View Full Version : PIggie Wars: Toy soldiers..

11-04-2017, 10:45 PM
Tiger looks around, the relief is visable on his face but his stance has all the illusion of someone being firm
Hubris... Greenburg...

Tiger rubs his face, then his hands through his hair

You can't just.. .. ..I mean.. ..You cant just do that. You can't just vanish.. Bit by bit, the Piggie army is being torn apart. You're supposed to be here, the battle wages on.

Greenburg snorts
We didn't join you Tiger, You joined us. Did you think Deer would support you blindly?

Hubris smacks his fists together and harrumphs
NO Greenburg! ..No Tiger..

Tigers words die in his throat

Hubris looks upon Greenburg, his eyes virtually ablaze
You joined US, Deer! You hate the Puppies also; but without US, you all fall down. bit by bit, torn apart! You need to commit; No ones heard from General Tofugunk in ages; Your Deer are either the next Infantry... ..or the next targets!

Tiger chokes a bit
I don't thin

Greenburgs eyes light up
You DARE think you can challange Deer? Do you know who you're speaking to you little fu

Tigers eyes widen RELAX!
Both of you relax! ... Puppies.. remember.. ... puppies...
Both of you listen up.. yes.. General Tofugunk has not been seen... but I have a plan.. and it involves both of you...

Tiger motions for them to draw near
the fool moon is upon us.. when you hear temptation call... ...its time to play.. ..we strike right after the fool moon... ..most of the puppies... eager to turn back. .. will be distracted... ...those aren't the ones we want.. we want permanent puppies.. ...and we hunt - won't you come out and play with me?