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01-14-2017, 08:40 AM
Fast Track Newbie Guide to Making Councils

WARNING: This guide contains in-game spoilers. If you don't wish to be exposed to this type of information and prefer to explore Project: Gorgon at your own pace and in your own way, I recommend not reading this guide.

This guide will attempt to help new players learn how to make councils in Project: Gorgon. In this guide, there are no cheats, shortcuts, or other easy money methods--those tend to get removed from the game quite quickly. All of these options will require some work and a little dedication, but by doing them, it is possible to both make councils and level up skills at the same time. Let me also clarify that this guide doesn't list every way to make money. It simply lists the easiest-to-begin methods.


The first and most common method for making councils is through combat. New players are known for loving Project: Gorgon's combat, so why not make money while doing it? The first step you'll need to take is to go to a dungeon. I recommend Serbule Crypt (http://projectgorgon.com/wiki/Serbule_Crypt), but there are lower level dungeons for newbies as well. While there, pick up every piece of gear and loot from every monster you kill (or can manage to loot). Take the loot to Serbule town and sell it all to NPC's. Each NPC has a "wallet" full of the amount of money you can get from them per week. Once you have sold them enough loot to reduce that amount to zero, you will have to wait a week before you can sell anything to them again.

...Or do you? Favor (http://projectgorgon.com/wiki/Favor) is an important element in Gorgon. For example, if you have an inventory full of Gear that you want to sell to Joeh (http://projectgorgon.com/wiki/Joeh), but you see that you can't sell him anything else until next week, you just need to increase your favor with him in order to sell more to him. In his case, I suggest checking his Small Talk tab and seeing that he likes meat, then making him some Bacon or buying it off Fainor in the inn. Getting Joeh's favor level to the next tier will make him more comfortable, and you will be able to sell him more gear immediately.

And checking the wiki can also inform you which vendors buy which items (http://projectgorgon.com/wiki/Vendors) (if you don't mind spoilers).

Surveying (http://projectgorgon.com/wiki/Surveying) is a necessary and relaxing gathering skill in Gorgon. The most dedicated surveyors can gather top-quality gems quickly and sell them to other players at a good value mark-up in the grey player stall area within the southern gates of Serbule town. If you're just starting out, gather redwall crystals and you'll also get other bonus gems. You should be able to sell these quickly over /trade channel during peak play hours. Surveying is also a very important skill to level up if you wish to be able to craft your own gear. Follow the guide on the wiki if you want to begin surveying.

Cooking in Gorgon involves killing guilty and innocent beasts of all kinds, harvesting their flesh, and roasting it on a fire until the fat drips. It's dinnertime so I'm getting hungry. I recommend killing some pigs and deer outside of Serbule town, visiting Fainor in the inn, and selling that food to him or to other players over Trade channel. The better the food you can make, the more money you can make off of it.

Skinning is an easy way to gather materials for a great starting profession. Seriously, if you want to craft gear and sell it to other players or just use it for yourself, leatherworking is the easiest crafting profession to begin with! Just skin some animals and go check Kleave's "Buy New" tab in Eltibule for the novice skill book to get started. There are also some NPCs in the game who love to buy skins/leather rolls if you don't need them. They tend to sell quite well for the effort.

Work Orders
North of Serbule you will find a dock. There is a large bulletin board there. If you check it, you can find Work Orders that you can complete anytime. Just buy 1 of each that you like. Each 3 hours, this board's available Work Orders refreshes with different ones, so come again later if you are finished with the ones you have or if you just want to see if any better ones have been posted. IMPORTANT: You can only complete each work order once every 30 real life days. For example, Collect 10 Cotton can only be turned in 1 time each month. Completing work orders this way levels up your Industry skill. Turn these low level Work Orders in to Fitz the Boatman at the docks. As you level higher, you will find other bulletin boards around the world that hold higher level Work Orders. ***In addition, leveling Industry up will provide you with the opportunity to open a Player Stall in the southern area of Serbule town.

Player Work Orders
Completing these work orders do not reward experience toward your Industry skill. Inside the walls of Serbule, just outside of the southern player stall area, is a large bulletin board. Any player can post a work order to this board. For example, I could post that I'm looking for 20 Redwall Crystals and that I'm willing to pay 3000 councils for them. Then, you could visit the board, look through the requested items, and see if you have any of the player work orders in your bank. If you complete my work order, 20 redwall crystals will be removed from your INVENTORY and 3000 councils will immediately be added to your wallet! This is an incredible way to make money in Gorgon and many people forget about it. High level players need the weirdest things and are often willing to pay way more than their value to get what they need quickly.

Lost Opportunities

At some point, you will most likely sell something such as a Poetry book or Stomach to an NPC or player for a very low price. Making mistakes like this is part of the Project Gorgon journey. I suppose one way to avoid this is to ask experienced players how much a suspicious item you've found is worth. An alternate method is to hoard everything you find, that way you are prepared for all possible scenarios--or to your complete loss of sanity. Either way I'm sure you'll be just fine :)


I hope this guide has been helpful to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them below. If you have a suggestion to add to the list here, simply format it similarly to my own list and post it to the thread. Those who come here to read this in the future will be very grateful for your knowledge as well.

01-16-2017, 12:42 PM
Thanks, Hood, that looks like a fun newbie guide! One suggestion I have is maybe to mention that you will need to work on your industry in order to (cheaply) put up your own vendor stall. Since you mention the player vendor stalls at the very top under Surveying, I think they may need some explanation of how they tie into industry and work orders.

My personal downfall tends to be not so much making money as spending it... I'm a compulsive shopper of the Used tab, and tend to go from startlingly rich (in my opinion, anyway) to utterly broke in no time at all.

01-16-2017, 01:51 PM
;) I have a similar problem. Thanks for the great suggestion, I'll edit the post to include this info in the next couple of days!

01-22-2017, 03:38 PM
Might want to add what is really worth the money. Dont sell poetry books or stomachs without understanding their value.

01-22-2017, 04:09 PM
Edited to reflect these suggestions!

01-25-2017, 03:39 PM
Very helpful, thanks!

02-01-2017, 04:16 AM
Hey Hood,

Very nice write-up on your suggestions !

Have you considered to include these :
- Foraging / picking mushrooms
While in the world be sure to pick up the Apples, Grapes, Wood and the Mushrooms you encounter on your travels. You will very likely find NPC vendors like Fainor and Mushroom Jack willing to buy the items.

- mention Fishing in your write-up on Cooking

- as an investment to be able to pick up more items and kill more mobs, players could save up to buy specialized gear that has many more extra inventory slots on it. The legs and chest gear items add +20 slots each and can usually be found in the player vendors stalls for about 20.000 councils. (Yes that is a lot. But consider how many more items you'd be able to hold on to while running a dungeon and sell after your run)
There are also Belt that give +3 or +6 inventory slots.

Kind regards

02-01-2017, 12:26 PM
I would not recommend vendoring wood. I'm not up to date on market prices, but I suspect you are going to find players willing to pay you more than an NPC would if you aren't interested in carpentry or fletching yourself. If you do carpentry yourself, carpentry work orders are a great way of making money, and they can burn through a pile of wood very fast. (I'd rate fletching work orders as less ideal than carpentry work orders, just because the return on the carpentry orders is higher and I'm always short on wood, so I try to use my limited wood for carpentry. Of course, if you are an archer, learning fletching yourself is a great way of saving money.)

02-01-2017, 10:29 PM
These methods I've listed have a quite high return on their time investment, and though forging is one of the best ways to develop your character quickly early on, it is not a great way to make money without using the items you forage in levelling craft skills. Mushrooms and fishsold to Fainor just don't measure up to the rest I have listed. Like Tagamogi says, vendoring wood is a bad item. It's better used as a material in carpentry.

02-07-2017, 09:22 PM

great write up, i think i read something similar to this that you wrote and left in the Serb library! only thing I think you left out is to shop around. while you mentioned favor, A new person might not recognize that different NPCs can vastly vary in the amount they are willing to pay for an item.

That maybe too anal-retentive, but my 2 cents non the less. still great advice to any new player


02-08-2017, 08:49 AM
Great guide.

I certainly don't want to waste any opportunities and sell stuff off, but I am finding I consistently drop stuff in the wild if I don't because of the lack of back space. There is just not enough room for quest items + favor items + vendor trash + crafting materials + equipment change outs. So much to do, so little space!

02-18-2017, 07:23 AM
Yes, hoard.... must hoard.... must hoard everything.... my preciouses!