View Full Version : Poetry recital

08-28-2017, 02:19 PM
So we had a small gathering at the Serbule Inn to check the new poetry feature

1. the range is to small, the audience has to be literally clustered on the podium otherwise they get an error message saying they need to be closer
2. the oratory exp seems to be 10 per audience member (probably working as intended)
3. the biggest problem, the poetry buffs don't stack and don't override

We had Horse, carry my topaz, Gruzark's book, Sunsets, Why are there bees and the buffs we got were only the 3.5 crafting exp and +50% psychic mitigation, we didn't get the armor buff (which was the best one).

It would be good to understand the way the buffs override or stack
It would also be good top have a wider radius for the audience, if 60-70 people attend it gets way too cozy on the podium

08-28-2017, 03:00 PM
It's not too easy to test extensively (books are still rare), but for example, Khaylara used "Horse, Carry My Topaz", supposedly giving +75% Psychic Mitigation. Shortly after someone else used "Why Are There Bees" by Jim Hatcher, this one gives +50% Psychic Mitigation. We all ended up with +50% Psychic Mitigation.

Parsing json files, these two books seem to be of the same style (3). Not knowing exactly what's the intended stacking rule, it's hard to draw a conclusion, but this specific example I think is the indication of a real problem.

08-28-2017, 05:47 PM
I'd like to second all of the above and add that the podium should be in the center of the stage so the orator isn't awkwardly shoved into the corner.

08-30-2017, 02:49 PM
It would also be good top have a wider radius for the audience, if 60-70 people attend it gets way too cozy on the podium
But-but-but, it's more social the way it is