View Full Version : Changing character name?

10-17-2017, 06:05 PM
Are we ever going to able to change our ingame names cuz im tired of my characters name but i dont wanna delete it and startover that would be hell the reason i chose the name DEATHKON1 in all caps is i thought 2 years ago i would quit the game after a few weeks becuase i would lose interest it so i thought might as
well make the characteraname really annoying in chat by making it all caps little did I know i would start like the game so much I would keep playing

and if so when

10-20-2017, 01:07 PM
I think it was mentioned somewhere that this might be possible at some point, but I think you'll have to live with it for a while as well as your choice of hair style.

I have noticed that a lot of people have similar names, possibly because you can't put a space in your name. Presumably this is to make sending tells easier. There was link to all the useful posts that Citan & co made, I can't remember where that link has got to at the moment though it was quite useful.

10-20-2017, 04:59 PM
There will be a way, but it's not coming in the immediate future.