View Full Version : Blacksmithing+

09-26-2017, 01:23 AM
As it is now:
• Nails : it is ok. But you can buy them.
• Reinforce Metal xxx : This is good, if only it should be extended.
• Hoop : like Nails.
• Statues : you should remove the statues, or put it in a sub skill.
• Animal armor. : … as it is now blacksmith should be renamed to animal blacksmith… the majority of the skills here are animal armor crafting.

The blacksmith now is most to craft animal armor. What it should be is to reinforce All armors + weapons (in reality he should create armors + weapons, but really… why buy from the blacksmith a basic weapon when there are so many enchanted loot out there), and not just +5max but way more.

Sorry but as it is now it is a junk skill (skill only to get high to get something else.)

Thank you.

09-26-2017, 07:19 AM
There are some armors you learn to craft in game and it tells you this is under blacksmithing but be aware it belong under Armor Smithing later.
Ores have descriptions that hint at unusual ways they will enhance armor.

The are many more plans for many kinds of smithing, there are many more plans for many more things in game. Have to be patient as they dole out what they get finished or is unfinished but they want to test so they can get it finished.

But they like feedback, and if you give detailed feedback it helps more. Also if you gave detailed explains of what you want in game maybe they would get added depending on how feasible and fun the idea is. For Example: I could say I'd like blacksmiths to be able to make gem mounts for metal armor that lets you place a diamond on a chest plate. So equipped, the first attack over 100 damage is negated and removes that gem mount from the game.