture. The blurriness of Hammer and Ice Magic is clear compared to knife or Giant Bat. And I had similar feelings at some other parts of the UI as well.

Inserting image does not work for me -_-.

11-12-2017, 10:18 AM
Cosmetic: Scrolls not showing that "you already know this ability"

Cosmetic/Buggy: Toggling "Show Equipped Items in Inventory" to "off" leaves the equipped item's icon floating in place instead of falling back

Suggestion: left click to use/consume an item in your inventory seems dangerous ... I think there will be a lot of people accidentally consuming/unequipping items while moving things around. Hotkey+click seems better imo.

Buggy: Created a custom chat tab to include EVERYTHING (all channels). Now a lot of my sent messages (whether private tells, guild, etc.) are disappearing from the chat randomly, and then reappearing as normal when you switch tabs back and forth. UPDATE: it's also received messages too ... they flicker and reappear randomly

Buggy: Tho Social "Who's Online" Menu is great, but it looks like the data is not totally in sync with "/who all" (is it supposed to be? because the new menu also says "nearby areas" so it's not clear what is included in that either)

11-12-2017, 10:22 AM
Buggy Functionality: Animal Handling abilities are broken. Sic'Em is supposed to direct the pet to attack selected enemy. However it is as all of the other set to "Only works on permanent pets". Meaning that it retargets me from my enemy, to my pet and then throws an error that an enemy is not selected.

Buggy Functionality: Ad above. Using any AH ability makes me retarget from enemy to pet. So I have to target the enemy in order to use my other skill's abilities. Making combat quite difficult.

+ greying out of abilities which should be usable is incorrect as mentioned previously also for this skill

Buggy Functionality: An item disappeared from the corpse after I tried to loot it with full inventory. I got an error message stating that I need free inventory slot for that, and then the item disappeared. It was not in my inventory after dropping some items.

11-12-2017, 11:14 AM
Thanks for all the feedback, guys! We'll have another build overnight (hopefully) that fixes a bunch of the more annoying problems, like not being able to remap keys. Other issues will take more time, and we'll have to figure out the timeline over the next few days.

Some issues that we decide are low-priority may not get fixed until after we switch to the new UI -- my goal is to switch over ASAP, because as soon as the old UI doesn't have to be supported anymore, I can add a bunch of new features, and more importantly, fixing bugs will become a lot faster since I won't have to worry about how each change impacts the old UI. But I expect to get all the most annoying issues fixed first before we switch everybody over, of course.

A few notes:

You can quickly swap which skills are active by right-clicking AN ICON on one of the ability bars. (I realize this is not very intuitive, and eventually we'll add a more-obvious way, like a little button on the bar.)
You can easily scale the icons separately from the main UI. I'm seeing several people complain about this, but it works exactly like it did in the old UI so I'm not really sure which part is unintuitive. To scale all of these things, click the GUI tab of the settings screen. Change "GUI Scale" to scale the whole UI, then scroll down a bit and change the "Ability Bar Icon Size" and "Inventory Item Icon Size" to suit your taste. You can also scale some font sizes separately (at the bottom of that screen).
The color remapping of armor to orange and power to blue is intentional. It seems more intuitive (for new players) that health and armor are colored similarly.
Some screens will become much more fleshed-out after the old UI is retired. (We can't add new features that would break the old UI yet.) The most prominent examples of that are the Map window, the Mini-Map feature (which we have big plans for!), and the Social window.

Edit: Let's call this particular early version "done" -- if you haven't yet played with the new UI, please don't bother downloading this version. Your first impressions are important, and we'd like for those first impressions to be unhindered by some of the more egregious bugs in this particular build!

A new build will be ready next weekend that fixes a whole bunch of issues. So please wait until then. Thanks again!

(But if you've already downloaded this build and are still preparing your feedback, by all means, still post it!)

11-12-2017, 11:42 AM
The color remapping of armor to orange and power to blue is intentional. It seems more intuitive (for new players) that health and armor are colored similarly.

Looks like the group health bar colors don't match, though, or I may be confused. Also the rage bar on a mob was a lighter blue than the power bar.

11-12-2017, 12:23 PM
Buggy Behavior: I presently have Knife Fighting as Primary and Psychology as Secondary. When I mouse over the XP bars above the ability bars, it properly gives me my knife fighting XP on the left, but the right side one is listed as Druid and it is giving me my Druid level/XP.

Cosmetic but impacts gameplay: The cooldown timer is very difficult to see against an icon that is very light in color (like many of the psych icons)

11-12-2017, 01:36 PM
Buggy Functionality: I got the "Fiery Secrets" quest from marna somehow (I don't think I missclicked, will try to reproduce), but I'm unable to abandon it. When I click on the confirmation button "Really Abort Quest" nothing happens. Clicking "No, I want to keep it after all" works...

11-12-2017, 02:01 PM
Poetry Jam today, graphics set at "fastest", frame rate was between 3 and 3.6 fps. I'm pretty sure I do better under the old UI with "beautiful" graphics.

11-12-2017, 02:10 PM
Slight change of plans from my earlier comment about a new build tomorrow: I can't fix enough bugs by tomorrow to make a new download worthwhile. So we're going to roll that build into the next "real" test, which will be next weekend.

We learned a TON from this test, thanks to your feedback. We're going to take this build offline shortly, because if you haven't seen this build yet, I'd rather you wait until the next one. I want to get your first impressions of that build instead. (If next weekend's build seems markedly better, we may leave that build up indefinitely -- or if I feel like it sucks, we'll take it down after a couple days, too. We'll play it by ear.) Thanks again for your patience and help.

Also, if you already downloaded this one: there are some exploitable issues in this build. Please do not exploit them! If you do, we will have to ban you, which is a huge pain for us as well as you. Just don't. Thank you!

11-12-2017, 02:18 PM
The color remapping of armor to orange and power to blue is intentional. It seems more intuitive (for new players) that health and armor are colored similarly.

Thanks for the explanation! In that case, the party UI is incorrect: Armor is blue for group members in both the compact and non-compact version. (But yellow/orange for myself or my pets or target.).

Missing functionality to semi-gamebreaking: I tried attending today's poetry jam in the new UI and the game completely locked up for me. I started out around 30fps in Serbule, dropped down to 5 in the poetry corner, and then had weird black boxes popping up at me that may have been the poems (but that were totally black for me). After a few seconds of that, my game became completely unresponsive and stopped updating any graphics at all. I eventually just killed it. ( I used the old UI to walk out of that corner and was fine with the new UI after that again, so it's just something about either the poetry reading or all those people clumped into one spot. I tried the poetry corner in the new UI a second time with the same lockup result.)

11-12-2017, 03:21 PM
Windows 10

Missing functionality - Can't save or change keybinds,keybind pop up won't go away without hitting escape.

Missing functionality - Right click auto-move to interact doesn't do anything

Missing functionality - Couldn't place any new pins in without naming them something,wouldn't remove the pin unless I deleted the name for that pin.Couldn't just place and remove a generic pin.

Buggy functionality -Training a recipe leaves the recipe on the list , until you relog/rezone where it updates to what you'd normally expect.

Buggy functionality - Transmutation recipes are borked more than usual, Simple level 60 crossbow have to be distilled with the rare recipes.
Ditto for a simple level 60 staff I tried.
Had to use the exceptional level 0-30 recipe to transmute a level 60 epic necklace.
Had a level 60 simple ring fit in all the simple transmutation recipes,ran it at 0-30 and spat out the expected phlog.
Returns the expected Phlog though so there's that but still transmutation seemed all over the place.

Feedback/Suggestion - Left click auto-uses and or equips stuff,have to be very careful about targeting while moving stuff around your inventory or there's a lot of accidentally equiping nonsense right before a fight.
Easy to try to transmute something that you accidentally equipped. Some kind of delay before going straight to the use would be nice.

Feedback/Suggestion - base items and legendaries share the same color text when you mouse over,a bit offputting and hard to see at a glance what the rarity is of stuff when you are looting.
Return base to white and include the glowing on loot would be nice.

Feedback/Suggestion - The ability used shading isn't immediately noticable on some abilities I.E. the green on grey with psych skills made it hard to see what's what,if we could have an option to set the shading to something darker/different collor would be nice.

Feedback/Suggestion- Changing abilities without the old persona tab was a major pain and not at all intuitive,can we have an ability tab off persona again please or even better a dedicated ability button for the right hand sidebar?

I do like the direction you are going here though,I really like the new combat bars and load out button sitting right there front and center is great.
Got a kick out of seeing exactly how much damage was remaining on mobs for a change.
The make the world brighter toggle option was nice,really helps to see in the dark a lot better.

11-12-2017, 06:15 PM
One last report on the 11/11 build that I forgot to post:

Buggy functionality: A good many items are listed as "good gifts" for Suspicious Cow and Helena Veilmoor, but (at least for Suspicious Cow) the reaction to these gifts, in textual and numerical terms, is underwhelming. This was true for gold nuggets and onions (both gave the lukewarm "oh. thanks" response with minimal Favor), and is probably true for a bunch of other listed items that I didn't get around to testing out.
I only tested Suspicious Cow, but the situation is probably the same with Helena, as their likes and dislikes appear identical in every way.

11-12-2017, 11:03 PM
First I would like to reiterate what I see as the major functionality issue with the new UI so far: performance. During today's poetry reading, several people noted their FPS had dropped to, and remained at, <3.00, which in practice may have been at effectively unplayable levels of 1-2 FPS and would have rendered the game virtually unplayable in any other situation. Granted, this event is obviously an extreme example of how taxing the game can be, but the performance hit seems substantial and could be problematic moving forward to a full Steam release, considering the large influx of players we will see then.

Quest Tracker Dismissal (Missing Functionality)
I noticed that to dismiss the quest tracker, you must find each quest from the quest screen and toggle the "Track" button. A simple "x" beside each quest on the tracker screen itself would be nice.

Lists (Cosmetic)
The next issue I would like to bring to light is cosmetic, but in practice becomes a sort of "quality of life" issue: the amount of space between items of text listed in columns. I believe it is too large and makes finding items in a list more challenging than it was previously, in terms of both the amount of scrolling required and of readability. It may be that the increased level of visual weight each item has lends it to taking more time to read, but as it is, it is more difficult to find what you need than it was previously. As a small aside, the recent change to alphabetize quests in the old UI was wonderful and should be brought to the new UI.

Icon Resolution (Cosmetic)
It seems to have dropped a noticeable degree since I updated to the new UI.

Appearance Updates (Cosmetic)
Last but not least, it looks nice, modern, and unique to Project: Gorgon. I am really liking the direction of it and the general design scheme of it. The scale is a little odd, however, (though I may just need to spend a good deal of time adjusting settings), and there are bugs as others have mentioned. I won't lie, I am definitely not a fan of the character portraits, however, at least at this stage in development, though the targeted item pictures are nice. An option do disable these would certainly be appreciated.

11-13-2017, 01:45 AM
Buggy functionality: 2 Velkort in gifting tab for things he likes

Buggy functionality: gifting doesn't seem to reflect gear that has a skill prerequisite like archery stuff isn't seen as a good gift for Huntress.

Cosmetic: guild spending shows regular councils not guild credit in the Its a Deal area at the top. Seems to still work properly in taking credits.

Feedback/Suggestion: When clicking the setting button you start on Keybinding, I would rather start on the system tab. You get access to ping, fps, and logout that way

Feedback: Like the in-game spoiler tags :)

11-13-2017, 08:05 AM
Now that I'm back on the old UI, I'm realizing how many cool and useful new features and how much customizability is packed into the new one. That said, one more critique I forgot to add in my other suggestions was the difference between text font style/font color in the 2 UI's. I think the color choices of the new UI in some menus (dark text on lighter/beige backgrounds) made it harder to read things like the recipe menu and NPC shop menu. The old UI's choice of white/light text on darker/black backgrounds seems a lot sharper and easier to read IMO. Things seemed a bit fuzzier in the new one, like I had to strain my eyes a bit more to read things. ** I'm not sure if it's just my eyes and crappy computer though, so that's a possibility too. Just wanted to point it out.

Thanks for the preview.

11-13-2017, 08:23 AM
It was interesting as well to see how much favor I had built up with an NPC whom I had at "Soul Mate". Lets me know how much reserve I have for things like Pennoc's quest to gift things that the NPCs hate.

11-13-2017, 11:11 AM
Cosmetic: Get rid of all the new textures, such as bookends and the horrible Diablo meters, or at least give us the options of turning them off. The same goes for the pet/loadout buttons, why do they have to be incased in horrible graphics? just give me a standard button i can put whereever i want.
Graphically the old UI doesn't look that bad, it just lacks a lot in terms of scalability and flexibility. To me, the new UI looks antiquated compared to the old one.

11-13-2017, 11:59 AM
Buggy Functionality: Augment items do not seem to be displaying details of the augment. Example, I have a Chest Augment of Angst Fists. I can't see the following text on the new GUI: "While using Unarmed skill, 18% of all Slashing, Piercing, and Crushing damage you take is mitigated and added to the damage done by your next Punch or Jab."

11-17-2017, 12:09 PM
I went back the old ui after a day and a half. The thing is when I logged in the next day my bard helmet was missing - I can only think:

1) I dragged it onto the floor and dropped it by accident using the new drag and drop inventory window
2) I got drunk and sold it.

I've never done either of those two before now.

I'll be sure to checkout the new installment.